Chapter 308- Two ends of a horseshoe

Time passed.

Around the time that the fight ended, it was somewhere around 8 o clock in the evening.

Arlo and the birdmen left the insectoid village and began to travel back to the Dictatorship, knowing that their masters would take care of the rest.

"We have done exactly as we were ordered. We set up the stage so that their excellencies may step in and take over. Our work here is done."

The birdmen nodded as Arlo surmised this.

On their way back to the Dictatorship as they rode in their own carriage, the demonic flag flew high.

It was during this time that the video call was made, and the antiheroes discussed their plans from this point on with each and every one of the people who they had orders for.

After the call had ended, Arlo received yet another call- this time an individual one.

"Good evening, your excellency."

[Good evening Arlo. I see that you all have done well in convincing the leader of the insectoids to gamble the very fate of his village on a battle in which he ended up losing.]

"Indeed, your excellency. I will say that he was excessively strong. If I had to estimate, he was of the 7th tier. However, this was not where his strength came from. His strength came from the fact that he was skilled both as a warrior, as a healer, and as a mage. With all three of these skills at his disposal, he was an opponent that even I could not underestimate.", Arlo explained.

[I see.... if that is the case, then we should be able to use him as a fine pawn. My own ability to raise the abilities of a particular individual will raise each and every one of their abilities to the level of 9th tier, and as such the more areas of specialty one has, the more useful the promotion becomes. Melody for example was skilled in many areas, and as such she has gained many extremely powerful abilities. It should have worked on you as well, Arlo. Certainly, your skills as a warrior were your primary focus, but you can use some magic as well, no?]

Arlo recalled his own abilities.

He was able to use a slight amount of earth magic, although it was a last resort that he had never preferred to use, and would only do so in the case that a person was immune to physical attacks.

"I see.... so you mean that my magic as well has been increased to the 9th tier?"

[Indeed. Well, now that you know you should be able to do some tests with your own abilities. I leave this to you. At any rate, I wish for you all to know and understand something.]

The birdmen all seemed to lean in and listen as Trevor said this.

[It is as you all have previously surmised. I will use each and every last pawn to my advantage, but I will not allow any obstacles to exist within our path. None of you have become attached to the insectoids, have you?]

Arlo recalled his battle with Dern.

He recalled the caring cheers of the people, and the fact that they did not discriminate even when they were mere outsiders.

They loved their leader, and because they loved their leader so, they would also give respect to outsiders- even those who should be their enemies.

Furthermore, their leader was an honorable and powerful warrior- one who had agreed to Arlo's terms and accepted his own defeat- and one who used his strength for the sake of others.

He respected Dern.

If he were not the servant of the antiheroes, he would want to have become someone like Dern in his own village.

However, on hearing the commanding voice of his overwhelmingly powerful and benevolent master, Arlo did not hesitate in his response.

"There is absolutely no attachment. Whatever decision you make, I will stand behind it, your excellency."

[Wonderful. Now then.... this is the third time today that we've done this, but it's time to subjugate some more slaves.]


After returning to the dressing room, Dern had his mana restored through a mana storing crystal, and was once again able to walk with a spring in his step.

He had failed.

He had for the first time in his life met a warrior who had outclassed him in every aspect.

It was true that this warrior claimed that the power he held had been given to him by another, but this did not matter.

His technique as a warrior was flawless- that of a practiced and skilled fighter.

Even if his speed and power was not his own, his technique was refined.

Therefore, Dern could do nothing but accept his own loss.

He tried with everything he had to prevent his own loss, for that would put his own people in the hands of these unknown slavemasters.

However, what was done was done.

Dern had absolutely no intention of going against his word.

'However, I will protect my people no matter what.'

Dern had faith in Arlo, that his masters would be willing to cooperate with him.

He would submit as their slave, but he would not tolerate any injustice towards his people.

He would convince them to treat his people well, and they would be able to get along well as master and servant.

'That is right. I will submit to them, and my people will become their servants, not their slaves. If they treat us with dignity and respect, we will serve them with loyalty. I will continue helping others, but it will be underneath their orders. I never wished to be called the king anyways, so this is for the better.'

Dern resolved himself and nodded, walking out of the hall to give a short speech to the people, who were still gathered in the arena.

As Dern showed his face, another round of cheers was heard.


"We will still consider you to be our hero!!!"

"What should we do??"

As he exited he was bombarded with cheerful looks and questioning faces.

The people were confused, but they were confident that their leader would tell them what to do.

Dern looked up and around himself at all the people, who were patiently awaiting his answer.

"To all people of the insectoid village!! This is my own loss!! I apologize greatly, but on this battle I have staked the very fate of this village, and I cannot go back on my word! From this point on, we will serve the masters of Arlo, who defeated me!"

"If you say so Dern, then we will serve them!"

"Of course!"

Dern looked around to his people.

They were all delighted to hear his words, and willing to listen without doubt.

"My people, I will work to ensure that we are treated fairly, even underneath our new leaders. I once more apologize, and beg you all to bear with me as we transition into this new phase of our lives."

The people cheered and smiled, not worried in the least.

They trusted their leader, and believed that what they told him was right.

