Chapter 410- Humiliation

"And if you lose..... then you will bow before me and apologize for ever being born."

Not a single breath could be heard among the gathered students as Huberos made this bold statement.

There were no words which could describe the sheer impudence which Huberos showed towards Opus.

Moreso than even anger or frustration, the surrounding people were completely shocked, and failed to believe that the words which they had just heard were indeed what was said.


'I knew he was an idiot....'

'But did he really just go THAT far?'

Arrogance didn't even begin to describe the extent of such a statement.

Stepping forth, Opus merely nodded.

"You are truly an unsalvageable cretin."

With a light chuckle, the green demon spread his arms.

"Fine then. You wish to settle this with a duel, do you? Very well."

With a smirk, Opus leaned forward, whispering into the ear of Huberos.

"If it is in a duel, and one which you requested at that, then so long as I do not kill you there will be no dishonor upon my name."

"Hold up just a moment."

Stepping forth was Cespor and his woman who clung to him, both glaring at Huberos with a deathly stare.

"Huberos, you've just made a ridiculous statement. I cannot simply overlook such a thing for a second time. Therefore..... you will duel myself as well. After your duel with Opus, I will also face you as an opponent."

Speaking in demanding tone, Cespor thinned his eyes.

"This is acceptable, no?"

"Cespor. Are you saying that I would lose?", Opus asked with irritation.

"I said no such thing. Consider this as..... a precaution. I would like to have my crack at him should the chance arrive, after all."

Huberos carefully considered the words of the man before him.

'He is asking to fight me under the condition that I defeat Opus in the first duel then?'

With a grin, Huberos came to this conclusion.

'He likely believes that even if I were to defeat Opus in a duel that I would be significantly weakened after, and he would be able to take revenge for his comrade. I suppose I have no reason to accept such an unfair condition, and I should set the duel between him and myself for another day. That way I won't be seen as shying away, but rather as ensuring fair conditions. However.....'

"Fine. I'll accept your conditions. After I defeat this one I will face you head on."

'If I were to defeat both of them in a row, then that would really put them down a few pegs.'

"It is quite the assertion to make that you will defeat him. Then, you accept the conditions which I have proposed, no?"


Huberos responded quickly, and Cespor walked off with satisfaction just as hastily.

"Then I will see you in the arena. Ah, what date would be suitable? How about today after classes have ended in the Academy arena?"

"Fair enough."

"And the rules..... how about we go with a simple match of surrender? That is, there will be no way to lose other than surrendering. No ring outs. There will certainly be no killing allowed, but anything else will be acceptable. Do you two agree to these conditions?"

"They are fine by me. I will make him cry within minutes.", Opus responded as he stroked his hair.

"I don't see any issues.", Huberos stated.

"Ah, but how about we add one more condition to make things interesting.", Cespor added with a grin.

"Another condition?"

Huberos thinned his eyes at this.

This was likely the crafty trick of a businessman.

"What is this condition?", he asked with caution, clearly suspicious.

"How about we make it so that for the first three minutes of the battle.... that you are not allowed to surrender?"

"An interesting condition..."

Huberos placed his hand to his chin in thought.

It was a condition which this businessman was making out of arrogance.

'Essentially..... he believes that by the time I get around to his fight that I will be about to tap out..... and he wants the guarantee that he'll be able to fight me for three minutes before that happens?'

With a grin, Huberos nodded.

"Very well. I accept."

'But that is under the assumption that I've been weakened. He truly is under the impression that short fangs correspond with low fighting ability. I've already proven that to be incorrect with this exam. They may have switched my exam to the lowest spot, however would there have been any reason to do so if I had scored low on the exam in the first place? For all I know, I might have beaten their scores, forcing them to lower my place.'

There was no way for Huberos to know this, but his speculation was the truth.

Huberos had indeed taken the number 1 spot on the exam, and as a result of this, Opus, who had been outraged on seeing the results, had used his father's authority to change the rankings.

Having taken 2nd place for the first time at anything, and to Huberos at that, was nothing less than a complete failure on his part.

It was a groundbreaking development which absolutely could not be allowed.

Doing so would spread the rumor that horn and fang size did not directly impact intelligence and athletic ability, thus undermining the authenticity of the entire system in place.

