Chapter 369- Those with the Heaviest Burdens

Oscar walked through the streets of the Capital of the Sultinate.

It was a beautiful city. Marble and sandstone buildings were finely crafted, and well embroidered textiles lined the homes.

Half of the buildings were tents, though the tents were not in any way inferior to the buildings. On the other hand, many of the tents appeared to be more luxurious than the buildings.

Oscar had never been there before himself, but it reminded him of the ancient middle eastern cities which he had seen in movies and pictures online.

As Oscar passed a few buildings, he stopped in his tracks.

"Is there a reason you're waiting here for me? I was just about to look for you, but you seem to have gotten ahead of me."

Without turning around, Oscar spoke.

Behind him stood a woman.

18 years of age, this woman leaned on the building with her arms crossed and a distrusting expression on her face.

She wore the outfit of a belly dancer with baggy pants and a high cut shirt, and her black hair was tied up into a bun and then draped down as a pony tail.

"You killed them, didn't you?"

Oscar didn't so much as look back at the woman, assaulted with a grave accusation.

"Do you refer to the men who died in the explosion?"

"Who else would I be talking about?"

Oscar didn't turn around.

It took everything within his entire being to hold back a horrible grin, but instead he put on a sad expression, closing his eyes.

With a pained voice, he spoke as if speaking of his nostalgic past.

"I suppose that isn't entirely wrong. After all..... even knowing of the dangerous artifact.... I was unable to save them. Isn't that the same as if I killed them myself?"

Turning around to the woman, Oscar's face was filled with remorse.

The woman, previously filled with suspicion and doubt of the man before her, was left speechless at the words of the man.

Normally, if someone had done something evil and been caught in the act, they would either panic and flee, release their anger and yell at the person, or play it cool and act like they had no idea what the accuser was talking about.

The man before her did no such thing.

He instead took the blame for himself, without hesitation.

"Sorry for my rudeness. But I don't trust anyone. I don't trust you. I don't trust the people of this city. I don't trust the Sultan. I don't trust anyone."

The woman spoke bluntly, looking away from Oscar with an irritated glare.

"You really love the people of this country, don't you?"

Completely ignoring her words, Oscar gave the woman a smile as he spoke calmly.

"Did you even hear what I just said? I don't trust them."

"But you still want to protect them. Am I wrong? And to protect even those who you do not trust..... that is truly honorable."

The woman looked to Oscar in shock as if she had been read like a book.

"So what? Yeah, sure. I'll do what I can. But that doesn't mean this drought is just gonna stop. And I don't believe you. I don't think you can save us from it. I don't care if you're the Indeterminant, or the savior of humanity, or whatever. You couldn't save the other two. So what makes you think you can save everyone?"

The woman spoke with repressed anger, however Oscar didn't so much as flinch towards such malice.

Instead he smiled, placing his hand on the shoulder of the woman.

"You're right. I have no right to think I can save anyone, especially after failing... multiple times.", Oscar stated with a pained expression. "But that doesn't mean I won't do everything I can. And I certainly won't stop trying to help people."

The woman flicked Oscar's hand off her shoulder, glaring at him.

"Don't lay a hand on me. And if you mean that, then show me. Not with your words. With your actions. Show me that you're not just talking big."

It took Oscar everything to stop himself from grinning as his hand was slapped away.

"I understand.", he replied. "However, I'm not the only one who needs to be fighting for the sake of humanity. I have a duty to perform, but I will also need the heroes to stand by my side. Without them.... I alone would have trouble taking on the Queen of Demons and her antiheroes."

"Yeah. I get it. You're not all that like everyone thinks you are. So what? Why are you still here talking to me? Shouldn't you be searching out for those heroes?"

"You are very quick to speak your mind. Although, I suppose that isn't a bad trait."

"And you just completely ignored my question."

The two stared each other off, however Oscar smiled lightly.

"Do you understand what the conditions are for a person to be selected as a hero?"

"Nope. Again, why are you still talking to me? Don't you have more important things to do like saving people? Were you late in saving them because you were talking to a girl somewhere else?"

The woman was not holding back an ounce of distrust.

