Chapter 235- The Slave of a Slave

"I understand you. I can read your inner thoughts like a book. Don't speak, just think. I'm going to ask you a few questions."

Alicia was unsure what to think at hearing this.

Just looking at the gorgeous yet demonic figure in front of her, she knew instinctively that she could not hold a candle to her.

In every aspect she had lost.

Womanly charm.

Monstrous aura.


Leadership and charisma.

Not a single one of these things, did this woman lack. Alicia may have been a queen, but this woman was an Empress of Seduction.

The demonic appearance which she took only enforced her beauty, rather than hindering it. She was the type of woman who could take any look, and make it work in her favor.

But this was not what concerned Alicia the most, when faced with this woman.

'I can read your thoughts like a book'

Alicia could tell that there was such weight behind these words that the woman was completely confident of being able to understand her every thought, just by watching her.

She wouldn't even need to speak.

The woman's fangs peeked out of her mouth as she smiled in a manner that was both condescending and.... was it pity that Alicia felt? Or perhaps sympathy?

Despite the fact that the woman stared at her as if she was transparent, Alicia couldn't read a single thing about this woman.

"Do you understand Coran's mission? Do you see what his true goal is, and why we have sent him? Do not answer. Merely consider these words."

Alicia's mouth puckered into a twisted and confused look.

'I.... I think the purpose here was to make it so that monsters and humans could get along.... and we eliminated those who couldn't get along with us.'

"You are partially correct, though I want to inform you of the true goal of this cleansing which you have assisted in. We didn't have you test and kill those people just to get rid of enemies. And it wasn't to attract the attention of the humans either. Though, these are useful side effects which I'm sure Theo plans on using to our full advantage. But in reality, the reason we had you all do that.... was for fun. For entertainment. It was truly quite interesting to see those scum struggle, trying desperately to save themselves. For that, I thank you."

'We weren't killing those people because they were scum, but just to entertain them!? Well.... I suppose I don't mind, since the only ones who died were scum either way....'

"Ah, but don't get me wrong. We would never kill off the innocent for no reason. That is exactly why we held these games. To entertain us, as these humans were stripped of their facades and their true colors were revealed for all to see- before they were slaughtered for our amusement."

Samantha put her index finger to her lips while smiling seductively, seeming to think about something horrible.

"We may be demons, but we aren't EVIL. Hahaha."

Alicia felt an immense pressure behind these words. It felt like she was being pushed down by the weight of them.

Samantha clapped her hands together and with a cheerful smile moved on.

"Next question! Though, I already know the answer to this, but why did you want to become Coran's slave as opposed to the slave of his masters- that is, us. I hold the right to kill you for refusing to become our slave, and I also hold the right to punish Coran for taking on a slave of his own. Should I kill you both together? Hmm...."

'W-why I wanted to become Coran's slave!? I.... I don't know..... I just.... I just blurted it out at that time.... it was almost an instinct... a reflex..... I don't know myself why I did it.... w-wait!? Are... are we really both going to just be killed here?? Should I have not made that demand?! Is... is Coran going to die as well, because of my selfish demand, one that I don't even really understand why I made? I don't want that! If anyone should die, it should be me.... I was the one who made Coran go along with it..... I... I didn't know that he would die for something like this....'

Alicia's face seemed to become flushed with emotion, as she didn't know what to do.

Coran was bowing his head to his masters as Samantha said this, and he asked a single question in response.

"Your excellency, may I say one thing?"

"Go ahead."

"If you have deemed my decision of taking on Alicia as a slave to be worthy of death, then so be it. If you wish, I will take my own life at this moment."

"Haha! Such loyalty. Thank you, Coran, but don't worry. I've already received this girl's answer, and it was exactly as I thought. I just said, didn't I? We're not evil. I would never make you kill yourself over something as trivial as this.

The demon seemed to pause and think for a moment.

"Or would we?"

With a feminine laugh, she brushed aside the horrible statement that filled Alicia with fear, and continued speaking.

"Well, perhaps if it was anyone but you, then they would have to prove themselves, but since it's you, I suppose we'll call it a special exception."

Samantha stood up and turned her back on the two, satisfied with the results.

"Resume your mission. Theo, is there anything you wish for these two to know, or any orders you have for them before we leave?"

Trevor grinned arrogantly and walked forward with his hands behind his back, prepared to give orders to his subordinate.

"Indeed I do. Thank you, Sarah, for confirming their loyalty towards us. Ah, I think this goes without saying, but we will allow it, Coran. We will allow you to have a slave, just this once."

Coran, who still had his head to the floor, spoke out in a raspy voice with gratefulness.

"Thank you, your excellency. Your kindness knows no bounds."

"And flattery will get you nowhere with me, but I already consider you to be like a son to me. Do you think I would simply slaughter my son over something as simple as this? Haha. Don't make me laugh. We simply wanted to test your loyalty to us. You- wasp queen, your name was Alicia? Rejoice. We shall allow you to remain the slave of our slave."

Alicia looked at Trevor with happiness at hearing this. Her chest which was filled with tension seemed to be relieved of the pressure, and she could feel water forming at her eyes.