Finally, the prestige which Opus held would be shattered.

Those who followed him as the top student were nothing more than sheep who followed the person at the top spot.

They had become angry for Opus' sake and put Huberos through immeasurable humiliations, yet that could be reversed in an instant if Huberos proved himself to be above Opus.

That was how this society of demons was run.

Even if those on top were respected and put above all others, if someone proved themselves to be greater, everyone would soon flock to such a person.

For the sake of the school and the noble society as a whole, rumors of fang and horn size not effecting intelligence and athleticism could not be spread- for this was something which had been deeply instilled into the current systems and societal rankings.

Therefore, the school was excessively compliant when Opus made such a request.

'Cespor believes that I will be weakened significantly by the time I get to the fight with him, assuming I have not already be defeated. Therefore..... he wishes for a chance to beat on me for three minutes without regulation. Unfortunately for him.... he is not even considering the case that I defeat Opus and reach the battle with him at full strength.'

With a grin, Huberos quickly agreed to the condition.

'I will show you your pride, Cespor. I will make both of you cry after a single minute..... I will pay you back for all the humiliation you've put me through..... and I will show everyone in this school that you are nothing more than spoiled children. This condition which you have set will become a double edged sword which you will cut yourself on.'

"I have no qualms with the condition.", Opus added.

Walking away with the flip of his hair, the pretty boy incited a number of swoons from the females around him, though this caused the woman by his side to cling to him even harder.

"I almost feel bad. For Cespor, that is. You don't plan on letting that runt get to the 2nd fight, do you?", she swooned.

"His presence in this school is an offense to all who come from noble lines. I will ensure that his body remembers very well the offense that such a disturbing peasant has caused us."


The day passed quickly, and soon enough the final bell rang.

All the students of the school found themselves heading straight for the arena.

The arena was reserved particularly for duels, which were not uncommon among demonic society. When there were issues between two nobles which could not be resolved through mere discussion, a duel would usually be used in order to settle matters.

It was a high class way to settle disputes without leading to wars between households.

Given that there was currently no Host of Pride nor any Host of Wrath, the city of Regalis was in a spot where there was no single leader, therefore conflicts between households were common, however due to this system they were quickly resolved without much bloodshed.

This also allowed for the emergence of a ranking, of which the family of Handacia took the top spot.

With the bloodline of a former Host of Pride, Opus was the heir to such a line.

The seats of the arena filled with a number of demons, a squad of 'cheerleaders' forming at the front.

Among them were the white demon with black fangs and horns, as well as the black demon with white fangs and horns- the two who had been clinging to Opus and Cespor respectively.

Standing in the center was a referee for the match, though he was merely a student himself. No teachers were present, as there was no need for adult regulation of a duel.

In the demonic world, duels were absolute.

So long as no deaths happened, beating someone beyond the point of repair was allowed.

Entering from one side of the arena, the dark green demon with horns which went straight backwards and the flippant hair of a prettyboy walked forward, waving to all as he flashed his elongated fangs with a grand smile.

The cheerleaders shouted out in amazement, all except the woman who previously clung to Cespor, and the crowd went wild with support for the demon.


"Put that peasant in his place!!!"

"Make sure he understands the difference between you and him!!!"

"Teach him a lesson he'll never forget!!!"

Opus held a wooden sword- a blunt tool which would prevent any accidental killing. In order to kill ones opponent with such a tool, they would truly have to intend to kill them.

Even fighting with one's claws could lead to the accidental slicing of an artery, so such weapons were selected.

And then, exiting from the opposing end of the arena was an indigo colored demon.

His hair swirled around his head like a hurricane, covering the short horns which he had. His fangs were so short that even when he smiled they did not peek through, and he wore a uniform similar to the demon before him.

Having taken off his glasses for the fight, he too wielded a wooden sword as he stepped forth with a grin.

'You have never run for your life before. You've never fought anyone to tooth and nail over the last scrap of food from a garbage bin for your family. You're nothing more than a spoiled brat who doesn't understand the reality of this world. That.... is the difference between me and you.'

A rain of booing could be heard from the crowd, and especially so from the line of cheerleaders as Huberos appeared. By taking on the idol of the school he had made enemies of literally everyone.