Even though she had come to the misguided realization that it was not the fault of Oscar that the two had died, she still was not willing to let him off so easy.

If he was the hero, it was duty to protect people. Failing in that duty wasn't something that should be let off with a mere apology.

He had to be held to higher standards than the others, and so the woman didn't bother to hold back when she relentlessly attacked him with her words.

"You say some very harsh things. I was late in saving them because there.... are so many people in this world who are in need."

Oscar looked up to the sky with reminiscence in his eyes.

"And I cannot save them all. Not alone."

The woman thinned her eyes, but breathed a heavy sigh.

"Sigh.... alright, whatever. I get it. I get it. It's not completely your fault. But that doesn't mean you can just be let off the hook so easily."

The woman thinned her eyes with a sad expression.

"Two people died."

"I know."

"They had lives. Families. Friends."

"I know."

"And now they'll never see them again."

"I..... know....."

The two became filled with emotion, speaking with a deep sadness.

"That is why I need your help."

Oscar looked to the woman with pleading eyes, to her confusion, and said these words.


"Risa. You are the hero of the Asarith Sultinate."


The eyes of the woman widened as Oscar said something completely contrary to her own expectations.

It took a moment for the statement to register within her mind, and she looked around her to make sure there was nobody around.

There of course, was not.

There was nobody else named Risa.

Oscar was speaking to her.

"What did you just say?"

"You heard me the first time, didn't you? You are the hero of the Asarith Sultinate."

"Who determined that? What do you mean? Why am I the hero? Stop joking with me. You really are a shitty person, you know that. Are you trying to shift the blame onto me or something?"

"I am trying to do no such thing. Risa, do you understand how the hero is selected?"

[Promote Risa to status of hero?] [Yes/No]


Oscar flicked his fingers on the screen before him as a message popped up above the head of the girl before him.

Risa Saheed (Lvl 50) Class: Rogue- Ranged Specialty

Attack: 3000-5000

Physical Defense: 200

Magical Defense: 200

HP: 200,000/200,000

MP: 50,000/50,000

Skills: [Dancer of the Wind]- Your agility is your weapon. Passive Skill. Your defense is low, but you don't need to block if you can dodge.

[Blades of Mana]: Magical Skill. You can control magical blades from range, using them as throwing weapons, and controlling their trajectory from a distance.

"Risa. Have you heard the story of the hero of the Ruthobold Kingdom?"

"Nope. And do I care? You keep going further and further off topic. What's with you? It's like you'll never get to the point."

The girl before Oscar was now excessively suspicious, though she felt it.

Her own body did not change physically, but power flowed within her.

She trembled at the immense amounts of energy and the strength that she now held.

'What.... what the hell?'

"In order for you to understand everything, I need to start from the beginning."


"And you expect me to just believe all that?"

"Well, whether you believe it or not, that's the truth. The fact of the matter is, the hero is selected..... completely randomly. I have no control over who it is. And as a result of that.... it is entirely possible for an evil hero to emerge."

Oscar had informed Risa of everything.

From his entrance into this world, to his life in the Ruthobold Kingdom, to the rising of Kyle Ruthobold, to his corruption and murder of the Emperor, and finally to Oscar's journey to the Empire, and now here to the Sultinate.

Leaving out a specific few details, Oscar had informed Risa of his entire life from the moment he entered this world.

Risa bit her lip and wrinkled her expression, unable to immediately accept such a story.

She looked to the ground, unsure what to do.

"And I'm the only person who can be selected as the hero of the Sultinate?"


"Nobody else can be selected but me?"


"I can't pass it on to someone else?"


"What if I die? Then can't a new hero be-"

"Absolutely not."

Oscar looked into the eyes of the woman with a completely serious expression.

"You are the one and only hero of the Sultinate. There is no replacing you."

The very girl who held Oscar to a higher standard than others as a result of his role as the Indeterminant had now obtained a similar role as a hero.

It was no longer something that she could criticize from a distance, spouting that the heroes needed to be held to higher standards than anyone.

She was now a part of this, whether she wanted to be or not.

There was no taking this back.

"I still don't trust you."

"That's fine."

