Chapter 310- The Queen of Insects

The soul which Ashley had just consumed was certainly different from all the others.

Far different.

Consuming the souls of the wicked was not uncomfortable.

It was not as if they were lower quality than the souls of the good.

On the contrary, the more wicked the soul was, the more joy Ashley experienced from absorbing it.

However, this too was enjoyable in the opposite way.

The most tasteless and boring souls to consume were those that were gray- a complicated mix of good and evil.

The more polar a soul was, the more enjoyment Ashley got from consuming it.

When she consumed the soul of Hergar- by far the most evil person who's soul she had consumed, she was overcome with pleasure.

And yet as she consumed the soul of this pure and innocent man, Dern, who straightforwardly fought injustice in his own manner, doing everything he could to speak out against what he thought was unjust and to correct those who were wrong, Ashley felt just as much pleasure.

It was a different type of pleasure.

Ashley was filled with a chaotic sadism when she consumed the soul of Hergar, and yet right now she was completely at peace.

Squinting her eyes with a satisfied yet tired smile, Ashley floated back up to her own throne.

Her eyelids shut and the tranquil smile on her face could not be erased as the spiritual girl seemed to fall half asleep.

Garett could not help but smile lovingly at seeing how peaceful she looked.

Getting up, he decided that it was time to finish the business which she started, allowing her to rest.

"You did great.", he whispered.

She peacefully nodded, and a tuft of her messy hair seemed to fall across her face in this motion.

On seeing Ashley's face, Garett was reminded of that day the two first met in that jail cell.

He recalled the terrified girl sitting alone in a cell, horrified of his appearance and barely even able to speak.

He remembered the promise that he made to this girl on that day, and smiled.

'She's really grown since then. That girl who was once terrified to even speak to anyone has now become able to put on such a performance in front of thousands.'

Ashley had changed since that time, but there was one thing within her that remained.

Her hatred.

Like a burning fire within her, the deep rooted hatred would not be extinguished so easily.

She hated everyone who put themselves on a pedestal, and everyone who looked down on others.

It didn't matter if they were selfish or selfless.

She wanted to see them all burn.

'And if it means seeing her smile like this..... then I will stand right by her, and together we will burn down every last place in this crooked world.'

Jumping down from his throne, Garett took a look around at the insectoids.

They were filled with horror and shouting in protest.


"He's... truly dead...."

It was a scene of panic and terror.

The people were too terrified to move from their spots.

Some bowed their heads further, while others could not take their eyes off the mass of chitin and guts that once was their leader.

Garett however walked forward, his demonic feet clicking and clacking as he made his way across the hardened soil of the arena.

"We have not come to this village because we wish to help you people. Nor have we come here because we wish to get along nicely and have a good time as we bask in friendship and mutual respect."

The moment Garett began to speak the terrified insectoids shut their mouths, knowing that if even their great leader had been slaughtered so easily, that even with their advantage in numbers, these demons could not be overcome.

"We have come here to destroy. Not just this village, but this very world. We will take everything for ourselves. Anyone who stands in our way of doing so, we will kill. Tell me, people of the insectoid village. Are you all grieving the loss of your leader? It is a sad sight to see such a heroic figure in pieces like this."

Garett snickered as he made this comment, knowing that it was his own lover who had done such a thing, and that this was a plan which he agreed to from the start.

He felt no remorse.

"We killed that man because such a leader would not be able to protect the people of this village from a true threat, such as ourselves. Did you all not welcome Arlo and his companions into this village with open arms? For that I thank you people. Your leader did well in teaching you how to treat others, that is certain. However, was it not this trust of others that created this situation where he lies dead on the floor?"

Walking over to the pile of guts, Garett fished out what was likely the head of Dern, before he had been crushed.

Holding it up to the crowd as guts dripped, Garett proudly spoke.

"This is the result of his own kindness. This is the result of his own belief that he could convince even demons to do what he believed was right. He was just, but he was not wise. But his true sin.... and the very reason why we cannot allow this man to exist, was not his own idiocy. It was the fact that he tried to control us. He tried to change us. By doing so, it is as if he made the claim himself that he is better than us- that his morals surpass ours. That his justice is one which is more correct than ours. Perhaps he was right. Perhaps his justice was indeed the better one. However, take a good look, everyone."

Garett threw the head up into the air and it landed on the soil ground with a splatter.

"That is as far as justice can take you."

Turning around, Garett walked back to the center of the arena and continued to speak.

"To those who feel that we cannot be forgiven, I sympathize for you. You are correct. We cannot be forgiven. However let me make one thing very clear."

Turning around with a corrupted smile, Garett eyeballed each and every person in the crowd, making them shudder when their eyes met.

