Chapter 389- For if we are wrong..... we would look like madmen.

"Reginald..... have you gone mad?"

Sylvester walked through the extravagant halls of the royal palace alongside his brother, the former heir to the throne of the Ruthobold Kingdom.

"Have I gone mad? Hardly so."

This brother of Sylvester who once took the submissive and obedient stance as he served Kyle Ruthobold now spoke boldly and stuck his chest forward.

"Brother, I understand well your grudge towards Kyle. I understand it better than anyone else. There is nothing I would like more than to wring his neck. I hate him more than anyone in this world, and I won't deny that for a moment. But..... if by chance, he happens to still be alive....."

"He is not."

Sylvester spoke in a voice of concern, yet his brother quickly rebuked him with confidence.

"I told you before. It can be no mere coincidence that not one but two heroes have been killed recently. If it was one, then I would certainly have chalked it up to uncertainty. If it was one. However, the death of not one but two heroes, and the coinciding with the departure of Kyle..... if it were truly the case that Kyle is not dead, then it would require nothing short of a miracle. Therefore.... I am willing to take this gamble and assume that he has died."

Turning back to his brother, Reginald looked Sylvester straight into the eyes with a resolved glare.

"Now will you stand with me, or must I do this myself?"

Closing his eyes, Sylvester furrowed his brows.

He cringed as he recalled the humiliation and suffering he went through due to Kyle.

Biting his lip and grinding his teeth, he threw his hands to the air.

"Fine. I understand. I will stand by you."

The two then turned forward, walking with pride.

"We will take back this Kingdom with our own hands."


In a bar somewhere in the center of Kingdom's Capital, a certain woman worked diligently to serve any and all customers.

"Let me get a beer and..... let's see..... I guess I'll have the chicken platter for today!"

"Understood. I'll have your order out as soon as you're ready. Can I take those menus?"

"Here you are."

"Ah, can I also get a refill over here?"

"Coming right up!"

"Over here too!"


Grabbing a number of glasses and balancing them on a platter, this woman quickly made her way around the tables, performing the duty of a skilled server.

"Two refills, another beer, and a chicken platter."

Placing the mugs on the counter, this woman addressed another woman who was working behind the counter, wearing the apron of a chef.

"Got it. Layla, you're doing great. If I didn't know it myself, I would never think that you were once living a life of luxury."

"Is that so?"

These two women who spoke were Layla and Vanessa.

Layla- the former wife of Lancelot Harxeau who had married the Indeterminant for a short time while raising the hero and her own son, Eric Harxeau.

Vanessa- the wife of Ethan, a regular at the brothel which no longer existed, and someone who knew Kyle from the time he was young.

"You two are really doing great you know. You've adapted so well to this lifestyle. I was pretty concerned when you kept showing up here to drink you know..... but it looks like even your son is doing pretty well now. My deadbeat husband will at least whip him into shape and forge him into a fine smith. Even if you aren't a noble anymore, he'll always have a profession to turn to."

"Thank you. Ah, but I'd better get these drinks over to the customers."

Grabbing three fresh mugs of beer, Layla swept around the tavern, placing them on the respective tables.

"Does anyone need anything else?"

"Just to see your beautiful face, Layla!", one of the regulars responded with a laugh.

Layla couldn't help but to lightly smile, heading back over to the counter.

"Just let me know if anyone needs anything."

Sitting down and waiting for the meal to be prepared, she let out a sigh as she thinned her tired eyes.

"Living as a peasant.... isn't so bad. What was I so worked up about all that time?"

"Isn't that right? Most of us are living as peasants, so it better not be that bad.", Vanessa commented as she was sizzling some meat over a firepit. "If it was, that's when the nobles would be getting some real complaints. I guess that's the whole reason why everything got so crazy though. It used to be real bad in some places."

"Is that true?"

Layla questioned with an expression of concern, and partial guilt.

"I..... was it my fault then? That the peasants were treated so badly when I was among the nobles?"

"Well, I'm sure you didn't do anything deliberately. After all, you were only one piece of the puzzle. It was the collective mindset of the nobles that made everything so bad."

"I see....."

At that moment, two people walked into the tavern.

"Ah, welcome to-"

Layla turned around to greet the guests, yet she then saw that it was her own son and his mentor, Ethan.

"Oh! You two are back."

"I've returned, mother. I learned how to tamper iron with coal today to improve it's strength. It was very interesting."

The two were covered in the soot of the workplace, and dressed in their respective work clothes.

"Oh.... I see. I always wondered where that stuff came from. It's good that you're learning to create things!"

"Haha.... he's a real quick learner, this kid. He was raised well. Even when he makes a mistake, he quickly corrects it. Did you teach him that, Layla?"

"Ah, he was raised in an extremely competitive environment. A single failure in even the smallest detail could lead to the demise of an entire nation, after all."

"Hmm.... I see."

Ethan slapped the back of Eric.

"Well, we're in a pretty competitive business here too, so it's good to have a nice set of hands. Though he needs to work out a bit more. He's pretty fragile."