"I believe in actions. I believe in what I see. And even then, I don't believe in people. Fine. FINE. I'll help you. I'll take part in this deal. I'll do it. But I'm not doing this because I believe you. I'm not doing this because I believe in other people. I'm doing this because..... I want to."

Stepping forward, the girl asserted herself over Oscar.

"I'm doing this because if I don't, I'll probably spend the rest of my life in regret."

"That's good enough for me."

Oscar waved for Risa to follow him, heading back towards the palace of the Sultinate.

"We gotto inform the Sultan of your own decision. Then we head back to the Empire, where we'll begin the real preparations."


Before the Sultan, who was still convened in meeting as he discussed matters with the Pashas, two people entered the extravagant palace.

The blonde haired hero whose name invoked hope in the people, the one destined to save humanity from the demons who threatened them, the Indeterminant.

With him, walking by his side, was a woman who was dressed similar to a belly dancer, wearing her hair in a bun which then draped down from that bun in a single strand.

The woman looked around with suspicion. She clearly was uncomfortable, and held not a shred of trust in anyone around her.

Oscar quickly got onto one knee, bowing his head once more to the Sultan.

"My Sultan, I have returned very quickly indeed. How strange are the works of fate. I sometimes wonder just whether it is toying with us, or whether it has some sort of plan in mind. With haste, I came into contact with the very woman who has been chosen as the hero of this nation."

Lakeed, the Sultan who wore a white turban on his head, looked to Oscar in surprise and delight.

"That quickly? Indeterminant, I have never doubted that you would live up to the legends, but the fact that you found the hero in such record time only further proves your competency as the savior of humanity. Then hero, please step forward."

The Sultan stood up from his seat, walking over as he eyed Risa.

"So you are the hero?"

"I am."

A couple of men watched Risa with slight disturbances on their faces, however they did their best to hide such displeasure.

'To think a woman would be selected as our hero....'

'The other nations will mock us....'

'And such a scantily dressed one at that....'

While a couple of men were disturbed, the majority were filled with relief, holding no such premonitions.

'Thank goodness....'

'The hero.... she has arrived, and will save our people from this famine.'

'Together with the Indeterminant..... through this contract with the Empire, we will be saved from our plight.'

While mixed opinions spread through the Pashas who had gathered, each and every one of them made one critical assumption- that the hero would leave at her own risk, heading off with the Indeterminant in order to save her people.

Never for a single moment did the men sitting at that table even consider the person before them.

She was a hero.

Having been chosen by fate, it was her duty to save the nation from it's peril.

Never for a single moment did they consider that she would do anything but that.

However, the Sultan instead walked up to the girl, eyeballing her with a serious expression.

"Tell me hero. I wish to hear the words from your own mouth."

With a pause, the man took in a deep breath.

"Are you willing to head on this journey for the sake of our people?"


"Is she.... willing?"

The men behind the Sultan were confused at his question.

Even if he had stated previously that he wished to confirm her feelings, they surely did not matter.

The hero had no choice in the matter. She would act as a hero. That was her duty.

Anything else would make her no different from Kyle Ruthobold, who had supposedly abandoned his post as a hero.

The men had no doubt of this in their minds. Even if the hero was some woman from off the streets, their very title of hero was not something that she would need to 'accept' herself.

For if one was selected as a hero, did that not mean they had to to act as one?

However, reality was not so tender.

The Sultan, of all the men present, understood this.

People are given heavy burdens without their consent.

'If he takes all that on his own shoulders, then it must be because he can handle it.'

'Why isn't the Sultan doing anything about this situation!? Is he laughing from his fancy tent as we starve!?'

'A leader should live up to their title and figure it out. It doesn't matter if they're a human. They were the one who chose to lead. So they had better do it right!'

'A mistake? Take responsibility. It doesn't matter if you're not perfect. You accepted the job, so you figure it out yourself.'

The Sultan, more than anyone, understood well what it meant to take on a heavy burden, and the repercussions of such a burden.

A single mistake was the brunt of harsh criticism.

The Sultan was not a dictator. While it was a position inherited through family line, it was also one which could be overthrown based on the Unanimous agreement of all Pashas.

If the people of each region came to the conclusion that leadership was poor, they might appeal to the Pashas and push for a vote.

