Chapter 385- Deal or No Deal

Screams pierced the air.

With the snap of the fingers of the goblin who was surrounded by enemies, every man within the room fell to the ground, holding their head in torment as their cries filled the room.




The men grabbed their heads as they closed their eyes, tears streaming from them.

They fell to the ground, flailing their limbs about as if they had been electrocuted and were unable to escape the high voltage field.

"No!!!! Stop!!!! Help!!!! PLEASE!!!!"

"GET AWAY!!!! AGH!!!!"

"What are you doing!?!??!"

Larios, the man who held the title of Legion Commander of the 4th Legion, the Commander of Cruelty, looked on with horror as his men dropped to the ground.

Their screams were those which even nightmares couldn't begin to describe. The suffering which they were currently under was something far beyond that.


"Ugh!!! Urg!!!"

It was as if they had been possessed.

Mackayla and Larios both could not take their eyes away from the scene which unfolded before them, yet in the blink of an eye, it was over.

It felt like only an instant, but the screams stopped.

In front of the two was a pile of bodies.

Every man within this pile had their head smashed into the pavement in an explosive manner, and the blood splattered around the room, spraying onto both Larios and Mackayla.

Something had just smashed their heads in, yet it was too fast to be able to see. The only thing which was left to witness was the spilling of the blood.

"As I said before, I cannot allow anyone who knows the person I serve to live, lest the information be leaked."

The words of the goblin were accompanied by no sounds other than the breathing of the two and the dripping of blood.

Stepping forward, he looked back and forth between the faces of the two people.

"A woman who is in danger..... and a cruel man who has subjected her to such torment.... could there exist a situation which is more black and white? Ah, but wait..... I suppose the line has been greyed.... for both claim to be working underneath a hero."

The goblin stepped forward, causing the Commander of Cruelty to fall back to the wall, beside the very woman who was chained to it.

"What.... what... who are you? What are you.... my men..... in that moment..... just..... what are you!?"

The man's voice spoke in trembling manner as he shoved the words out, aiming them at the creature before him.

"Shh. Do not interrupt me with your questions. After all, I have some things to say first. Do not worry, Legion Commander. I will take my time with you in just a moment."

A single blink.

In the blink of an eye, Larios found himself chained to the wall next to Mackayla, and the goblin was standing before him with a smile.

His fangs poked out of his mouth, and Larios felt his own heart drop at that sinister expression.


"Shh. I said be quiet. No questions."

The goblin placed a finger on the forehead of Larios, drawing a line with his claw.

Creating a slight cut, he dragged his claw down the man's nose and to the lip of his mouth, splitting the skin in two. Blood flowed from the slice, though the cut was shallow to the point where it was nothing more than a flesh wound.

"Now..... I am sure you are wondering to yourselves.... what is going on here? How did a monster get here? And most importantly.... why is a minion of the Queen of Evil in the middle of the Ruthobold Kingdom?"

Gulping noises were heard from the two and their breathing increased to the point of hyperventilation.

"Calm yourselves. Calm down. Don't die before I can even question you. Hey hey, I'm not gonna hurt you yet. That's later. I need information for now, and I can't kill you without permission. After all..... I am here at the direct orders of her eminence, and it is for that exact reason that I have captured you two in particular."

The goblin sneered, putting his hands behind his back.

"I'm sure you two were informed that ANOTHER hero was killed just recently?"

The eyes of the two went wide as Oraguth said this.

Both Larios and Mackayla had been very busy at the time, far too busy to pay attention, yet there was a moment in which such a message was spoken into their minds by a monotone female voice.



'Has been killed?'

Even the Commander of Cruelty was not so lost in madness as to not understand the implications of this.

Something had gone wrong.

Two heroes and the Indeterminant himself had appeared in order to defeat Kyle.

Without a doubt, the first hero to die was Kyle. The loss of the blessing granted upon Mackayla and the men she lead was proof of this.

Yet a few minutes later, another message appeared, stating that yet another hero had been killed.

Who was it?

And how?

'Another hero.... has died? Who? Who died? How could one have died after Kyle Ruthobold was killed? Did Kyle Ruthobold do enough damage to fatally wound a hero before he died? That must be it.... unless it was the hero of the Alliance who died before they were even awakened? Yet would we ever receive such a message?'

Larios began to think, fretting as he jumped to a conclusion.

'No..... there must be a reason..... this monster wouldn't bring it up if there wasn't a reason.... he.... he's working for the queen of demons..... he must have played a hand in it!!'

"Did... you kill..... the hero?"


Oraguth pointed a finger with a grin as he spoke these words ever so quietly.

"He was weakened after the fight. Weak enough to the point where even a couple of slaves could take him on."

'The hero of the Empire has been killed as well?', Mackayla thought.

She didn't know what to make of this.

First, Kyle had been killed in a horrible scheme led by the Indeterminant, at the hands of the other heroes.

She was filled with hatred, frustration, and despair at this, knowing that such corrupted figures were known to all as the faces of justice.

Yet after witnessing the evil figure who was the Determined, and the terrible monster before her who claimed to serve that Queen of Chaos, Mackayla was inclined to throw aside her emotions.