"Building muscle was never a requirement for a noble. That was only for the ones who were to be sent off as Knights.", Eric stated. "But I will do my best."

"That's what I like to hear. You've gained a good eye, kid. When I first met you, you were glaring around you at everyone like they were garbage. Now that you've lived like us garbage peasants a bit, don't ya think your mindset has changed? Do you respect us a bit more for what we do?"

"I cannot deny that. My previous thoughts were in error. I.... should have done more to understand those who I judged."

Eric looked down, slightly abashed as he admitted this.

"That's all it takes. A little humility is good for anyone. Nothing good comes out of someone being up on their high horse all the time. They just end up thinking they're perfect and can't do anything wrong, and a whole lot of people get hurt that way."

The two sat down at the bar together, and Ethan smiled over to his wife.

"Can I get a drink?"

"For a flipflopping two timer like you? I don't know about that."

"That was in the past!! Come on, how long are you gonna be mad?"

The woman who was currently finishing off a dish placed it on the counter, ignoring the man she spoke with.

"This order is finished."

"Got it."

Layla quickly ran around, grabbing the order and bringing it to the table.

"How long will I be mad? As long as my heart is still hurt."

Ethan bitterly smiled, looking down in shame.

"Alright, I got it. I know. I was wrong. I shouldn't have done it."

"No matter how many times you apologize, that won't take your actions back."

"I know."

The room then became silent as a somber atmosphere enveloped it.

However, after about 10 seconds the silence was broken by a conversation among a couple of patrons.

"Hey, what do you think of that strange message earlier?"

"Oh.... you mean those messages that a hero has died? Nah, bullshit I say. I'd be more inclined to say that the Queen of Demons did something strange to broadcast those messages to us in order to make us think that the heroes died."

"I know, right?"

Soon enough, the same conversation flowed through the tavern.

"Yeah, there's no way the hero would just up and die."

"Of course not."

"How would they even kill the heroes? It would have to be the antiheroes who did it, but Kyle is here ruling the Kingdom. Unless..... do you think the Indeterminant led a raid with two other heroes into the monster realm and they died?"

"No way no way! The legends state that the heroes have to gather together in order to unlock their true power. Why would the Indeterminant go to defeat the antiheroes without all the heroes?"

"Then.... what if the antiheroes attacked the human realm?"

"No, that wouldn't happen either. If that happened, monsters would be running through the human realm like crazy. They'd be on top of us if that were true."

Many people nodded in agreement, coming to the conclusion that it was some strange prank performed by someone who had the ability to send messages to people.

It was as these people discussed this that the door to the tavern opened once more.

In stepped two men.

One was dressed in an elegant purple garment, and the other was dressed in the formal wear of a high ranking knight.

These two men gathered the gleans of each person in the tavern, bringing silence to the establishment as they walked through it.

'Oi oi....'

'What do these two think they're doing?'

'Didn't Kyle Ruthobold ban fancy clothes like that?'

'Brazenly breaking the law.... do these two understand what they're doing?'

The men walked through the facility with pride, and eventually stood before the counter.

"Layla and Eric Harxeau. Former nobles. We have something to discuss with you. Please come with us."

The man with flowing golden hair stated this, as if there was no choice in the matter for the two.

"Hold up just a moment, bud. I don't know where you're taking my apprentice and his mother, but I ain't gonna just allow you to waltz in here with that fancy dress and talk to them like that.", Ethan stated as he stood up from his seat.

"Ruffian, calm yourself. If you were to fight, you would lose to me. My goodness, the peasants have gotten cocky ever since that fool took the throne, haven't they?"

Sylvester spoke out with a grin.

He was a Knight, and one of the most powerful among them.

Even in unarmed combat he was well trained, and could easily take on a couple of peasants if they wanted a brawl.

"Calm down, brother. We are merely here to talk.", Reginald stated. "An important matter has come up regarding the current state of rulership, and we are gathering all former nobles to discuss this."

"Doesn't look like you're gathering them to me.", Ethan replied. "And what's with those outfits? Did Kyle have a change of heart and allow you to go around like this, or are you just ignoring the law?"

"Ignoring the law? Ha! The law set by that bastard?"

Sylvester haughtily laughed at Ethan's attempt to appeal to the law.

"Kyle Ruthobold is now dead. Things will be returned to the way they were before. And we require the nobles to take their previous positions so that these lands may be properly governed by a set of educated people. Not the rifraff prostitutes who sit in the throne room."

This statement caused a shockwave of gasps within the room, and many were in disbelief at the statement.

'No no, that has to be a lie, right?'

'Yeah... there's no way Kyle Ruthobold could have been killed. Not by these people, nor by any of the men who serve them.'

"Come, Layla Harxeau. There is no further need to live like a peasant. The rise of Kyle Ruthobold has been a tragedy for all those of noble and royal lineage, but we will return you to your previous state. For I am Reginald Ruthobold, the current heir to the throne."