Therefore, the Sultan was a position that one had to earn. Even so, Lakeed fought with every fiber of his being to do what was right for his people, so he had managed to avoid such an event thus far.

However, Lakeed understood more than anyone that a duty of leadership must be something which one accepted- not one which was forced on them. For everyone was human. Everyone would make mistakes at some point, and even without making any mistakes, something out of their control would eventually go wrong.

And when that happened, people would throw words around like 'unfit' and 'incompetent'.

Therefore, even with the hero in front of him, Lakeed did not look to her with the same eyes as the other Pashas.

He did not look to her as a tool who would be sent off as a sacrifice for the sake of the people, but rather as an individual.

He wanted her to choose to save the people on her own, and if she should not, then.....

'Well, if she is not willing to do so.... then I don't even know myself what I will do.'

The woman looked to the Sultan with an annoyed expression.

Lakeed felt his own heart sink as she gave him such a grimace, and he could feel the irritation in the men behind him.

'How dare she....'

'To the Sultan....'

"Not a single one of you speak a word. She is the hero, and her decision is one to be respected."

"Her decision!?"

A man shouted out, unable to contain himself.

"You believe that the fate of the people of this country is something that we should go dishing out to a single person, when it is uncertain whether or not they will choose to save the people at their own expense!?"

The man stood up from his seat, unable to keep himself calm.

As he did this, the Sultan turned around and glared at the man with fury.

"Sit down right now.", he ordered.

"No, I will not sit down. This cannot be accepted. If a woman like her has been selected as the hero, then she should be eternally grateful for the opportunity to stand at the front of humanity, and yet are you telling me that we should simply allow her to abandon her duties!?"

"If I may say something, the lady has not yet even said a word. Why are you shouting? Is it perhaps because of your own jealousy? No, I do not believe so. After all.... you do not understand the burden of being a hero."

Oscar was the one who said this, and his voice cut through the hearts of all around him like a knife through butter.

"If she does not accept, that will not stop me from fulfilling my promise. I said that I would save the people of this country, and those innocent people of the other nations of this world as well. Please do not allow your own personal emotions to worry you. That being said, it would certainly be a weight off my shoulders were she to accept- however I am a reasonable man."

Oscar looked up with a smile.

"I would never force a woman to do something she didn't want."

These words were spoken with such deep conviction that the people of the room were completely shut down at any response.

However, behind them was a cruel implication- one which the Pashas did not dare to verse.

In this statement, Oscar implied that the men before him were the type of men to force women to do as they pleased.

Despite being the very epitome of carnal desire, Oscar stood before these men, subtly accusing them of such a thing, in a way that they could not attack him back.

The Sultan glared at the Pashas, turning to Oscar with an expression of shame and regret.

"Forgive these men underneath me, Indeterminant. I clearly have not done a good enough job at leading them to righteous beliefs."

"Why would you apologize to me?"


Recognizing his mistake, the Sultan quickly turned to Risa.

"The Indeterminant is absolutely correct. The full apology should go to you, hero."

The Sultan had instinctively turned to Oscar to apologize. This was because at hearing the commanding tone behind Oscar, he instinctively came to a realization.

This man was in control.

Even as Oscar stood before him, kneeling, the man who took the title of savior was in control of everything.

As the Sultan bowed, a couple of the Pasha's grit their teeth, while others looked around in concern.

'Did we offend the hero?'

'I would hope not....'

'Why is the Sultan bowing to her!?'

'My goodness..... how this nation's leadership has declined.'

It was then that the girl before the Sultan let out a long annoyed sigh.

"I will do what I want. And I don't want to see any more people starve to death."

'Such arrogance!!!'

'What a tone!!!!'

"But listen up, to each and every one of you here. Indeterminant, this includes you."

Oscar looked up at the girl with a thin smile, understanding her at least slightly.

"I don't trust any of you. I don't like any of you. And I'm not going to save this country because of you, but because of the people who are dying. I'm sick of seeing all this death, and I'll put a stop to it."

Oscar continued using all his effort to hide his own malicious grin, transforming it into a heroic smile.

"I see. That makes me very happy, that our goals of protecting the innocent.... are aligned."