Chapter 300- Pawns to Queens

"With that being said, now that you four have successfully completed this mission, I'm going to have you all return to your posts for now. Lance, return to the labs. As for the other three, join the forces guarding the walls. Ah, speaking of which.... I would like to promote you, Melody. I'm going to have you take control of the punishment force. You are now our military commander."

Melody, who was typically stoic and calm was surprised at Trevor's sudden declaration.

"Y-your excellency.... I am honored to be rewarded with such a position, but are you certain you wish for me to do so? Would you not be better suited for the task?"

Trevor retracted his hand from the shoulder of Samantha before chuckling lightly.

"That may be true. I am a better choice than anyone for any task, regardless of what it is. However, I am not omnipotent. I can only be in one location at a given time. While it would be ideal for both myself and my comrades to be on the front lines leading our forces, I do not wish for the people of this nation to become completely dependent upon us."

"Ah, so that is why....", Melody said with a nod, closing her eyes. "Then I will gratefully accept this position."

"Um.... could you explain in more detail, your excellency?", Charlotte asked.

Trevor nodded.

"Of course. You see, this nation revolves around us. It's very existence.... the very functions of everyday life.... everything has been brought forth by none other than ourselves. This is good, as it has allowed problems which would typically be commonplace among society to be completely ignored. However, this has also forced our people into a situation where if we were to suddenly disappear, that they would find themselves lost and afraid. I am doing everything I can to prevent that from happening."

Glancing over to the window, Trevor let out a sigh.

"Managing a people certainly is complicated, even with the brain of a supercomputer. We are restricted. We cannot be separated from one another, and as such we can only be in one location at the same time. Therefore, what if two problems arise simultaneously?"

Trevor's face became serious as he said this.

"Even with the ability to travel at the speed of light, a person can die in a mere instant. No.... even death perhaps is an issue which we could fix, but what if there was something worse than death out there? And I am not referring to something like torture. Of course, torture is worse than death. And if even a single one of my slaves were to come under something like that....."

Trevor found himself gripping the arm of his throne to the point where it cracked.

His face became wretched with a boiling anger, and he let go of the chair as shards and dust fell from his opened palm.

"Then it would be completely my own responsibility as their master. Every single person in this village is my own slave. But do you understand what that means? I have to take care of my property. If someone else damages my property, then it is my own responsibility for allowing them to do so. This is why I must form an army of multiple individuals. We must be able to react to multiple situations simultaneously. We cannot take advantage of our own abilities, because the day may come when I cannot use them."

"Your excellency.... do you truly believe that is the case?", Pierre asked.

"Not in the least. But as a pessimist, to merely discard the possibility would go against everything I stand for. Only a fool would ever think himself immortal or undefeatable."

"I see...."

"Therefore, I must make this nation into one which can still function, even in the case that we were to disappear. And I cannot assume that I will always hold these powers within me.", Trevor said while staring at his own hand.

With a chuckle, he continued.

"Although, there is another reason why I am doing this. And for this, I deeply apologize. I am using you, Melody."

"I am your slave. Please use me to the full extent in whatever way you wish, your excellency."

[Player Samantha. Mood: Irritated]

"I have said this before. I am a pessimist. I value highly the lives of every single person underneath me. In the case that even a single one of my slaves were harmed....."

Trevor brought his hand forward in a crushing motion.

"I would destroy an entire nation without hesitation."

Looking to the side, Trevor fixed his glasses.

"However, as the leaders of this nation, we are the king piece in this game. Our defeat would mean total loss. The loss of a pawn in chess is considered to be an acceptable sacrifice if it serves a greater purpose, is it not? However, to put the king into a position of danger..... this would never be considered acceptable unless one did so as a bluff, or to lure their opponent into a trap."

"That is true, your excellency.", Melody stated.

"To put things simply, I am a king who doesn't wish to sacrifice any of my pawns. Yet to enter a game of chess with such a limitation..... that would make the game close to impossible, no?"

The four nodded.