"I am not asking for your forgiveness. I am asking for your submission. You may keep your hatred for us. That is fine. But I ask that you bottle it up, and watch us. For if you do so, then perhaps that hatred will be redirected, and you all may see just why we killed this leader of yours."

Turning back once more and heading for the center of the arena, Garett made one last comment.

"The very existence of your leader would prevent the bringing about of a new world. People with lofty ideals of justice have no place in this world. For it is only through bloodshed and terror that true peace will be brought about. Watch and learn. For we are the antiheroes. We will achieve the peace which your former leader desired but never in his lifetime could have obtained- by spreading our evil throughout the world. And it is underneath this evil that all the inferior beings in the world will truly come together as one."


Garett sat down in the throne, and Samantha took things from there.

Standing up on the barrier which made the platform underneath their seats, her smile shined radiantly, piercing the hearts of the insectoids.

"Please look up, dear people of the insectoid village! I understand that you all are surely angry and confused, but if there is anyone here who wishes to meet their leader, then please stand! Otherwise, we will assume that you all are going to obey us like the insects you are."

The voice of the succubus was beautiful and soothing, yet the words which it spoke were so filled with a corrupted arrogance that the people were filled with conflict.

'What do I do?'

"Should I step up!?! They killed Dern.... right in front of my eyes....'

'Can I call myself a man if I don't step forward? Agh!!! Screw it!!!'

Some gathered their courage and stepped up.

Others were too overtaken by the charm of the being in front of them.

Brainwashed by her soothing voice, the words of this succubus and the desire to serve her was instilled in many of the people.

They became convinced of the words that the male demon had spoken earlier, highly influenced by this intoxicated state which the succubus produced in their minds.

'Perhaps.... perhaps they are right....'

'Perhaps Dern was wrong, and the methods of these demons are actually the correct way to go about things....'

Those who gathered up their courage stood up with resolve, staring at the succubus as she sat back down, crossing one leg over the other.

Her radiant purple dress shined in the dim lighting of the arena, emphasizing her beauty.

'I used a small amount of charismatic appeal so that only those who's thoughts are not overcome by anger will bow before me. As for those who will cause problems....'

Samantha looked around at all the men and even some women who were standing now, with their eyes focused on her.

"It seems there are many who do not wish to serve us as slaves, but would rather die then serve me. How sad that is. It truly pains my heart to see that there exist those who I cannot captivate."

With a sly smirk, Samantha sighed happily.

"Ah well. Then, why don't you do a favor for me and just die."

At that moment, as if the people who were standing forward were possessed by an evil spirit, they rushed forward.

Those who did not stand up looked around in confusion, wondering as to why the people were rushing forward with such intense fury.

'Have these people gone mad!?!? What do they intend to do?'

'Idiots... I respected Dern as much as you all did, but don't you all see? He's dead now!!! We have to submit to these demons!! It's better than dying!!!'

'Didn't Dern teach you all that your lives are precious!?!? Are you going to go against his words and throw your lives away so quickly!?!?'

'We may have the pride of warriors, but this is too hasty!! Even a warrior can flee in the face of an army of thousands!! There's nothing wrong with that!!'

The people seemed to be overcome with a madness as they headed down the aisles, jumping into the arena one after another.

However, to the complete and utter surprise of the people who remained on their knees, the people did not begin to attack those beings sitting in thrones above everyone.

Many insectoids could fly up, but they did not.

Instead, they all jumped into the arena and began furiously attacking one another.


'What is going on!?!'

'Why are they killing one another!?!??!!?'

Limbs were torn.

Guts were spilled.

Heads went flying.

Wings were plucked.

Bodies were sliced.

The screams of the people filled the arena.

It was a battle royale, and each and every person was taking part without hesitation.

"It seems like you have all decided to listen to me after all. That truly makes me happy. I thank you gratefully, dear insects. Now I don't have to go home with insecurities about my own allure."

Ashley couldn't help but let out a snort as Samantha made this comment, watching the bloodbath from above.

One after another the people killed each other, until finally there was only one left.

Taking his own limb, he stuck it straight through his own skull, killing himself on the spot.

"It looks like we have a winner. What a wonderful sight that was. I can't believe they would go through all that to entertain me so! Hahaha! Thank you dearly, people of the insectoid village. As for the rest of you all.... I suppose it is about time we introduce the person who will be leading you from here on out. After all, we cannot have slaves who are not working for the sake of our Dictatorship."

Putting her own hand to her ear, Samantha smiled as she made a quick call.

[Your excellency? Is it time for me to make my way over there?]

"It is. Please make sure to appear dressed up in the outfit I worked with Gary to design for you. Ok?"

[I understand, your excellency. I will be there momentarily.]


In front of the insectoids, a being appeared.

A female humanoid, wearing a pitch black dress.

Patterned all over the elegant dress was the white design of spiderwebs, which covered every square inch of the fabric.

