Chapter 348- Bright Futures

The sun passed quickly across the sky.

The frozen realm was located just to the West of the realm of darkness. Due to the movement of the sun from North to South, the farther East one went the less sunlight a day would compose of.

For the people in the city of ice, a day was only around 6 hours.

This was indeed part of the reason for the existence of this frozen land, however this was not the only reason. The land of fire- the hellish landscape of volcanoes and magma- existed within the realm of darkness, with these flames being the only thing that produced light in such an area.

How then, could such a region exist?

It was not by natural means.

Rather, it was from the concentration of elemental mana within these areas.

Ages ago when the first elementals walked the earth, they gathered and built cities. It was the existence of such elementals which allowed the mana to seep into the land, and over centuries this created the landscapes which could be seen today.

Within this city of ice, Evelyn, the frost elemental with her hair in a ponytail that resembled her icy figure, trained like her life depended upon it.

Currently she swung her blade which froze everything it touched- even the air itself.

"Hah! Hah! Hah!"

Without yielding, she moved gracefully around her own sector. Not a single person disturbed her, for they understood how hard their Captain was working to improve herself.

"She is admirable. We should strive to work half as hard as she does."

"Even when she threw those others around like that, she hasn't stopped. She.... looks a bit disappointed in herself. Had I never met her, I would never have imagined that someone could succeed so much and still think so little of herself."

A couple of men passed by, each nodding with resolve and going to train on their own.

Hours passed, and eventually it came to the point where many of the men who were training had left either to have lunch or to perform other duties, such as patrolling the city.

Even so, Evelyn did not yield.

"Hah! Hah! Hah!"

"Captain, don't you think you should take a break?"

"It's only been about 5 minutes. What are you talking about?"

"It's been 4 hours, Captain. And there is apparently a guest awaiting you. Someone is here to speak with you."

"4 hours?"

The woman looked up to see that the sun had made it's way across the sky, to the point where it was well past halfway through it's arc.

"It seems that it truly has been that long..... it only felt like a few moments. Very well. Who is here to visit me?"

"Actually, it is the principle of the Academy. He wishes for you to act as a guest speaker for an assembly."

The woman sheathed her blade of ice, which melted into the air such that only the handle remained.

"He wishes for me to speak? Is there a reason why he has chosen me?"

With serious expression, the woman walked forward as the soldiers followed her.

"I believe he wishes for you to speak on the duties of the knights, and encourage the children to grow into respectable adults."

"I see. Then, for the futures of the children, I will do what I can."

"They will surely be delighted for you to visit the school yourself, Captain."

"I do not know about that.... but I would like to see the smiles of those who will take upon the future of our city.", Evelyn responded with a light grin.

Walking forth, she was taken out of the training grounds and led to a large tower.

This was the knights tower. The knights of the city of frost were based out of this massive building, which allowed them a view of the entire city if one was on the top floor.

"He is awaiting you outside your office, Captain."

"I see. I have been rude to keep him waiting. I must promptly apologize."

Evelyn strode forward with a spring in her step. Making haste, she escalated a stairwell until reaching a higher floor in the frozen tower.

On exiting, she saw an elemental who seemed to be composed of smoke sitting on a bench.

He was an older man, and was sitting peacefully with a smile on his face.

"Ah.... you must be the Captain of the knights. It is a pleasure to meet you."

With a courteous gesture, the man grabbed his cane and slowly got up.

"Forgive me for not being able to bow before you. I fear that if I were to do so, that my back would give out."

"No no! Please, do not strain yourself! There is no need for such a thing."

Evelyn promptly denied any thought of the matter, quickly rushing over.

"If you would like, I could lend you support as we head to my office."

"Ah, thank you miss. You are very polite, even to an old man as myself."

Evelyn lent the man her arm as she helped him through the halls before coming to a set of doors which were made from suspended water.

Pushing open the doors, even if they appeared to be liquid they moved as one rigid body like a solid would. Evelyn quickly pulled out the seat in front of the desk and gestured for the man to sit.

"Please, sit down so we may talk."

"Ah, thank you..... uppp....."

The man slowly lowered himself, landing on the seat as a small amount of smoke floated to the ground from his body.

"Now then.... it is a surprise that we've never met before this, no? I've been the principle of the Academy for how many years now, and yet for one reason or another I've never had a chance to meet you. I suppose you're still young, and have only been serving as the Captain of the Knights for.... how many years now?"

