Chapter 255- This town is now ours

'Was I mistaken?'

"Caspus! I know that voice anywhere! It's certainly you, isn't it?! Help me!! Get me out of here!!"

'Could he really not be Caspus? No, there's no way. Even if he looks different, I would never fail to recognize that voice.'

Brutus was strapped to a table, barely able to lift his head to see the man approach him.

He was wearing the outfit of a dirty peasant, and Brutus frankly had no idea why this man would be here.

But, Brutus had been taken here as well for some reason.

It had to be those monsters.

They must have been behind everything.

Everything that went wrong recently must have been all their fault.

"I told you already. I'm not Caspus. I don't know of any Caspus. My name is Klyde. Isn't that right, darling?"

"Mhm! That's right. This is my husband. The father of my two beautiful children, Faux and Durst. Just look at their faces. Aren't they precious? What do you think, cow?"

The male demon approached Brutus, who was now laid down on the table, with a sinister grin.

"Well? Answer the woman. It would be awfully rude to just stay silent, wouldn't it?", he chuckled.

"What are you talking about!?!? Caspus, it's me!!! It's Brutus!!"

"Darling, I think this man has lost his mind.", the husband stated.

"Mom, he didn't say anything about us. Do you think he can't see us?", the younger child stated.

"I don't think he can see us. Should we prove to him that we're right here?", the older child responded.

The woman placed her hands on the head of the two children with a smile, messing with their hair.

"What a foolish man he is! I can feel you two right here!! I can mess with your hair and fix it back up again just like this! Isn't that right? You all are right here beside me! Anyone who says otherwise...."

Bella continued smiling as she walked over to the counter, picking up a knife in each hand.

"Needs to be shown that they're wrong. Ain't that right, boys? Darling?"

"Of course we're right here, honey. There's no need to even think about it."

"This man is delusional. He can't even see us when we're right here."

"We need to show him that he's wrong."

Brutus couldn't follow the conversation that the four seemed to be having, but he didn't like the direction it was taking.

"Wait!!! What's going on!?! What are you doing, Caspus!?! Get me out of here!! Put those knives down, woman!!"

"He keeps on talking about someone named Caspus. Do you know who that might be, darling?"

"I haven't the slightest idea. Maybe he's seeing people that don't exist?"

"We can't have that. Livestock shouldn't be speaking in the first place."

Handing a knife to each of the children and then a couple to her husband, the four surrounded Brutus, with the gleam of bloodlust in their eyes.

"I'll show you that my children are right here, even if you can't see them!! They won't be where you're headed!! You'll get there and realize that you were wrong!!! HAHAHA!!!!"

The four got to work, each slicing off a limb of Brutus, who was now screaming in pain.

"AGH!!!! STOP!!! Do you know who I am!?! I have entire armies under my command!!! I won't let you all get away with this!!!"

As Brutus made this statement, the face of Bella became sour with a pent up rage.

"So that Lieutenant was under you? So he was following your orders?"

Tears in his eyes from the pain, Brutus shouted back.

"I don't know who you're talking about, but I have many lieutenants under me!!! More than just that!! I have entire legions who I am working with!!! Caspus, you should know this!!! I won't sit back and let you all do this to me!!!"

At that moment, a knife was stuck into the heart of Brutus.

Blood exploded like a fountain, covering the four at the table.

"He was quite talkative for a piece of meat. Don't you think, darling?", Bella exclaimed with a look of insanity in her eyes.

"Far too talkative....", Klyde responded with a hint of fear in his voice. "But it's quiet now."

"It is!!! And now I'm sure he can see that they aren't there!!! Durst and Faux are right here, aren't you, boys!?! They aren't where this piece of livestock went!!! HAHAAH!!!!!"

The four continued to butcher the livestock which had been presented to them, and the antiheroes took their leave from the dungeon.

"It was great seeing you all!", Samantha shouted out as they left.

"I can't wait to see you again! Bring me more livestock to butcher anytime!!", Bella replied.

"We will.", Ashley stated in a monotone voice while cracking a light smile. "I'll be back when dinner is ready. Hey Gary, do you think that the fatter ones will taste better or worse?"

"Hmm.... a good question. I guess we'll have to find out.", Garett replied while licking his lips.

Brutus never managed to figure out what was happening, where he was, nor why he had been taken to this place.

He lived a life of pleasure.

His entire existence was composed of rising to the top.

