Volume 12: The Diabolical Expansionists: Chapter 279-A Disorderly Village

In a small town which lie in the valley of a set of rolling hills, children walked the streets.

Some worked the farms while others worked various professions. Some of the older girls worked as chefs or housekeepers, and many of the older boys performed the heavy lifting when it came to the transport of goods.

A single doctor found himself examining some of the younger children, who had been brought to his office by their mother- a humanoid wasp queen.

A man and a woman found themselves patrolling the town alongside one another, laughing and reminiscing as they discussed one another's past.

Locked up in an office, a woman found herself calculating costs and taking inventories for the entire village.

And somewhere within this village, two beasts beyond imagination lied.

Two humanoid spiderlings- brother and sister, found themselves stationed here in this strange village where human and monster alike coexisted.

The brother and the sister were similar in one aspect- their absolute devotion and loyalty to their masters.

However, this was the extent of their similarities.

With their appearances aside, the brother and sister- despite having been raised together, currently found themselves at a disagreement.

Sitting on the couch in a broken down bar, the two discussed an issue which had recently arisen just this morning, and with nobody there to facilitate, they could not come to an agreement.

"Brother, you can feel them approaching as well, can you not?"

"Of course I can, my sister. A Legion of 10,000 human men are on the way to this small town."

"Then, you know what needs to be done, my brother?"

"I am sure I understand what you are implying my good sister, however we must not be so hasty. Forget not the words of his excellency. Never act without information. Attacking them without reason would only divert the attention of the entire Empire towards this village, and this would without doubt be a hindrance to their excellencies."

"That is where you are wrong, my dear brother. Their excellencies do not perform actions without reason. They deliberately sent me to this village with the orders to do as I see fit in order to ensure that there is no possibility of failure in this matter. Are you telling me that they sent me here without reason?"

"Not in the least, dear sister. However, forget not the wise precaution that their excellencies take such great lengths to ensure. It is highly likely that you were sent here not as the initial response, but as a backup plan in the case of some tragedy. In the case that these people merely pass through the city, then would it not be riskier to attack them and draw attention to ourselves? In the worst case scenario we will retaliate, but if that can be avoided we should take the opportunity to do so."

"Do you really believe that a legion of humans would merely walk through this village without so much as questioning the state of things? I dare say that allowing them to come here and leave with their lives is an even more dangerous move than simply killing them all off. And more importantly...."

A sinister and bloodthirsty expression came across the face of the female spiderling.

"Would it not be enjoyable to slaughter every last one of them?"

The brother became concerned at the clear malice of the sister, thinning all four of his monstrous eyes.

"As much as I would enjoy to do so, do you put your own pleasures ahead of the motives of their excellencies?"

"Of course not, my dear brother. My loyalty lies first and foremost with their excellencies. It is simply that they have given me permission to freely decide on this matter, and so I am exercising that right to do so."

The brother sat back, relaxed at hearing this response, though still slightly suspicious.

"That is fine then. However, were the orders of their excellencies not to leave this matter to myself and assist me? If that is the case, then I hold absolute authority over you and your actions, and as such I will use that authority to order you not to attack immediately. We shall first investigate their purpose in this city while remaining hidden. After all, if we were seen with these monstrous appearances, it would be quite troublesome and spark an immediate conflict. We will gather information, and if they pose no threat to our existence in this town, we will not cause a stir here. In the event that they do, then you have my permission to do as you please."

The demented female spiderling grinned victoriously.

"Then I will do as you say, brother."

The brother then stood up, preparing himself to inform the residents of this town of the arriving visitors.

'I've already killed the man who was said to be the strongest human in existence- if the heroes are not considered. While we cannot assume that to be true, I would like to lower our notoriety if possible so as to not disrupt the important events which are going on in the monster realm.'

Nodding to himself, Coran exited the bar, the crushed door slamming into the building sending some wood chips flying as he left.

'Their excellencies are busy taking over the world. I cannot allow the humans to interfere in such important matters.'


A young girl in her early 20's sat in her room at a desk with a candle being the only light.

He beautiful long black hair appeared to be straightened with a straightener it was so well kept, and it draped down her back as she furiously scribbled at the documents in front of her, infatuated with them.

She wore a plain dark blue dress, yet it illuminated her beauty. Though, the beauty in her face was not represented by her obsessive eyes which glared at the papers before her with excitement.

'A village of monsters and humans.... this is a challenge I could never have even dreamed of.... it's a nightmare!! Nothing is easy.... we can't have anyone directly visiting the village, for if they see the monsters and word spreads then it will be all over for us.... however, we only have children and a few others for laborers..... though they are excessively capable due to the abuse of Mrs. Fera.... I don't really like using the fact that she mentally destroyed those children to work them to this point, but....'

Veronica smiled.

'So long as we are not driving them to their deaths, this should be acceptable.'

Veronica had a dream- one which she had conceived perhaps years before subconsciously, however just now realized it after meeting Coran.

Her dream was to become the very underdog of society itself.

Veronica was a regular woman.

She had no athletic or fighting abilities.

She was weak.

If her strength was measured, she would be in the upper first tier- barely even stronger than the average human child.