They would become the servants of the masters of Arlo, and they would not complain.

Their leader would work for what was right underneath them, and everything would turn out fine.

However, it was at this moment that a message resounded within the ears of every single person within this arena.

It was a beautiful voice, one which soothed the minds of all that heard it, putting them at a strange ease- despite the horrible and offensive words which is spoke.

[Greetings, insects. Oh.... I suppose that term wouldn't exactly offend you people? Haha.... well in that case, greetings, filth.]

The people were taken aback by the beautiful voice, compelled to ignore the horrible words which it spoke.

'What was that?'

'That beautiful voice....'

'I.... wish to serve her....'

One man among them however, was less effected by this voice.

Perhaps this was the intent of the one who spoke, but Dern was not at all coerced like the other people around him, who seemed to be in a daze.

'What is going on? Who was that? Why does everyone seem so strange?'

[Ahem.... welcome. This village is now going to become a part of our dictatorship. Rejoice, my slaves. For serving us to your deaths will bring you greater satisfaction than living out the rest of your pathetic lives in this shithole ever would.]

'Who is that voice....'

'I wish to hear it again....'

'More... I want to hear her more.....'

The people began mumbling their thoughts out loud as they were completely put into an obsessive trance.

"Hey.... what's going on..... what's wrong, everyone?"

Dern looked around at the people confused.

He heard the voice, yet to him there was no such stigma attached to it as there was for the others.

There was no allure for him to serve the person who spoke, yet everyone else appeared to be overcome by a strange desire.

It was then that Dern felt a chill go down his spine.

Turning around, he witnessed it.

Four beings.

They were sitting in thrones which looked to be made of a glassy substance, floating in the air.

An elegant elf who wore a suit and tie with a bow and quiver on his back sat arrogantly while grinning with his hand on his chin, as if he was calculating exactly how to use each and every one of the people here.

A beautiful succubus who wore high heels and a fancy purple dress sat properly with one leg crossed over the other as she looked down upon the people below her as if they were mere appetizers to devour whole.

She was beautiful. Her long blue hair seemed to assist in her own beauty, and her fangs which poked out of her mouth seemed to compliment the sharp look in her eyes- which consumed the very life out of each and every person that she gazed towards.

A horrible cretin wearing a ragged nightgown with hair so messy that it spiraled out like a maze, and eyes so droopy that one would think that something was hanging from them stared down on the people with a disturbing sadism, as if she would enjoy their torment.

And finally, a crimson demon who held the hand of this spiritual mess in his palm, gripping it tightly. He too wore a suit, this one a shade of red slightly darker than that of his own skin, and the evil look in his eyes could not be ignored by Dern.

These beings were the antiheroes.

Dern gulped loudly as he saw them, and remembered his own words to Arlo.

"Even if they believe themselves to be evil, I would like to speak with them. I am sure that through negotiation we could come to some sort of agreement. Once we reach such an agreement, I would welcome them with open arms into this village."

Mustering up every last piece of courage within him, he stepped forward to speak to them.

"I take it that you are the antiheroes?", he asked.

"Oi. It looks like the maggot thinks he's allowed to talk before us.", the wretched spirit said with a voice that scratched away at the sanity of Dern.

"Indeed. That is most troublesome.", the elf replied. "What should we do, my love?", he stated as he addressed the succubus.

Without moving from her seat, the succubus brought forth a demonic hand, pointing a claw at the ant in front of them.

"You. Do you think that you have the right to speak in our presence? Do not speak, but only think your answer."

[Mind Control]

Dern could not move his body.

From the moment that woman had pointed at him, he felt as if everything had frozen.

He was stuck looking up at her, and his thoughts became disarrayed.

'I..... what is happening.... ah....'

Dern looked at the faces of the four.

They were arrogant.

They were overwhelmingly arrogant.

They viewed him and his people as less than the dirt itself.

'I must.... convince them..... I must convince them not to look down on others like this.... it is through equality.... love.... respect.... these things are what will bring about peace in the world. I cannot view them as enemies. I must.... change their hearts.'

On seeing these terrible beings, Dern was not scared.

He instead was filled with a desire to save them from themselves.

He saw the evil which had overtaken them- the corruption within their hearts.

But this evil which he saw did not drive him to fear or anger.

Instead, he simply wished to help them.

He wished for them to change, and use their power to help others.

'How wonderful it would be if such beings of power could change their hearts and use their power for the sake of others....', Dern thought.

If he could control his movements, he would have smiled.

'It may take a long time, but I will do it.... I will bring these demons to the light. I will have them become accepting and loving people!'

As Dern thought this however, the succubus in front of him began to laugh.


Her laugh began as a quiet, girly laugh.


It became louder and more volatile as time passed.


She was now laughing hysterically, to the point where it was a screech which would pierce the ears.

There was a deep rooted evil within her laugh, and she wiped the tears from her eyes as she twiddled her fingers with the eyeball strung into a bracelet on her hand.

"You are certainly an interesting one. Allow me to broadcast your thoughts to all around you.", she said while containing her laughter.

It was then that all the people in the arena heard what was essentially a replay of the thoughts of Dern.