"T-thank you!"

"And as for these children.... well, if Coran is my son, and he has become like a father to these little ones.... my goodness. It seems that I've become a grandfather at the young age of 25. Haha.... how odd. And yet..... my grandchildren, by the strangest means.... happen to be older than my very children."

Trevor looked over to Nathan and Rebecca, and spoke with a soft yet firm resolve to his voice.

"There is no need to be so on edge. All of you, stand and be at ease. The test is over. It is now time for your orders."

The four stood up, awaiting the words which would echo forth from the mouth of the being who controlled their lives with his very whims.

"Now then..... I would like to hear your plans from this point out, Coran, just to realign my information and begin simulations on worst case scenarios."

"Of course, your excellency."

Following this, Coran had a long discussion with Trevor, sharing all his information on the situation, and his goals from this point onward. The two oldest children along with Alicia listened closely as they discussed these plans, but ensured not to make so much as a peep while the two were conversing.

"Coran, it makes me proud that you had the intellect to think up all this, but there is significantly high risk to this plan. You know this, right?"

"I understand that this will put myself at great risk, however I beg of you, your excellency. Please allow me to do this. The benefits far outweigh the risks, so you must understand why I want to do this."

"Hmm.... after simulation, the risk has increased to a 20% chance of death, under unlikely conditions. This is.... very significant. Too significant for me to simply allow. Though..... we have much to do tomorrow, and it would be best if you could do this on your own for time management purposes. Alright then, how about this? Go through with your plan, but should things become dangerous, give me a call, and I will appear in an instant to take care of matters."

"I understand, your excellency. Then, please leave it to me. I wish to take care of this on my own, but if I do feel that my life is in danger I will not hesitate to contact you."

"Very well. Continue on then."

Trevor turned to leave, but then looking back, made one last comment.

"Take care of the children. They are one of a kind. Do not let such useful assets slip from our grasp."

"As you order, your excellency."

And with that, the four dominant beings disappeared from the sight of the four who remained.


A fire crackled in a fireplace lined with cobble, inside a cozy room.

Two people sat on rocking chairs, both of which did not look each other in the eyes.

One person was an older man, wearing a crown of leaves representing that he held a position of political leadership within the Empire, and a tunic that was embroidered with chains and pins to represent his position and status- the Senator of Porta.

The other was a woman in her 40's, with pompous black hair, wearing a black, slim dress.

One of her hands was completely covered in bloodied bandages, and had been completely reduced to nothing more than a nub.

The woman felt the urge to bite her nails, but upon lifting her hand up, was reminded that her fingers no longer existed.

There was no longer any pain. While there once was the throbbing of phantom fingers which no longer existed, that had subsided after the long day.

The only thing that remained in the heart of this woman was a burning desire for the monster to be slaughtered by the civilian force which she had called forward to take care of it.

And of course, the longing for her property which had been unjustly stolen from her, to be returned in one piece.

'If those goods are damaged because of that thing..... grr.... I'll never forgive it.... If I miss out on that deal because of something as disastrous as a damaged product, then all my work will have been for nothing... I've slaved away for months preparing these goods, and yet it will have all been for naught!'

The woman found herself making an ugly face, at which the Senator turned to her.

"It certainly is a tragedy, isn't it. I can see that you're angry, Mrs. Fera. And rightfully so. After all, who could have predicted something like this happening?"

"It fills my heart with grief knowing that the children have to suffer whatever torment that monster is subjecting them to for even a moment more. I am not a combatant, and with this injury I've been rendered completely undefended, but how I long to go out there and fight that monster myself and take those children back from it's grasp."

"I understand how you feel. I too wish that I could have gone out and fought the monster myself, but I am yet a feeble old man. If only I were younger, then perhaps I could have done something myself.... but I did send my personal butler to assist. I'm sure that the militia will be able to take care of the monster swiftly, and they will hopefully return with as many children as possible."

"But.... even if they do survive, I'm sure they will be traumatized beyond belief. After all, what child would not be tormented at seeing another killed in front of its eyes?", Mrs. Fera asked while clenching her single in tact fist.

"Indeed.... this is a tragedy beyond belief."

The two continued to sit quietly, frustrated and patiently awaiting the hopeful return of the survivors.

"It's getting quite late, isn't it?"

"Indeed.... it is almost midnight."

"I wonder why they are taking so long.... it's been hours since they have left, has it not?"

"Indeed.... do you think.... Mrs. Fera, you saw the monster yourself. Is it strong enough to kill all 30 of them?"

"I would certainly hope not! It used a web to ensnare me before it cut off my fingers, so to be honest, I have no idea how strong it actually was. It might have been very weak, assuming I didn't get caught in its trap. Alas, I am not a fighter, so I have no idea how strong it actually was."

"Hmm... that is quite troublesome, but if it can only reply on traps then that would be good. I hope those who have experience in combat are able to take precautions against something like that."

"There were a few guards, and a number of mercenaries among the militia if I remember correctly. Surely there must be someone who has experience fighting monsters to lead the pack?"