Stepping forth, the referee stood between the two, who were both raring to start.

"There is a timer which will be counting down throughout the fight!! As stated previously, aside from the fact that you are not allowed to kill, anything goes! After 3 minutes has passed, you are permitted to surrender, and surrender is the only reason for which the fight will end. Are both contestants ready!?"

The referee looked to one then the other, both giving him nods as he stood back.

"Then... begin!!!"

Huberos gripped his wooden sword, prepared to strike.

Thrusting it forward at the demon before him, his blow was swiftly dodged, and Huberos was met with a hit to his back.


Smacked in the back with the blade of his opponent, the wind was knocked out of Huberos for a brief second as he tried to keep himself from falling, landing on one knee.

'He was fast....'

Trying to get up quickly, Huberos was met with a wack to the head as his opponent had made his way behind him.

His head fell forward and Huberos felt blood rush down his neck, grabbing the sand beneath him.

'I need to get up, and quick.'

However, he was not allowed time to even think this.

His back was met with blow after blow and he was not allowed time to catch his breath.

'Ugh!! Agh!!! Ugh!!!'

Huberos was pressed further and further to the ground in what seemed to be an unstoppable rain of blows.

Crawling forward, Huberos tried to escape however before he took even a few steps he was met with a sword in front of his face.

Standing before him was his opponent with a victorious grin on his face.

"Well what do you know? It would seem that the short fanged peasant truly was just evaluating himself higher than his true ability. How arrogant."

Scooting back, Huberos managed to stand up, though his breathing was ragged.

His back was bruised and ached horribly, and it was all he could do to stop himself from falling over.

Leaning on his sword, Huberos looked up to his opponent with irritation.

Veins burst on his forehead and his eyes were filled with anger.

"You piece of shit...."

Spitting blood from his mouth, Huberos forced himself up, no longer leaning on his sword as he held it forth.

"Now it's time to get serious."

"You speak so arrogantly, as if you weren't even trying before.", Opus said with the casual flip of his hair. "However I would actually like to hope that you weren't trying. Or perhaps I caught you off guard? Did the sun get into your eyes, perhaps?"

Insulting Huberos by bringing up an entity which did not exist within this ever night area of the world, the people of the crowd laughed at Opus' jest.

Holding his sword forth with trembling hands, Huberos tried to calm himself.

'Focus. Focus. On the enemy in front of you. On his movements. What is he going to do next?'

"Well then..... I suppose I am wasting my precious time? It would seem an entire minute has passed already."

Taking a lunging position, the movements of Opus were made obvious before Huberos, at which Huberos quickly dodged.

Or rather, he jumped to the side, right into the attack of his opponent.


Having a wooden sword thrusted right into his stomach, Huberos spit up a wad of blood as he stared at Opus with surprise.

'He predicted that I would dodge and readjusted his trajectory mid thrust?'

However, Huberos did not even have time to think this, as his head was now wacked with the wooden sword, rattling his brains inside his head as he fell back in a daze.

It was then that another rain of blows occurred.

Taking strike after strike, Huberos heard the excited cheers of the crowd as he was slapped around, back and forth with the wooden sword of his opponent.


"What a loser!!!"

"Look at his face!!!"

"He really is fangless, isn't he?"

"He doesn't have any bite at all! All bark!"


The mocking laughter of all those around him filled the mind of Huberos.

He was in terrible pain.

His back, his face, his stomach, his lungs, his chest, everything hurt.

Blood ran from multiple locations despite this only being a fight with wooden swords, and Huberos could barely gather himself to think straight.


As he was hit back and forth, Huberos grit his teeth in fury.

"Why... Why....."

Gripping the sand below him as if it were his opponent which he wished to strangle, Huberos drew blood from his own fingertips.

"Why.... do you all look down on me?"

Tears of hatred and anger formed in the eyes of Huberos as he looked up to the demon before him, letting out such a statement.

"Why do we look down on you?"

Opus stopped his beating for a moment, looking over to the time.

1 minute and 30 seconds.

"Because you are below us..... yet you try to place yourself above us."

And with that, Huberos was met with another blow to the head.



"Now he's crying like a baby!!!"

"What a loser!!!"