"Then, what should I do? Haha.... well, it really is a simple move. I'll make all my pawns into queens."

Trevor grinned arrogantly.

"If you all can take care of yourselves, then I can focus on other things. More specifically, using you all to perform dangerous tasks without exposing myself or my comrades to danger. I understand that this is a less efficient move than performing a task myself. And I understand that this is likely a bout of needless caution on my own part. Which is why I am going to compromise. I will present you all on the front lines as decoys."


"Yes..... decoys..... heh heh heh..... a war will soon erupt. As a result of our recent actions, the monster kings and their associates are sure to make some moves now. We don't know how powerful they are right now. Are they merely fodder, or do they hold some strange abilities which might trouble even myself? I haven't the slightest idea. I have a certain idea of what I want to do to address this issue, but should things go wrong, I intend to use you all as test subjects."

Tapping his own knee, Trevor spoke with a slightly pained expression, irritated with his lack of intel.

"If they are to kill you, then we could live another day after finding out about their abilities, and defeat them in due time, reviving you. However.... we will give them time. We will not be attacking immediately. After all, we need to watch and see whether they unite under one banner or remain separate. Even then, the situation is constantly changing, so I will withhold you four from use until the right moment."

Melody nodded.

"I will do as you ask, your excellency."

"Very well. Then for now, I wish for you all to return to your regular posts. There will be quite a bit of time before we actually make a move in reaction to the actions of the monster kings, so get comfortable. I will call you all when I have further orders."

"Understood.", the four responded before bowing their heads and taking their leave.

Now, the antiheroes sat alone in their thrones.

"I'm bored.", Ashley said from her slouched down position.

"Should we go and have a talk with the provider? Heh heh....", Garett chuckled.

"Mhm!!", Ashley responded as her eyes lit up with excitement. "Let's go!!"

The two stood up and Trevor and Samantha followed them into the dungeon.

"Um.... what was.... why did you...."

Samantha seemed to be struggling to get words out as she spoke to Trevor.

"Ah.... forgive me, woman. I was merely.... trying something out earlier. Please pay no mind to my actions."

"Ah.... ok...."

The two awkwardly followed Garett and Ashley, who's eyes were filled with a bloodthirsty excitement.

"I suppose I've become a bit too sentimental recently.", Trevor said to Samantha. "I am starting to put my own emotions over logical solutions. Haha.... how being the ruler of a nation has changed me....."

"I don't think you should bother thinking too much about those below us.... although, I suppose that only goes for the ones who aren't our slaves.", Samantha replied. "The slaves are special."


Trevor fixed his tie with a smile.

"No matter who or what they are.... no matter what they have done.... If they come into our fold, it is our duty as their master to ensure their happiness. Their happiness is what is just. Even if it is at the cost of someone else."

"Then.... we'll just have to crush any insects who try to take that happiness away from our people. Right?"

"Exactly so."


"I can't wait.... I haven't had a new toy to play with since that one Senator... hehehe....", Ashley crackled.

"Indeed. Those ratmen were fun to kill, but after all there's nothing better than keeping a piece of scum alive and watching them suffer....", Garett replied.

The two laughed together as Garett took Ashley by the hand.

Making it to the dungeon, the doors were unlocked and the two rushed down the stairs, excited to begin their 'date'.

"Hello Bella! Hello Klyde! Hey, kids!! What's going on?", Ashley shouted at them.

As the two walked into the room they witnessed the four sitting at a table.

The table however was the same table which would normally be used to tie people down and torture them.

Blood stains covered the stone table, and the four sat around it each with plate of food, eating together as a family.

"Now don't forget to chew good, boys!! If you don't chew enough, then you might get some grizzle stuck in yer throat, ya hear me!? I'm talking to you, Faux!"

"Yes mama! I'll chew it all up real good!"

"Ah, your excellencies!!! What a pleasant surprise it is to see you all today. Is there somethin' ya needed from us?", Bella asked while smiling sweetly as she used a bloodied knife to cut up a piece of.... steak.... on her plate.