"66 years now, if I do not count the shameless years where my position as a Captain was nothing more than a title which I took without accepting the proper responsibility.", Evelyn replied as she took her own seat.

"Only 66 years? I feel that it has been longer, but I suppose my age is getting to me. My memories aren't what they used to be, I tell ya. Anyways, I've gotten off track. The reason I've come here is because we are going to be holding our annual assembly soon."

The man put his hand behind his neck, rubbing it shamefully.

"Actually.... it's a bit embarrassing, but the guest we invited had to cancel last minute. When they did so, I happened to overhear a certain student talking about how they met with the Captain of the Knights today, and the idea struck in me."

With a kind expression, the older man looked towards Evelyn with expectation.

"I thought, what if we were to get you to speak to our children? The time in the Academy is an important stage in the life of each child- one which will determine their future. Which path will they go down? Will they pave the way as new beacons, improving the lives of those around them, or will they give up on their hopes and turn to a life of crime? I'm sure you understand more than anyone, Captain..... it is a truly sad thing for a child to grow into a killer."

"Indeed it is. For every criminal that I have taken into custody, I have always wondered to myself..... was there something more I could have done to prevent this person from taking this road? Perhaps if I were more aware of what went on..... I would be able to stop more tragedies."

Evelyn looked down with remorse, however the older man quickly changed the topic.

"Do not feel so down, Captain. It is because of you that many have been given a light to follow. Even if a few go down the path of crime, not many of our students have done so. I believe this is largely due to your own efforts."

"My own efforts?"

Evelyn nodded in disagreement.

"No, that could not be more wrong. I am merely doing my own duty, and if I were not here then there are surely plenty other knights who would take up this banner."

"Perhaps that is so, but I dare say that nobody else could do as well as you have."

"Please get to the point, principal."

With a light chuckle, the principal leaned on his own knee, holding up his weight.

"My my, have I continued to get lost on tangents for this long? Ah.... my point is this. As I have already stated, how truly saddening it is for any one of our students to turn to a life of darkness. I personally believe that if someone turns to such a life, it is because there was some sort of issue with their early life. With the way they were raised. During the most crucial and sensitive times of our lives, those around us will mold us into who we are today."

Looking up with a serious expression, the man glared at Evelyn with hope.

"This is why it is the responsibility of us adults to ensure that these children are not put into situations where they feel that they are surrounded by nothing but darkness. It is through neglect, bullying, and abuse that crime is opened up as an alternative to the status quo. To put it simply, I wish for you to inspire these children with a desire to live honorable lives."

Evelyn closed her eyes with a nod.

"I see. I agree, principal. I am not worthy to speak to these children about such things, as I can barely even call myself a knight.... however I have taken the position of Captain. It is my duty to inspire the young ones among us with a desire for justice."

Looking forward, Evelyn smiled.

"I will attend this assembly."

The principal looked up with joy, grabbing the hand of the Captain.

"You will? Ah, thank you so much, Captain. Then, please show up at the assembly hall in an hour. Do you know where it is?"

"I am aware. I have passed by it on patrol before."

"Perfect! Then, I will see you at that time. I look forward to whatever talk you come up with for the children! I apologize for the brief notice!"

The man slowly stood up, making his way out of the office. The two knights who had followed opened the door for him, and one assisted him out.

The other came into the office and saluted, waiting to be given permission to speak.

"What is it, knight?"

"Captain, I overheard a bit of your conversation. Do you have something in mind, or should I help you to prepare?"

"I would appreciate your help."

With this, Evelyn and the soldier spent the next half hour coming up with a speech and presentation to give to the children.


The Academy, being the only school within the city, was the center of life in the city of Iciclaris.

It was in this school which Evelyn was raised, and it was from this school that all the children would graduate and become functional members of society.

Within the monster realm, each city was mostly independent.

Despite the fact that so many cities were present, almost all of them existed completely separate from one another. The only connection between the cities of the upper monster realm were the relations between the 7 heads of the households, and a meeting between even two of the 7 was rare.

For this reason, the frozen realm which contained the city of ice did not have contact with any other cities. Travelers would never come by, for if humanoids attempted to enter the frozen realm they would likely be killed by the cold before even arriving.

Similarly, devils, dragonkin, fire and earth elementals, and spiritual beings would keep to their own cities. With territorial expansion banned as a result of the treaty among the 7 heads, there was no reason to leave one's home town for a new place filled with different people.

Having attended the Academy for a few decades, Evelyn was reminded of her early years.