Throughout her life many would not even consider her worth speaking to at first. Especially so because she was a woman. In the Empire, only women of high status were given any time of day. The women of the Empire were generally viewed as nothing more than housekeepers and child bearers at best. They would never be permitted to rise through the ranks of society unless one of two things happened. Either they became someone of political influence, which had many holds barred, or they trained themselves and became a mercenary.

Women were not typically permitted to serve in the military, and as such were not subject to the draft, however this was due to the prejudiced view that women were weak and not meant for fighting.

Veronica held no hatred for this system in of itself.

She did not mind being the underdog.

She did not mind being in a position where she was expected to not amount to anything.

For this presented her the opportunity to surprise everyone.

Veronica would use the system in place to the maximum, and had done so to this very day to become someone of status. With merchant contacts in a number of villages, while she was no wealthy noble, she wasn't a hidden figure.

Even so, right now she was protected by something far greater than mere status or wealth.

She was protected by a beast beyond imagination and his masters who were the equivalent of demon lords.

As such, she was the ultimate underdog.

She may walk around with little to no influence, but when things came down to it she could call on the new system that was in place to come to her aide.

That is, Coran and his masters- the antiheroes, and the new order that they would establish.

Veronica could not help but tremble with excitement as she was faced with this new challenge, and with it the opportunity to become a part of this new order.

It was at this moment of furious paperwork that the door bursted open, and entering the dim room was the very spider beast who she served.

"Brother.... even if she is a human, you shouldn't just barge into a woman's room like that. You have a wife yourself, right? You wouldn't want to do anything that would make her jealous, right?"

The crackling female voice from behind Coran seemed to mock him, and he looked back with annoyance.

"Are you telling me that a human slave deserves privacy? Perhaps you're softer than I thought, sister."

"I am merely giving you some advice, dear brother. If you don't wish to listen to it, then that's fine."

Coran and Berith entered the room, and Coran seemed to be thinking deeply.

"Alright, I understand. I will not enter unannounced again- but only for the sake of Alicia, not for the sake of the lowly humans underneath me."

"Is Alicia not on the same level as these lowly human slaves? She is a slave too, no?"

If Coran's state were to be described as Berith said this, it would be as if there was a loading circle above his head.

"Mmmmm..... Alicia is above all the other slaves. She is my own personal slave, whereas all the others are the property of their excellencies. As a result, it is my own responsibility to ensure her happiness. Of course, I still must ensure the satisfaction of the other slaves, for treating the property of their excellencies with disrespect would be an unforgivable offense...."

Coran seemed to stress as he spouted off a series of logic before giving up, realizing that technically Alicia was worth less due to the fact that she was a personal slave of his, rather than the direct slave of his masters, who were high above him in everything.

"Agh, whatever. Veronica, I have a task for you to complete. I believe this is something best fit for someone of your talents.", Coran instructed.

Veronica stood up with a light smile from her seat, kneeling before Coran.

"Whatever you wish, I will do gladly."


Calerius and his unit approached the town of Porta with haste.

Riding at the head of the unit, the town quickly came closer and closer until they had finally reached the eastern side.

It was then that Calerius quickly realized that something was off.

'What is this? There seems to be.... disorder enveloping this town. It is as if the very essence of disorder itself has plagued this town.... something just feels off.'

As Calerius approached the town, he quickly realized why he felt so strange.

Many buildings had been partially destroyed. The town was not in ruins, per say, however many doors and windows to almost every building had been smashed in or destroyed. Yet this was not the thing which stood out the most.



An enormous pile of human bones seemed to have been dumped at the entrance of the town, as if deterring anyone from entering.

"What happened here? Why is there such destruction all around the city? And what on earth is THAT!?", Calerius asked as his horse trotted along the dirt path.

One of the men riding beside Calerius answered quickly, clearly disturbed as well by the horrendous sight.

"Er.... actually, there were some rumors I heard recently, Legion Commander... however you have always told us that rumors only create disorder, and that we should dismiss them immediately unless there is some viable evidence behind them....", the Colonel on his side stated as they rode.

"This is evidence enough. What are these rumors?"

"Well.... there were rumors that a monster somehow made it into the Empire and attacked this village. We quickly dismissed them as preposterous, however.... looking at the state of things....."

"I see.... you were right to ignore such rumors. There should be no way that a monster could make it's way into the Empire without the entire country being aware. However.... looking at this, I would have to change that assessment. Do you think it is possible that a group of bandits who disguised themselves as monsters would do something like this?"

"That is possible."

Calerius became wrought with anger, veins bulging on each side of his burly face.

"To create such disorder here in the Empire.... if the person who did this still lives, I will take it upon myself to rid them from this world."


As he continued his way through the town, the clear irritation of Calerius became more and more evident.

He took note that there were barely any adults in the village. The only people he passed by were children- and working ones at that.

'This is disturbing.... to create such disorder in the state of this village to the point where even the young children are forced to work.... this is unforgivable.... whoever did this.....'

It was then that, standing in the path and kneeling before Calerius, he encountered a young woman.