"Nahhh.... we just came down here to have some fun on our own..... hehehe..... continue as you were.", Ashley replied.

Klyde however, stood up from his own seat with a smile.

"Ah.... your excellencies.... I wanted to say something to you all...."

His expression was one of bliss, as if the very concept of fear had been removed from him.

"Thank you. Thank you so much for everything you've done for me. You allowed me to find my wife once again..... and to meet my two beloved children.... I never thought that I would see them again..... my beloved family is whole because of you all....."

Ashley barely held in her laughter, smiling horribly.

"Yep. That was all me. Keh heh..... after all, I'm a pretty good person, aren't I? I've done a whole lot of good in this world ever since I came here. I reunited a family.... I helped some innocent people get revenge on those who killed them.... and...."

Ashley's face became a murderous horror.

"I've removed a whole lot of scum from this world... heh heh heh..... I would say that the title of hero might actually be pretty fitting for myself at this point. Right?"

"Of course, your excellency. What else could you be but a hero? Well, at least to myself and my family, that is how we see you."

"Ah, but I don't like that term after all. Heroes have to do good things and can't do bad things as well. That's too limiting for me, you know?"

"Exactly right.", Garett said while rubbing his hand in Ashley's hair. "We would never call ourselves heroes. A true hero is one who helps others even when he is hated for it, after all. We may be hated...."

Garett grabbed his own necklace of fingers- the finger which belonged to the very man thanking him.

"But we aren't hated because we help others. That's for certain."

The antiheroes walked away, and Trevor waved to the family as they walked past. Samantha gave them a gracious smile and the four entered the deeper chambers of the dungeon.

Walking through the dark halls of the dungeon, they heard the heavy breathing of a certain fishman.

"Good evening Kota."

"Y-your excellencies.... a-a-a.....are.... you.... here to.... gulp..... experiment on me again?"

"Heh heh.... not today. Lucky you, Kota. We have a new friend for you. Ah, why don't we place him in the cell right across from you. I think you two will get along well. After all, your ideals were relatively similar.... although I would say this one might have been even worse than you.", Garett stated.

"Hehe.... can you imagine? How would it even be possible for someone to be worse than Kota? It's real difficult for me to envision, but I guess I'll see in a sec.", Ashley giggled.

With the hand which was not holding Garett's hand, she reached into her inventory and grabbed the body of the black king cobra, throwing it into the cell.

His eyes had been ripped out and his face mangled beyond repair.

Kota looked over with fear, reminded of his own torment.

'I... I'm going to have to watch what they do to that snake?'

"Of course you have to watch, Kota.", Samantha said with a smile. "After all.... aren't you happy? At least a little bit?"

With a demented smile, the woman looked down on Kota with an expression that sent shivers down his spine. The beauty of the woman who bore it only increased the chilling nature of the expression.

"Aren't you happy that you're not the only one who has to go through such pain?"

Samantha held her own chest while remembering the boiling soup which had been dumped on her, and those sick smiles of the girls who hazed her.

"After all..... when you are put through suffering, don't you ever think something like 'I hope that someone else out there is suffering just as much?'"


Kota looked up at the succubus in front of him, unable to come up with an answer.

'I.... don't know what to say..... these people.....'

Kota shivered in fear, shriveling into a corner while closing his eyes and crying.

'Why... why did this have to happen to me.....'

Looking up, he watched as the succubus held out her hand, shooting out a beam of healing and restoring the body of the cobra into pristine condition.

'Why.... only me.....'

The spirit girl then stuck her hand forward and something which had the appearance of tar seemed to form inside it.

She closed her eyes and her smile became more and more wicked.

"Well? How were the memories of this one?", the male demon asked while bringing his face close enough to touch the face of the spirit.

"Oh.... he's a real sick one..... sick beyond imagination..... do you know what he did?"

"What is that?", Garett asked as he grabbed the head of Ashley, and the two pressed their foreheads together while staring into each others eyes, which were filled with insanity.