'It is the early years of a person which determines who they become.... eh?'

Recalling these words, Evelyn closed her eyes as she walked through the town, frowning as if she remembered something unpleasant.

Having prepared her speech she was now on her way to the arena.

'I have an opportunity here to influence the hearts of the young ones..... those innocent children who have not yet been exposed to good or evil. It is through exposure that they will lean one way or another, so I must do what I can to influence them in a positive manner.'

With a smile, Evelyn walked with a slight amount of confidence.

'Even if my words are not enough, I should not allow these thoughts to prevent me from saying them. If they can influence even a single child, then it is worth saying them.'

Approaching an enormous building which resembled an opera house, Evelyn looked around to see hundreds of students filing in through the doors.

The idle chatter and laughter of the children filled her ears, bringing a smile to her face.

'How nostalgic.....'

Looking around, students of all ages were filing into the area. The Academy was the only school within the city, and as such it was a school for students of all ages from grade school to college studies. It doubled as both a school and a university for the city.

Evelyn filed in alongside the students, who barely even noticed her among the crowd.

'Even as the Captain of the Knights, I suppose I don't stand out when in the middle of such a crowd.... well, it's not that I stand out because I try to. It is merely that my face is known...'

"Ah! Isn't that the Captain of the Knights!?"

Evelyn froze quicker than her blade of ice as soon as a child shouted out, revealing her identity to everyone around.

Now, all eyes were focused on her.

"It really is!!!"

"Captain Evelyn!!!"

"You're my hero!!!!"

"Could you sign this!?"

Bombarded with the paparazzi, Evelyn stood up with confidence.

"Everyone, please wait just a moment. I am not sure as to why you would want my signature, but I will not deny anyone here who has a request of me. However, now is not the time for such a thing. I will be waiting outside the academy after the assembly, and if anyone has any requests of me, then approach me at that time. I will do my best to accommodate to you all."

With power in her voice, the students who were about to rampage and beg for autographs immediately quieted themselves, and a path was opened for the Captain.

"There is no such need to open a path for me. Please return to your normal states."

Even as Evelyn said this, the students did not budge.

"We insist, Captain Evelyn. You are.... to me at least, you are nothing less than a hero. Please go ahead of us!"

"That's right!"

"We love you, Captain Evelyn!!"

"Thank you for your service!!!"

Met with the friendly smiles of students of all ages, Evelyn could not help but be filled with happiness.

'Perhaps me and the principal were worrying too much.... I cannot imagine any of these children turning to lives of crime..... however, perhaps there is one in the shadows who might be effected by something.... who knows? Perhaps if I were to reject their requests, it would drive them to sadness..... leading to a chain reaction..... I have to prevent that at all costs.'

Walking forward, Evelyn accepted the gratitude of the students and entered first, quickly heading over to the backstage where the principal was waiting with a lineup of teachers.

'I cannot allow the children to be disappointed in me.'

"Ah, you've made it. My employees, I am sure you are already aware but this woman before you is the Captain of the Knights. She has come to speak to the students, and I hope she will be able to inspire them to live with their heads held high."

The teachers stood up and one held out his hand.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Captain."

Taking it and shaking it firmly, Evelyn greeted the teachers.

"It is a pleasure from my side as well. I'm delighted to have been invited to such an event."

"I'm excited to see what type of performance you will give to the students. Do you intend to tell some stories of your own endeavors as a knight?"

"Rather than my own endeavors, I would like to focus on my own failures..... and perhaps some of the darker things which I have seen. I would like the children of this city first to understand the gravity of their actions. We must each take care in every decision we make, taking every step towards the light. Anything else will lead us as individuals down a path to destruction."

Taking a serious tone, Evelyn explained her own plan to the others, however her expression became relaxed as she moved forward.

"I will end of course, with a lighter note. There is always a dark side and a light side to everything. This goes for a career as a knight, and for the lives of each and every one of us. We must understand the darkness of the world, recognize it, and acknowledge it. Once we have done that, we can take steps to reduce it with our own actions."

Evelyn smiled, as if remembering something satisfying.

"We must move forward, giving our all to help others. This is the precept which all knights live by."

The teachers lightly clapped and Evelyn walked past them towards the door, entering the auditorium.

"If you can captivate the students in the same way you've captivated us just now, then I'm sure there will be many who will take your words to heart. Give it your all, Captain.", one woman said.

Looking back with a light expression, Evelyn nodded.

"If my words are truly so captivating, then I will do so."