[It may take a long time, but I will do it.... I will bring these demons to the light. I will have them become accepting and loving people!]

The succubus seemed to turn to the elf with a sly grin, and asked him a question.

"What do you think of this answer, my love?"

"What do I think of it? Haha...."

The elf stood up from his seat, standing on a platform in front of him and spoke out in a tone which was not loud, but ran deep into the hearts of each and every person in the arena.

"Leader of the insectoids. You seem to be gravely mistaken. You are under the impression that we are people who can be influenced by others. You seem to believe that by surrounding us by kind hearted and loving people, that we can be convinced to extend love and peace throughout the world. Allow me to inform you of something. There are people in this world who, regardless of the experiences they have, will never be able to cling to the light. One may be treated with love.... compassion.... kindness.... and all of these things, for the entirety of their lives, and still never be convinced to do the right thing. Do you know what these people are called?"

Fixing his coat, the elf seemed to smirk.


Looking down on Dern and then around to the crowd, he began to pace back and forth with exaggerated hand motions.

"Do you believe that you have the power to change us? Do you honestly think that with your measly ideals that you can even begin to comprehend my own.... no, our own goals!?! I think not!!! For you are a mere idealist. You seem to be under the firm mindset that anyone can be changed if you work hard enough. That everyone can do what is right, if they are only influenced in the right way. Let me tell you, leader of the insectoids. From the beginning of our lives to this very moment, we have been distorted. We have been corrupted. And this corruption and evil has made its way into us, spreading throughout our minds. It is so deeply entangled within us that trying to uproot it would damage our very beings, destroying even the chunks of ourselves which remain. There is such a thing as too far gone. From the moment we came into this world, we were demons. But it is through the path we have taken, that we have truly proven that."

Dern felt himself being let go, and able to move his body once more.

"You may speak.", the succubus stated with an ultimate sense of dominating power.

"That.... I do not believe that to be true! You may believe that you are too far gone, but anyone can repent of their evil ways and turn themselves around, walking once more towards the light!!!"

"And what makes you so confident that our ways are evil, and that we are not already walking in the light?"

This question pierced the heart of Dern.

"Well.... you said it yourself, no? That you are evil!?!?"

"That is true. I did say that. But does that mean that you have the right to agree, and say that I am evil, and that you are good?"

"I never meant that!"

"Ah, is that so? Then are you not also evil?"

"That.... well.... I don't believe that..... I have.... I've always done everything I can to help others!!! And I wish for you all to use your power to do the same!!!! That is what I consider to be good, and I wish for you all to do so as well!!!"

This provoked a chuckle from the elven figure who pressed his glassed up.

"Perhaps that is a good definition of what is good. I don't think you are wrong. However I still believe you are far too idealistic to think that demons such as ourselves ever WOULD turn our backs on our current path of evil. It isn't a matter of whether we can or can't. There is simply no reason to. Why would I do that which is good, when it would interfere with my grand plans which I have so meticulously studied and simulated?"

Turning around and walking back to his seat, the elf spoke once more.

"The answer is that I wouldn't."

Plopping down on the seat and folding his hands, he looked down at Dern with a victorious grin.

"Young ant. You are a moral figure. You desire to help others. You desire for others to be treated well by everyone. You welcome outsiders. And you stick up for what you believe is right. You are not hesitant to speak up, even in the face of someone who is ultimately powerful over you. These are all admirable traits. Traits which by all means, are good."

"I... don't mean for you to praise me like that. I only wish for you all to work together with me!!"

The elf held up his hand to stop Dern from continuing to speak.

"Recently we took care of a certain snakeman. He was a dictator above all. He instilled his own beliefs into people by brainwashing them beyond reason. He threw aside the rights of those he ruled, and trampled on them carelessly. He treated them as less than himself. As outsiders. They worshiped him, and were loyal to this false figure to the point of their own demise. He enslaved anyone who spoke against him, and deceived the people into thinking he was necessary for their existence. Now tell me, leader of the insectoids. What would you do if you met such a person?"

Dern seemed to be constricted with thought, but eventually he looked up and spoke.

"I would try and prove to him that his ways were wrong, and convince him to lead his people righteously."

"As I expected. You are very moral. However, do you know what we did to such a person?"

Trevor put a hand to his mouth, covering his own laugh.

"Heh heh.... we captured him.... enslaved him.... and we tortured him."

Dern's face was filled with surprise, but he looked up with a firm resolve.

"Did you torture him because of his evil actions?"

"That was a part of it.... heh keh heh...."

The one who said this was the horrible spirit girl, as she opened her eyes wide with insanity.

"We punished him because he was scum..... he was unredeemable trash, who didn't even deserve to live. That's for sure. But just so you know, we aren't too far away from him. After all, we're going to use a lot of similar methods on all the people of this entire world. Heh heh heh...."

The elf then continued to speak.

"Leader of the insectoids. You are too moral. Just as two sides of a horseshoe are closer to one another than they are to the middle, you too are closer to that scum than you are to us. The very fact that you would be willing to forgive him and try to redeem him shows that you are incompatible with our own views. You are an obstacle who stands in the way of our vision. And for that, I have no choice but to order your elimination."