Layla and Eric had looks of shock and surprise, however the two stepped forward together.

"We have no intention of returning to our lives as nobles.", they said in unison.

"Thank you for your offer, but I would rather live my life out here among these people than return to that position. I could not live with myself if I knew that I was living a life of luxury like before while others were suffering underneath me.", Layla boldly stated with a bow.

"Even if your words are true regarding the hero, I will not change my mind."

The people of the tavern watched with breath held, wondering what the two would do next.

"I see. Pardon us for believing that you were above this. I wonder if the other nobles have been corrupted by such low mindsets?", Reginald asked with a raised eyebrow.

The two walked out, and the door closed behind them.

As soon as the door closed, an eruption of cheers came from the men of the tavern.

"You tell em, Layla!!!"

"Hahaha!! Did you see the looks on those pompards faces when you told em no!?"

"Gold!! Gold I tell ya!! That's how it should be!!"

"Of course Kyle ain't dead!!! What the hell do those rebels think they're doing!? Using the situation to their advantage? Heck, maybe they were the ones who sent out those strange messages!"

"Soon as the hero gets back their heads'll be served on a platter!! Haha!!"

Layla and Eric were pelted by praised for their rebuttal of the two, however the two felt no such ease.

They understood well that if by some chance Kyle was truly dead, that they had made the wrong move.

As nobles, they instinctively sensed the danger and repercussions of their statements.

Yet even so, they were proud.

Proud that they took one final stand against the very thing that they once were.

"You know what! As a celebration for that, drinks for everyone!! It's on me!! Come over here, Layla! Drink with us!"

The men became even rowdier, partying without reserve even in the early afternoon.

However, little did they know, an event so grand was soon to happen which would shake their very faith in the hero they loved so.

Reginald and Sylvester went about the streets, gathering the nobles and all the knights who were loyal to said nobles who had been stripped of their titles by Kyle.

And these men gathered together.

100 people who were of noble lineage. Men, women, and children.

250 knights who were once of esteemed ranking due to their utter loyalty to the noble families which they served.

These people were gathered outside the palace, and soon enough messengers were sent parading through the streets, ringing bells and shouting a message for all to hear.

"Breaking news!!! The hero of the Ruthobold Kingdom, Kyle Ruthobold, is said to have been killed!!! The messages which we received earlier may not have been a prank or a lie!!!! And to prove this, Reginald Ruthobold, the self proclaimed heir to the throne, has set the seven council members appointed by Kyle Ruthobold to public execution!!! Attendance is mandatory for all citizens of the Capital!! All who do not show will be arrested under charges of treason!!! Make your way to the central plaza to see it for yourself!!!!"


'Ah..... so annoying. The Indeterminant went and captured that woman that we took to much effort to torment. Should we kill her off before she lets anything slip?'

A figure, half angelic and half demonic, sat in a desk, tapping her demonic finger to her cheek.

'No. She is a decent person, so I would prefer not to kill her. But even more importantly..... I gave her a task. And she will complete that task, whether she is captured or not.'

'Ehh..... I wanna kill her off. I wanna see the faces of those men when her head explodes.'

Watching on a screen in front of her, this demonic figure witnessed a woman with blue hair, surrounded by legionnaires as they walked through a set of plains.

'The Indeterminant.... he's really not holding back. Tch..... he went and said that he was capturing her for information, but I know that face of his all too well. He may be good at acting and deceiving other people, but he won't deceive me.'

The angelic figure thinned her eyes, speaking in a completely disgusted tone.

'He really just wants to sleep with her, doesn't he?'

'Uwah..... that's fucking horrible. What kind of creep wants to sleep with someone whose half insane?'

'Only that man would.'

The two voices, one demonic and one angelic, both had tones of irritation and repulsion as they viewed the scene.

'We're going to take her back. I won't go as far as to call it 'saving' her, but we're going to..... recapture her as our slave.'

'Ehh..... do we have to? Why can't we just kill her, Claire? Isn't it risky to go back?'

'Risky? Hahaha..... don't you understand our abilities better than I do, Clarice? We'll bring her back to where we assigned her, and they won't even know that I appeared.'

'Oh..... hahaha..... you really are becoming quite the schemer, Claire. I see now. Alright. Let's do it.'


Oscar marched alongside Risa and Darius, with the 6000 men of the legion, approaching the Capital of the Ruthobold Kingdom.

For a bit over an hour they marched, and eventually the Capital came into sight.

"We've finally arrived.", Darius stated, looking into the distance.

"Indeed.", Oscar replied.

However, as they walked, a man rushed forth, panting.

He had a look of horror on his face, and the three turned to the man, stopping to see what the commotion was.

"What's wrong, soldier?", Darius asked.

"The.... men.... who were guarding that woman we captured..... their heads..... imploded... thrown about..... 50 men..... killed..... sliced into cubes..... and the woman.... hufff...."

The eyes of Oscar went wide as he heard this, but the man stopped to take another breath.

"What of the woman!?", Oscar shouted.

"She..... disappeared."