"Keep going, Opus!!!"

The mocking cheers of the crowd continued.

Huberos at this point was bruised all over his body.

Everywhere hurt.

Everything hurt.

Not a single spot on his body had gone unharmed. His eyes were now black, and he was now blubbering like a fool before all.

"Ugh.... urg...."

Huberos was weak.

He believed that with his own experience, he would outrank the man before him in a fight.

Yet this was nothing more than his own arrogance.

Opus was born talented, and even having been born talented, he was trained by professional swordsmen from the time he was 4 years old in human years.

He was now refined as a duelist, whereas Huberos had never been in anything more than a few street scuffles.

'Why..... am I so weak!?'

Having his own weakness thrusted into his face as he was continuously beaten, Huberos grabbed his face in anguish.

He came to a conclusion which before he would never have believed, yet right now he was certain of.

He believed he would be more powerful than Opus regardless of the length of their fangs.

However now, with the difference shoved into his face, he was forced to accept this difference.

As a result of this, he came to a separate conclusion- the conclusion that even though he felt great about the exam he took, that perhaps he truly did do worse than every other student in the school.

Perhaps he was so dumb that he didn't even realize how dumb he was.

The continuous insults and laughter filled his ears.

The mocking cheers of those women who danced around for their beloved idol, the sneering of all those around him, the continuous blows from his opponent, and his own realizations.

These things tore away at the mind of Huberos.

'Why... is everyone better than me..... at everything!?'

Only two minutes had passed, yet Huberos didn't bother to look at the clock.

His tear and blood filled eyes couldn't see anything, so he shouted at the top of his lungs.


The crowd went silent at this statement, however the words of the man before him were ones which he would never forget.

"How shameless. Have you forgotten the rules we set earlier? You are not allowed to surrender until the three minutes have passed. Take it like a man. Or perhaps your horns and fangs aren't the only things which you lack?"

And as such, the crowd once more burst into mocking laughter.

Huberos was then kicked to the side, thrown about on the sand by his opponent, and once more the bombardment begun.

"Do you wish to apologize now!? I would rather see you apologize for ever being born. Not only you, but your family, your kind, and everyone like you. Go on. Why don't you beg me to stop?"

Huberos was met with a number of kicks and finally Opus planted his foot on the head of Huberos.

2 minutes and 20 seconds.

"I.... am sorry for ever being born. I am sorry for the existence of my kind.... and for my statements..... and for my....."

Huberos choked up before stating the word 'family'.

He couldn't say it.

"Hmm? I didn't hear you? Are you sorry for your family? For the fact that your mother made the vile decision to even give birth to you? For your poor and pathetic relatives who are nothing more than gutter scum??? Let me hear it!"


Huberos was then met with a foot to the face.

"Ah ah.... you don't truly seem sorry if you can't apologize for that much."

And so, the beating resumed and the laughter continued for another 40 seconds.

As soon as the three minute mark sounded, Opus sheathed his sword, walking off as he flipped his hair.

The cheerleaders ran over to him quickly, clinging onto him- all aside from the one who was a fan of Cespor.

"You did great!!!"

"You're so cool, Opus!"

"This is why I love you!!!"

Huberos placed his hand on his head, covering his tears with bitter expression.

He did his best to stop from crying out loud, but even so he was humiliated beyond belief.

And everyone in this arena was laughing at him.

Everyone was looking down upon him.

Everyone..... was better than him.

However, it was what the referee said next that made Huberos' heart jump.

As broken as he was, these were the last words which he wanted to hear.

"That is it for round 1! And now we will be moving straight on to round 2, with Cespor vs. Huberos!!!"

Opening his blackened eyes wide with shock, Huberos tried to open his mouth in protest, yet could say nothing, for he was in too beaten of a state to even utter protest.

It was then that out of the arena Cespor walked, and Opus shook his hand before the two switched places.

The cheerleaders returned to their places, all except for the white one who followed Opus.

Cespor walked over to the beaten Huberos, who lay on the ground.

"Ah..... I suppose you might not have been listening too well when I proposed my conditions, but let me inform you of something, peasant."

With a sly grin, Cespor folded his arms together.

"I never once stated that our duel would be canceled if you lost to Opus."