He climbed up by any means, and was ever so close of achieving his goal- to become the Emperor.

Yet, as if fated, he was killed right before he could reach such a goal by the interference of an unknown party.

Was this intentional?

Or was it merely coincidence?

To Brutus, this would always remain undetermined.


Walking through the town were 33 beings.

A grown woman, 30 orphaned children, a humanoid spider, and inside the bag which the spider wore, a humanoid wasp queen.

All of them, with the wasp queen aside, were covered in blood.

Windows and doors throughout the town had been smashed in and broken down.

Not a single building contained any people.

All except for one.

One building at the edge of the town- a doctors office which had the blood of a pig painted onto the door- contained three people who were currently preparing a large meal.

The humanoid spider's raspy voice echoed through the town as he spoke to those he walked with.

"I have one thing that I would like to go take care of. Veronica, please lead the children to the others."


Coran turned away in the opposite direction, walking down the road that split the town.

He walked until he reached the opposing end of the town- the one which would lead further into the Empire if traveled down the road.

At the edge of the town, was a pile of human bodies.

"What are you doing, Coran?", Alicia asked while peeking her head out from the bag.

"I was just thinking that letting these bodies rot like this would be somewhat unhealthy. While I would like to use them as food, perhaps that isn't the best idea. Instead.... I'll use them to scare people off."

Alicia seemed to have question marks above her head, but she watched as Coran took a potion from his side.

"This is something made by his excellency which decreases the potency of my poison. Under normal circumstances, the poison would be able to dissolve even bones or metal, but if I drink this..."

Chugging the potion and wiping his lips off, Coran prepared to fire a ball of poison.

"I can make it so that the bones are left."

Coran then spat out a large amount of poison onto the pile of bodies, the flesh of which immediately began to deteriorate.

All that was left after a few moments were the skeletons of the butchered people,

A large pile of skeletons now sat in the road- the very road which any visitors to Porta from further inside the Empire would pass through.

"This will give people second thoughts about entering this town. Furthermore, if someone is alerted and decides to enter, my masters are working on a plan to deal with that as well."

"I see...."

Coran then turned back, walking to the doctors office where everyone had gathered.

Walking along the road, Alicia spoke up to him.

"Hey Coran, what's that over there?"

Pointing out, Alicia motioned to an area which looked to be covered in strange stones.

"Ah, my masters have told me about this one. That's a human practice called burial. When people die, apparently they bury the people under the ground and put a stone on top of them with their name on it. That place is called a graveyard, and those stones are called graves. Of course, I don't see any purpose for such a thing. It's supposed to be something along the lines of remembering the dead or something like that, but what's the point in that? If they're dead, then are they even worth remembering? Well, I suppose if some people died, I would find them to be worth remembering... but if you need some sort of memorial to remember them, then wouldn't that mean that they weren't worth remembering in the first place? It's very strange."

"Hmm.... that is strange. Humans have some odd practices.", Alicia replied.

"Its apparently called sentimentalism but.... I don't think I will really ever understand something like that. If it isn't useful, then it shouldn't exist."

Alicia nodded in agreement.

"Mhm. But can we at least go take a look? Maybe if we see it up close we can try and understand the meaning behind it?"

Coran scratched his chin, eventually agreeing.

"Alright. I don't see a problem with doing so. After all, gaining information and trying to understand ones opponents is always valuable."

Walking over to the graveyard, Coran and Alicia read the names off a number of graves.

"Hmm..... nah. I'm not really getting anything. Even if I see these names, I never even knew the people, so it doesn't hit me. Maybe if I knew someone who was buried here it would be different?"

Coran continued walking through the graveyard, until he eventually came across a small stone.

Carved into the stone in a haphazard way was the name "Abel".

Written below his name were the words 'Killed by the monster, trying to save the children. He died a hero.'

"Abel.... I keep on hearing that name over and over. Those kids before, and that man.... and now this."

Coran was thinking hard, trying to see if he could figure out who Abel was.

"No matter how much I think, nobody matches the description that is given. And there is something else that bothers me..."

"What is it?"

"There is a body underneath this soil. This corpse is new. I can sense the heat under the ground. This person was killed just last night."

Alicia put her arms around Coran, hanging them on his shoulders.

"So? You killed a lot of people last night. Isn't this just one of them?"

Coran shook his head.