She wanted to cling to the Indeterminant.

No matter how evil he was, he could not compare to the ultimate evil that was the Determined.

And he was the only one in the world who could match up to her.

Therefore, Mackayla was instilled with terror at hearing that another hero had been killed, even if that very hero had taken a role in the slaughter of Kyle.

"Another hero..... is dead....."

The chains rattled as the woman quivered, looking up at Oraguth with desperate eyes.

"It's.... over.... ha..... the..... the world is over..... there is no salvation.... the heroes are killing one another, and dying left and right..... the Determined is making a move..... and one of her slaves is right here..... ha.... and that's only a slave? THAT'S ONLY A SLAVE!?!??!"

She could not even see his movements he was so powerful, yet the goblin before her was just a small goblin.

He did not even look to be intimidating, yet the very mark which he carried on him of serving the Determined made that which was not a reality into a reality.

"How.... how how how how how!?!??!?!! How are you only a slave!!??!?!? How..... how can such an evil being exist?!?! Is.... is that what Kyle was expected to face!?!??! Is that what he would have gone up against if he lived!?!?! Ha.... hahaha..... HAHAHAH!!!!! It's better that he died here and now rather than having to face that!!!!!"

Mackayla shouted out in madness, having lost all semblance of reason.

Even Larios looked at her with disturbed expression, horrified at her outburst.

"Hmm.... that sure is an interesting view. Ah.... but I guess I didn't get to say what I was getting at before. So be silent."

As if she was ordered, Mackayla shut her mouth, though her eyes were now dull as she laughed lightly to herself.

"Heh..... ha....."

"So where was I? Ah yes.... a woman who represents the finest of knights, rushing to the aid of the innocent villagers who have been captured and slaughtered by the evil commander..... yet both claim to be under the orders of a hero? How strange. I did not realize that heroes would give such orders to people. It becomes all the more confusing, don't you think?"

The man before Oraguth grimaced with wide eyes and trembling hands, filled with terror and fury.

The woman merely looked on with a dead expression.

"Such a disturbing sight is enough to make even a monster like myself queasy, yet there seems to be something more going on here. However, it is for exactly this reason that I have captured you two. For I am here under the orders of the Determined, in order to eliminate anyone who would pose a threat to the world she and their excellencies will create."

Oraguth walked over to Larios, grabbing his neck.

The man began to breathe heavily once more, struggling in the grasp of the monster.

"You for certain, I will kill. Her eminence has already given me that order. However what of the other? Hahaha..... that order is..... to be Determined."

With raw gripping power, Oraguth tore off the head of the chained man, drenching himself as the blood dripped onto him from above.

"Ah, but do not think it is over for you, my good friend. The first death is merely the baptism of fire before the real trial."

The goblin tapped a pin with a gemstone which he wore, and in a moment he disappeared and then returned to the dungeon.

"That man has been placed within storage for their excellencies to tend to later.... but for now, what of this woman? What do you think, Determined?"

[What do I think? She is worthless right now.]

A demonic yet beautiful voice spoke, responding to the call of the goblin.

[Bring her to the captured women and children. I wish to show her something.]

This time, an angelic and mature voice spoke.

"I understand, your eminence.", Oraguth responded with a chuckle.

Unchaining the woman, Oraguth was met with desperate screams.

"G....get away!!! Don't touch me!!! Don't hurt me!!!! Stop!!!!"

Mackayla slapped at the hand of Oraguth with her fingerless limbs, desperately fighting to prevent her own demise.

She was scared.


She had never before been so scared of someone..... or something.

She lived her life trying to help people.

She lived her life trying to search for justice.

Yet right now, fear had taken her over, and she could not think logically.

All she knew was that her life was coming to an end.

And that broke her.

"Please.... please..... stop.... go away... please.... please..... leave me alone..... please!!"

She devolved into begging, disgracing her own pride which she had thrown away due to the madness around her.

[To think that you would beg for your life. Now that is interesting. But a life is a precious thing. To watch another have it taken brings about pain.... sorrow.... and even terror, but when compared with your own life..... that much is nothing. After all, it is scary, is it not?]

Mackayla felt as if the voice curdled around her, caressing her heart in horrible manner.

[The very prospect of having your life taken from you.]

The mind of Mackayla was filled with a demonic laughter.

"P....pwease..... ugh... sniff...."

The blue haired woman began to cry, begging further for the torment to stop.

"I.... I'll do anything..... I'll.... do anything!!! Just..... just....."

[Just don't kill you?]


The goblin closed his eyes, and grinned to himself.

"Your orders, your eminence?"



Oraguth grabbed hold of Mackayla, this time with force.

He sliced the chains which bound her and carried her on his back, not allowing her to squirm or struggle.

He was too powerful.

"NO!!! STOP!!!! AGH!!! PLEASE!!!! STOP!!!!!"

Mackayla shouted out, yet the goblin ignored her cries and was able to easily carry her into the other room.

Walking through the halls, he brought Mackayla to the room of jail cells.