Sticking out of the dress, there were six holes for arms which stuck out of them- the top two of which were shaped like those of human hands.

Wearing white gloves which had an inverse pattern with black spiderwebs covering them, the young spider humanoid now knelt on the platform before the four demonic creatures that had overtaken this village.

Her hair was like strands of bandages that fell from her head, and her four eyes were closed in reverence for the masters which she served.

"Ah, Berith. You look adorable like that. I'm so glad I came up with this design.", Samantha stated with a satisfied smile.

"I thank you gratefully, your excellency. Although, if I may say so, this outfit is not fit for combat.... and it causes great discomfort to wear."

"It is not meant for combat, Berith. It is meant to impress your new subjects."

"I see...."

Around the head of the female spider was a light crown made from cloth, which seemed to signify that she was in a position of royalty.

Trevor stood up, and shouted out to all the people of the village.

"To everyone who has submitted to us as our new slaves, here is our first order as the Dictators of this village. You are all to serve this spider as your new queen. Follow her orders to the letter."

Pressing up his glasses, the face of Trevor became deathly serious.

"And if I hear that even a single person in this village has so much as breathed a word of disrespect towards our beloved slave, then I will personally take it upon myself to ensure that they never again breathe the air of happiness or tranquility."

With an evil grin, Trevor sat down in his throne and waved toward the spider to stand before the people, showing herself.

With the bow of her head, Berith stood up and turned to the people of the insectoid village surrounding her in the arena.

"I am not to kill anyone here, your excellency?", she asked as she looked around at all the people who trembled in fear of the demons and their representative.

"You are not. However, if someone so much as breathes in your general direction, then I would like you to let me know immediately."

"Very well, your excellency."

Berith then began to wave at all the people with a clearly malicious smile.

Turning around a full 360 degrees, she showed herself before all the people of the village.

"Is this correct, your excellency?", she asked Samantha, clearly unaccustomed to being in the spotlight.

"You're doing wonderfully, Berith. Keep going."

After Berith had finished showing herself before all the people, she took a light bow with a curtsy, and jumped down off the platform.

Hanging from a thread which she had shot out from her hand, she reeled herself downward so that she stood in the center of the arena.

"I will be looking forward to working with the people of this village and directing you all in order to fulfill the requests of their excellencies.", Berith said in a crackling voice addressed to the people around her.

Looking at this scene, the people of the insectoid village were filled with even greater terror than before.

As if these demons were not enough, they had placed a spider on the throne.

Was she not here to merely consume them?

'Is there... nothing we can do?'

'We must submit.... if we do that.... then maybe.... just maybe.... this spider won't eat us....'

'My children.... I just want to save my children.... I don't care who is in charge, so long as they can live....'

As the people quivered in terror, Trevor once more spoke up for all to hear.

"That is all for today. I am aware that you all had a throne prepared for your previous king, however it went unused. If someone would please guide your new queen to the throne so that she may rule over you, I would be most grateful. Now then, if you will excuse us, it is quite late. As Dictators, we prefer to get up quite early. After all, the number of hours in a day are quite limited."

With this, the elf snapped his finger and the four demons disappeared from sight.

The insectoids looked up to see Berith struggling to walk in the dress.

'Should.... should I go?'

'Should I volunteer to lead her to the throne?'

Looking over, the people watched as the spider girl seemed to trip over the dress while trying to walk forward.

'Is that.... is that our new leader?'

'She doesn't seem used to that at all....'

'Is she really so scary? Maybe I should step up and help her....'

'That's right!! I should follow the advice of Dern and assist her! I will go!!'

A number of people rushed forward into the arena and bowed before Berith who was picking herself up from the fall.

'Ugh.... I cannot disobey an order from her excellency, but why does she wish for me to wear such constricting clothing?', Berith thought. 'No no... I cannot even allow myself to question their excellencies. There must be some grand reason. I will follow their orders. I will learn to walk in this thing even if it's the last thing I do!'

Looking up, Berith saw a number of people bowing before her, prepared to serve.

"Er.... our queen? What should we call you? We are prepared to serve at any time."

Berith looked up at the people around her, all of which were standing at the ready.

"Do you wish for us to help you walk? Or is there something else you wish of us?"

Berith smiled as she got up, fixing the dress so that she wouldn't trip over it.

'Ah.... I see... so this is what her excellency must have been thinking..... how cunning.... to cut off my own method of traverse so that my only option is to use those underneath me to travel.'

Dusting herself off, Berith closed her top two eyes.

"Carry me. I want you to bring me to the throne without so much as feeling a bump. As far as what to call me.... Lady Berith is fine."

"As you wish, Lady Berith."

The men around Berith immediately picked her up, carrying her in a way that she sat on the shoulders of two insectoid men.

"We will do everything we can to make the ride as smooth as possible."