This young woman, in her early 20's wore a plain blue dress and had long black hair which drooped down to her feet, though it caught in the dirt of the road as she knelt before Calerius.

"Are you not the Commander of the 5th Legion, Calerius? My name is Veronica, and I am the effective leader of this village. Unfortunately.... after the recent attacks by the monster known as Coran, our village has been reduced to this pitiful state, without even so much as a Senator remaining to govern. I have taken up the position of leader as one of the only adults remaining here."

Calerius looked down on the woman in front of him, easing his anger as he took pity on her.

"I see.... then, what of this monster? What has happened to it? Has it been slain?"

"It has, Legion Commander."

Calerius nodded, and looked around sadly.

"Then, there is nothing more for us to do. This village is in a state of disorder, but the rest will be up to the Emperor to take care of. As the Commander of the military, I cannot assist you in restoring order here, as I have a duty to perform and defeating such a monster would be the only assistance I could offer in this time. I do not wish to impose on you and the people of this village for too long, however my men are exhausted and we are in need of resupply. We will be staying in the homes around this village for the night and helping ourselves to the food here. We will head off in the morning, so do not do anything to interfere."

"I understand, Legion Commander."

"Ah, one more question. Why are there bones piled up at the entrance to the town?"

"The monster took pleasure in tormenting our people as he slaughtered them.... he created that monument to mark his territory.... and I do not have the stomach to remove it.", Veronica replied with perfect acting.

With a quick nod and a distasteful glare back, Calerius gave his own horse a nudge with his foot.

"Please step out of our way now, woman."

With this, Veronica got up and made way, allowing the legionnaires to freely enter the town.

She did not have the power to go against them, or make any demands of them. For Veronica was merely a single person, who lacked even the strength of a warrior.

'I did what I was able to, Coran. I suppose the rest is up to chance.'


The men of the 5th Legion spread across the town, entering homes and helping themselves to the food that was present. Of course, none of the homes were occupied, so this was barely an issue for the people.

"I don't want to see anything disturbed or left worse than you found it!! It is our duty to create order as members of the military, and as such none of you will create any disorder here!!!", Calerius shouted out to his men as they stormed the village.

"Yes, Legion Commander!!"

Calerius made his way to what looked like a bar, before passing it up and heading into one of the homes which didn't seem to have been attacked.

One of the Colonels headed off to the bar with a group of men after saluting to the Legion Commander.

"I don't want to see anyone in my unit with a hangover tomorrow. If even a single man is unable to function I will be holding you responsible, Colonel."

"Understood, Legion Commander. We will keep the drinking within moderation."

Calerius smiled as he saluted back to his Colonel, pumping a fist to his chest.

'Within moderation lies order. It is only in excess that disorder is formed.'

He headed over to the home which he had picked out, which upon closer inspection had a sign which told that it was a doctor's office.

'Hmm... this is disturbing.... while this office doesn't seem to have been broken into like the other ones, there appears to be blood painted on the door frame. Just what tragedy have the people of this village suffered....'

After tying up his horse, Calerius entered the door, walking into the office.

He was met with a doctor who was currently looking over an evaluation, scratching his head of fuzzy hair which had a feather pen stuck in it.

The doctor looked up to see Calerius standing there, surprised.

"Er.... who might you be?"

"Forgive me for the intrusion. I am Calerius, the Commander of the 5th Legion of the Vythguard Empire. My men have been temporarily stationed in this city for a provision resupply, as we are currently on our way to the wall. I hope that I will not burden you too much, but may I ask for you to provide myself with a room and bed?"

The doctor looked around, confused, but nodded.

"I suppose that's fine, There's a guest room in the back. Please just don't get in the way of my examinations."

For Kraven to speak to this man of high status with such guts, it would have been absurd before he met Coran.

After meeting Coran however, Kraven no longer obeyed the rules and systems of human society. He was now a subject of the Dictatorship, and so the law and customs of the Empire no longer applied to him.

"Did someone allow you to come here?", Kraven asked.

"I spoke to the woman in charge of this village, and have been given permission to room within the homes."

Kraven looked somewhat confused, but shrugged it off before focusing once more on the examination papers.


Calerius found it odd that this man was not giving him the proper respect he deserved, but he was not offended or irritated. The only thing that irked him was simply the fact that this man did not follow the order of society and it's hierarchy.

'However, it would be disorderly to use violence and take it out on him. I must prove to him through my actions that order is what is righteous.'

And so, Calerius walked through the crammed lobby full of desks, papers, equipment, and so on and so forth, eventually making it back to the guest room, which was but a single bed with no sheet nor pillow.

'That entire office was the very definition of disorder.... but this room.... well, at least there is order here.... the order of nothing for there to be disordered.'

Taking a deep breath, relieved that this room too was not crammed with supplies, Calerius sat down on the bed.

'My OCD will kill me if I go out to that room too many more times... I should stay in here until the morning.... but I suppose I will have to go out to ask for something to eat at some point.... ah well. For now, I will rest.'

And so, Calerius found himself napping on the plain bed.

It was not until he was awoken later that day to the sound of screaming that he realized what a mistake it was to come into this village.