"Agh!!!! STOP!!!!! DON'T DO THIS!!!!!"

"Would you settle down already?"

Oraguth threw Mackayla onto the ground, and she instantly backed away, crawling into a corner.

The women and children in the halls were silent as they watched this display from their cramped cells, unsure what to even think.

They had been captured by a man who could be called a monster, and were soon to be sold into slavery.

Their husbands had been slaughtered, and their children ripped from them.

Yet right now, before them, a literal monster appeared.

"Good afternoon, everyone. My name..... is not important. What is important, is what you are about to witness. Behold, puny mortals. Bow down before my master, her eminence.... the Determined."


[Thank you for the kind introduction. Greetings, humans.]

A beautiful voice spoke into the minds of the people, and before them appeared a bright flash of light.

It was blinding and pure white, though it lasted for just a moment.




Many covered their eyes, and once the light was gone they looked in front of them.

To see an angel.

Mackayla was hyperventilating in the corner, and the people within the cells held their breath in shock.

'Just what..... is happening?'

'My.... goodness....'

'Am I dreaming?'

"This is not a dream. I am here, before you. I am the Determined..... the Queen of Evil. And I have come to enslave you for my personal entertainment."

The woman said such a horrible thing in such a beautiful voice that the people were filled with complete confusion, yet looking at the expression of the woman before them, the truth became clear.

She was an angel in form, but a demon at heart.

She was smiling in evil fashion, smirking as she looked down on those around her.

The goblin knelt before his master, closing his eyes with a smile.

"Please forgive me, your eminence. I tried to gather even more by working in accordance with that Legion Commander, however I didn't wish to breed suspicion, therefore my options were limited."

"So you're telling me that these are the people who lived?"

"That is correct."

"And the rest of the inhabitants died?"

"That is correct."

"So you were unable to save the men?"


The angel closed her eyes.

"I see. Then, how about this..."

The angel paced back and forth across the tunnels.

She was gorgeous.

She had a pure white dress and a halo above her head. Her wings were flawless as they lightly fluttered behind her, and she looked around at the people, meeting their eyes.

Raising up her left hand, showing it to the world, she grinned.

"Would you all like to make a deal with the devil?"


'A deal.... with the devil?'

'This woman.... just said she was the Determined, right?'

'The.... Queen of Evil....'

'The enemy of the Indeterminant..... the very woman who will attempt to take over the world.....'

'The existence of evil whose powers are only rivaled by the Indeterminant.... who even the heroes could not hope to defeat...'

The many women in these cells had gone through hell.

Their husbands and some of their sons or friends had been killed before their very eyes.

Right now, they were faced with a woman who claimed to be the very existence of evil, yet they did not care.

For to them, it was all the same.

The powerful, exerting power over the powerless.

"I'll revive your husbands and sons.... and in exchange..."

"Don't take her bait!!!! She is evil!!!! She will take everything from you!!! Your sanity, your soul, your life, your riches, your mind, everything!!!! She will steal everything from you!!!! Do not listen to her!!!!!"

Mackayla shouted out, capturing the attention of those in the cells.

Walking ever so slowly, the angel smiled as she approached the shouting woman.

The people in the cells held their breath, wondering what the figure would do.

As she was approached, the blue haired woman squirmed backwards, blocked by the walls.

"D.... don't come near me.... stay away!!!! Stop!!! No!!!! I didn't mean it!!!! Wait!!!!"

A demonic hand was placed on the head of the blue haired woman.

"It is rude to speak when someone else is talking, you know."

[Set condition: Silent]

The angel then turned back, walking away from the woman, whose jaw dropped.

She then tried to speak, however no sound exited from her mouth.

"Now then.... where was I? Ah yes.... I was about to offer you all a deal. In exchange for reviving the people of this village, I will ask for two things. The first..... is that you never speak of me to anyone. And the second..... is that you all become my slaves."

The women and children went breathless as the angel said these horrible things with such a gorgeous smile.

"Ah, but don't get me wrong. I don't wish to rule over you quite yet. I would allow you to live in this village in peace for a time. As a matter of fact, you would be able to simply live your lives normally, and I would leave back to the monster realm. I wouldn't come back for quite a while, and if the Indeterminant defeats me, then nothing would happen to you. It's a win win, to be honest. Of course..... it would be a pact."

Holding out her demonic hand as if she was grasping something, the angel smiled.

"I would set an unbreakable condition on you so that you would be unable to break this pact. If you were to tell anyone of my existence..... or if you were to disobey any order which I gave you....."

The angelic figure then became black and demonic as a tar spiraled up her arm, taking over a large part of her body.

She grew a demonic horn and a fang, and one of her wings withered into a demonic and horrid mess.

"Then you would die on the spot."

Looking around, the woman chuckled to herself.

"So? What will it be? Ah, I suppose it's a little too late to tell you this now, but each of you knows too much..... so there would only be one option for anyone who rejects this offer."

As the woman said this, her words pieced the hearts of the people around her.

They watched in terror as the angelic figure became a horrid demon.

"Don't force my hand. After all, killing you all wouldn't even take an instant."