"I would hope so."

The two continued to sit across the room from each other, rocking in their chairs while patiently awaiting the arrival of anyone.

"Do you think they all went home without reporting what happened? No, if that were the case someone would have tried to search for me to return the children.", Mrs. Fera noted.


It was then that a knocking came at the door of the Senator.

"Oh? It seems someone has arrived."

The Senator strained himself to get up from his seat. A few cracking sounds could be heard as his old bones were put under stress, but he managed to get up.

Heading over to the front door, he opened it to see three familiar faces- those of residents of the town who had gone on the mission.

They did not seem to be injured in the least, though there were some pieces of webbing on their clothes.

Dr. Kraven, the town doctor, Niri, a mercenary who based her services out of the village of Porta, and Patrick, the town courier.

They all looked.....


Their faces were blank, as if they had just seen ghosts.

However, this was mere acting. Well, partially at least.

It was true that the three had been terrified of the monster, and were only speaking to him at first because it seemed like they had no other option.

While they had come to an agreement to serve the monster, it wasn't something which they could so easily just accept.

Even though they were able to overcome any preconceived notions of prejudice towards monsters, they couldn't completely shake the fear they had.

However, they were mentally prepared to do what they believed was right.

And right now, they knew one thing.

The eyes of those children didn't lie.

Even if that monster had somehow brainwashed them, there was no way they would have been able to completely rid them of fear.

The fear they had towards that monster.... didn't exist.

And there was only one way in which this could happen.

If what the monster said was true, and these children did undergo those torturous conditions for months on end.

So, Kraven, Patrick, and Niri came to believe the monster and decided to ally with him- against their own fears, because they believed that if what the monster said was true.

That the monster, and not the people, were in the right.

Even if it meant killing all the others who refused to listen, the monster was the one who had stuck his own neck out for the sake of the children.

He had done something which each and every human was too scared to do.

And the only reason why he had done this, was precisely because he was a monster.

Kraven had seen for himself as the others in his group refused to listen and blindly attacked the monster- despite it's attempts to negotiate.

'Perhaps if they didn't rush in attacking like that, they would still be alive. But that was their fault for not even trying to speak with him.'

Patrick had killed all the others around him, aside from the one who escaped- though he was sure that the kid had died as well.

But it was Alicia who stopped him from rampaging, so this was enough for him to put his trust in the monsters. The very fact that he wouldn't have to live in fear of destroying everything was enough for him to obey them.

As for Niri, well....

The men who followed her were nothing more than rapists who intended on taking her off and having their fun.

Alicia had showed up, and killed one of them, though Niri had killed three of them. She couldn't say that those monsters were worse than her, and as a matter of fact, if everyone else they killed today were those types of people, she had no reason to object.

And so, all three of them came to the same conclusion.

While they were filled with fear on the thought of those monsters, they also gained respect for them- for their actions, and for their goals. And they wanted to help.

They used this fear to their advantage, as their faces right now, which were pale as ghosts, showed that they had seen something unbelievable without any sign of acting.

Upon seeing the face of the Senator, Kraven held his forehead as if he had a migraine and began to speak.

"The.... the monsters...."

Patrick, who was grabbing Kraven's shoulder in an attempt to keep himself from falling, continued the sentence.

"They killed.... everyone....."

Niri, who was holding her mouth, pretending to hold in some puke, added on.

"I... ugh.... we just barely managed to make it out alive...."

"He trapped us in webs, but before he killed us somebody cut us free, and then challenged the monster on his own....", Kraven spouted. "He was able to hold it off long enough for us to escape.... but...."

Patrick looked down as he wrinkled his brows and wept false tears.

"They're all dead!!"

"Nobody but us survived!!", Niri shouted.

The Senator, who was standing at the doorway, and Mrs. Fera, who had now gotten up from her rocking chair to check on the commotion, looked at each other in total shock.

"You three are the only ones who survived? Out of the.... 30 people who attended?", The Senator asked with shock.

Niri stumbled to the side and forced herself to throw up a slight bit in the lawn.

"Torn... limb from limb..... they were all slaughtered and eaten!!"

Kraven, who seemed to be biting his lip in disgust, acted like he wanted to throw his fist to the wall in rage, but was holding himself back.

"I.... I see... this.... this is a travesty..... please, come in. I.... make yourselves at home for now. Please, have a seat and we can discuss in detail what happened."

"T-thank you, Senator...", Patrick said while shivering.

The three made their way in to sit on a couch in the room with the fireplace, and the Senator brought out cups of tea and blankets for the three. Mrs. Fera now sat on the right rocking chair, and the Senator sat on the left with the three on the couch in between them.

"Just.... just what happened to the children?", Mrs. Fera asked, pretending to be concerned.

At this, she felt as if there were some menacing glares directed towards her. Surely it was her imagination.

Dr. Kraven, who seemed to have calmed down a bit, but was still looking down gravely, spoke up.

"I'll tell you what happened from my end. The children..... while some of them might still be alive, the more time that passes, the less likely that is."