"Why don't I just show you?", she replied as her hands phased through his mind, and the red demon seemed to close his eyes.

His mouth twisted with disgust before settling on a wicked grin.

"Oh... wow... this really is something..... hahaha!!! What a piece of shit!!!! Somehow.... he managed to surpass even you, Kota!!!! He didn't just lead his people to ruin with impossible expectations.... no.... this one.... he managed to judge every person in existence as defective from the start."

Kota- the fishman who had given his people impossible tasks, expecting them to be completed without fail- watched as the two looked upon the snakeman with even further distaste.

For this snakeman did not even so much as make his expectations clear, judging others as incompetent..... regardless of the outcome.

The succubus and the elf seemed to be crossing their arms while watching from outside the cell as the two began their 'date'.

"While they're doing that I'm going to be running simulations.", the elf stated as he closed his eyes.

"Ah.... I see....", the succubus replied in a tone that was more submissive than she would ever speak to anyone else.

"Unless.... there was something you wanted to do?", he asked.

"Well.... no..... nothing....."


The elf lowered his hand and took the hand of the succubus, gripping it firmly.

"I wish that I could say your real name, but I suppose this will have to do. Sarah, I love you."

The succubus looked up to the elf, her deep blue skin a shade lighter than usual.

At first she had a flustered face of surprise, but her eyes thinned and she smiled as she looked into the serious face of the elf.

"Mmm..... I.... love you too."

Their hands tightened and they looked over to watch as the spirit girl dragged the black soul of the cobra, forcing it back into his own body.

"Wakey wakey, Mr. Provider. Hehehehe..... where are you now? A nightmare? Maaaybeee... nope! Hahaha! You wish it was only a nightmare!! That would only be giving you false hope!"


Hergar Poliarus.

This was the name of the snakeman who had been born differently from all the others.

While everyone else in the snakeman village was some bizarre mix of human and snake, Hergar was the only one who happened to have the full body of a snake.

Although, strangely, just like all the others, he had human hands. While his were covered in scales and appeared similar to the rest of him, it was strange that only that slight human part of him existed.

However, he did not question the existence of these hands in particular, but rather why his upper body and face were completely different from all the others around him.

As a result of this, in his childhood he was ostracized.

"What's with Hergar?"

"Why does Hergar have a body like that?"




Day after day he took these insults as he went to school with the other children.

He was different.

He didn't fit in.

'Am I.... a freak?'

'Am I unwanted?'

'Should I even keep on living?'

Suicidal thoughts plagued the mind of Hergar.

Being the son of two snake people who were just like everyone else, it didn't make any sense as to why he was this way.



"An outsider"

"Is he really even one of us?"

The city at this point had no 'leader' so to speak.

It was merely a gathering of monsters.

They lived together in a society.

People worked their jobs underneath their employers just as any society. Children went to school. However, it was a strange place, as there was no figurehead for everyone to revolve around.

There was no rule. Yet, because this was a city of monsters, this was possible.

However, the absence of a rule made it so that people could do as they pleased.

Crime was not extremely common, but if it did happen there was no such thing as punishment by law.

People had to protect themselves.

The snakemen were a strong people under typical circumstances. Their physical strength was on par with the lizardmen, if not higher.

However, one day Hergar found himself cornered.

"Look. It's the freak."

"Do you think he can even fight?"

"Nah, he's probably disabled. How could he fight with a body like that?"

One of the boys who had cornered him slugged Hergar in the face, and Hergar was unable to even so much as react.

He took the beating.

'Why.... why was I born here?'


'I don't belong here....'


'I am an outsider.....'


"Freak. Let's get out of here."

"Hey..... what do you boys think you're doing... hiss....."

As the three were about to leave the alleyway, they ran into a person who stopped them.

It was another snakeman.

A king cobra.

Just like Hergar.

His tongue flickered back and forth as his slit eyes darted between the beat up child and the three boys in front of him.

"Is that child right there a freak? Aren't you the real freaks?"