"No. I didn't kill this one. The body doesn't resemble anyone I killed yesterday, nor any of the others in your tunnels or Nathan's tunnels.... but more importantly... how would the body have gotten here? Veronica was guarding the entrance, and according to her only one person tried to flee. The person buried here was not among the ones who attacked yesterday."

"Does it matter so much? I think you're overthinking things."

Coran thinned his eyes as he inspected the corpse, perceiving it's features through the ground.

"Maybe so.... but I don't think I should leave questions unanswered. Staying ignorant is equivalent to giving up, even when you are stronger than your opponent. Who was this 'Abel'? He wasn't someone who we killed, that's for certain. Did someone else kill him? For what reason? Ah.... whatever. You're right. No point fretting about something that doesn't really matter. Let's go."

The two walked off, as Coran was filled with confusion as to who Abel was, and why he was buried here.

"I suppose murder isn't that uncommon even among humans. After all, we aren't the only monsters in the world."


Coran and Alicia were welcomed into the home of Kraven.

An entire feast had been prepared for the children, who were already gobbling down their dishes as they were spread throughout the house.

"I'm sorry, there just isn't enough space in my small place here for everyone to sit, so most of the children are sitting on the floor....", Kraven said apologetically.

The doctor's office was a complete mess and there was barely enough room for even a small family, much less one with 30 children plus extra guests. Some children were sitting on top of desks, beds, and inside closets.

"Hmm.... I suppose that is a problem. But don't worry. This town is now ours, so there is nobody to decrease the worth of an individual further. More importantly, we need to plan for the future. Kraven, I assume you will continue to run your office here?", Coran asked.

"Of course. I am a doctor first and foremost. I will always continue to help patients, no matter who it is. As a matter of fact, if you would like I could even attempt to study the physiology of yourself and other monsters like you. It will certainly be a challenge, but I will do what I can for all my patients, monster or human."

Coran smiled at this.

"Then, I officially appoint you as the doctor of the town of Porta, which is now officially annexed by their excellencies and her eminence- leaders of the Dictatorship. Tourists are welcome, but those who hold ill intent towards our people will be killed by none other than myself."

Veronica then approached Coran.

"So you mean to say that this town is no longer a part of the Empire?"


"Can I still run businesses with other surrounding cities?"

Coran let out a light chuckle.

"Of course you can. We may now be a part of the Dictatorship, but we are not opposed to trade or working with others. As a matter of fact, I'm sure my master would encourage it."

"I see. Thank you."

"Then, I take it I can leave the finances and trade to you, Veronica?"

Nodding, Veronica gave a beautiful yet somewhat greed filled smile.

"Of course. I won't let you down, Coran. With you at my back, I'm sure I can figure something out."

Coran then turned to Patrick and Niri, who seemed to be twiddling their thumbs in the corner.

"Um.... is there anything we can do?", Patrick asked.

"I would like to help, but I don't think that my skills as a mercenary will be necessary with you here to protect this village.", Niri responded.

Coran merely laughed.

"Are you kidding me? We could always use more manpower. I will have you two introduced to my masters at some point if you prove that you are loyal to us. They can empower you beyond belief. No matter who comes to attack this town, be it an entire legion or a hero, we won't have to fear them."

The two smiled gratefully and bowed to Coran.

"Thank you! We will do our best!"

"Hey, stop bowing to me. The only one you should bow to is my masters. I'm nothing more than a slave, after all."


"You, a slave!?!"

The two seemed surprised at his sudden declaration.

"Of course. See now, my masters like to preach a certain concept. That those who are not their slaves, may have freedom to do as they want, but they do not have their protection. Only by becoming their slave and coming under their protection, can one ever gain true freedom."

"I see...."

"That certainly is strange...."

Coran laughed.

"But you all are already working with me, a monster. Surely, becoming a slave isn't too high of a leap?"

"I suppose...."

"That's right...."

"Well, either way.... tonight we are supposed to be celebrating. Ah, speaking of which.... the entire town is gone now. Everyone who once lived here has been killed, with the few people here aside. Meaning, the property left in this town is now ours for the taking. So you're all free to do what you want. Children! Do you remember the hard hours you slaved under Mrs. Fera without getting so much as a piece of bread for a reward?"

"Yes. We remember."

"No longer will you slave for nothing. Everything in this town is now yours for the taking. I've taken it for you from the people who once resided here while doing nothing about your situation. As my masters have always said, if you come under our fold, good or evil, human or monster, just or unjust..... you will never know what it means to suffer."

Coran held out his palm and made a grasping motion.

"First we've taken this town, and next is the rest of the world."

With a smile he sat down next to one of the children, patting him on the head as he ate.

"For through the guidance of my masters, we will take everything. We will sow chaos throughout the world, and punish all who go against us.... but we will also reward those who flock to us with the spoils."

The children then let out a rain of cheers for Coran.


"We'll take everything!!!"

"Nobody will stop us!!!"


Niri and Patrick couldn't help but smile at the happiness around them, and Kraven merely chuckled to himself.

'He may say that, but I don't think these monsters are any worse than people. At the very least, today I did learn something. Some people are actually wearing the masks of monsters. And some monsters, are wearing the masks of people.'


In the Palace of the fishmen, coated with shells and coral, the marble floors seemed to gleam after the restoration had been completed.

On the sides were the stands, which the elders and Ploritan sat in, preparing to commence a meeting.

In the center was an empty throne.

"Ploritan, were you not assigned the title of effective chief by their excellencies?", one of the elders asked as he took a seat next to him in the stands. "Shouldn't you then be sitting in the throne as the leader of the fishmen?"

Ploritan nodded his head 'no' with a bittersweet expression. The massive tiger shark could only close his eyes in reminiscence over the ones who had saved his entire village from total annihilation.

"No. That seat cannot be filled by myself. I've decided to keep that throne empty, so that all may know."

Ploritan stood up and spoke in a voice loud enough for all the people around him to hear.

"That seat is left empty because it shows that we do have a leader! We do have a master who we follow, but they are not here! They are elsewhere, and whenever they return, that seat will be open for them. I am referring to the Determined!! Her eminence, the Determined, is our ultimate master, and our loyalty is pledged to her and the antiheroes who she leads!!"

Many of the elders and the other upper class fishmen who had gathered clapped at hearing this speech, and some even shouted out.

"For the Determined!!"

"For her eminence and their excellencies!!!"

"We will serve them to our last breath!!!"

"They freed us of the rule of Kota and saved us from the invasion of the Empire!!"



After the cheering died down, Ploritan sat with the others, and they prepared to commence the meeting.

However, looking around, Ploritan noticed something.

Holding up his hand, he spoke up to the others.

"Wait. We cannot start this meeting yet. Someone is still missing."

Many people began to look around, trying to figure out who Ploritan was referring to, before the door seemed to slam open.

A blob of flesh seemed to shake the very walls of the palace as it made its way into the room down the aisle.

The beady eyes of this creature seemed to look on without a sense of reason or understanding of the situation, and his lips drooped from his mouth as the creature wiped a line of drool from his face.

It was Brot.

With what could technically be described as a smile, in the most liberal sense of the term, he looked forward with glee.

"Oh!! You all saved a seat for Brot!!"

As the hunk of meat ran forward, the people in the stands felt as if an earthquake had overtaken the palace. Simply maintaining their balance was the most they could do.

The blobfish plopped himself down on the throne, looking down on all the people around him, who's mouth's were dropped in shock.

"Brot now sits in throne!! Brot is leader of village!!! Brot has finally become chief!!!!"

Ploritan stood up with anger for the blatant disrespect which Brot had shown to the seat of her eminence, but he remembered the words of their excellencies.

'Make Brot the second in command. It will be interesting.'

Surely, they must have had some sort of reason for placing Brot in such a high position. Perhaps they had some plan to use him. Even so, this level of disrespect was too far. Ploritan could not simply allow this to happen.

"Brot!! That seat is saved for the Determined! Please come down to the stands so that we can start the meeting!!"

"Eh? This not Brot's seat?"

[Let him have it. After all, it's just a seat, isn't it? As long as you all know who is on top, it doesn't matter who sits where.]

The demonic voice of the Determined vibrated in the ears of everyone in the room, striking fear and awe into their hearts.

"Was that the Determined?"

"Of course it was! Our masters can see everything and communicate even across countries!!"

Ploritan sat down without question.

'That was absolutely the voice of the Determined. I cannot disobey her. If she says it's fine for Brot to sit there, then it's the end of the conversation.'

"Brot will sit here. Determined said it is fine! Brot happy!"

Ploritan ignored the rants of Brot and turned to the others.

"Now then.... ahem.... I suppose that's that. It's time to get this meeting started."