Chapter 423- Setting the Rules

[Humble] [Humble] [Humble] [Humble] [Humble] [Humble] [Humble] [Humble]

Huberos spammed his own ability the moment he heard this statement within his mind, grinning victoriously as veins bulged across his face.

'She's done it now. Ha.... hahaha..... I've won! I've won!!! She went and said it!!! This bitchy woman just went and said all that!!! There's no way she'll even be able to hold a candle to any of my warriors after-'

[Error. No statement was made]

[Error] [Error] [Error] [Error] [Error] [Error] [Error]

[Ah..... did you think you had caught me? It's a bit humiliating you know. Watching you frantically spam your ability like that as if you've achieved victory.]

The voice of the female succubus played within the mind of Huberos, causing more and more veins to bulge as he looked up to her.

She was smiling.

She was smiling in complete and total victory.

Without a doubt, her own arrogance was far beyond anything which Huberos had ever witnessed- something which perfectly fit the conditions for his own ability.

Yet, there was nothing.

Her mouth did not move.

[That you thought I would go and make such a foolish mistake... I may not be a gamer, but I'm not going to play right into your hand, you know.]

Taking a deep breath in, Huberos calmed himself.

"I see..... an interesting phenomena. How... irritating."

[Ah, and one more thing.]

The succubus now was frowning, glaring into Huberos as if she could see right through him.

[I may be a bitch. The biggest one you've ever met. But that doesn't give you the right to call me one.]

It was at that moment that the crimson demon snapped his fingers.

As soon as he did so, the stone ground itself raised upward as if it was being lifted by some sort of mechanical contraption.

However, there was none.

This was the work of magic.

Soon an entire building had formed around the armies- a massive structure which formed an arena with enough space in the pit for entire armies to battle one another.

It was a colosseum, however it was not just any old arena.

It was perhaps the largest arena in this world.

A circular stadium which could likely house 500,000 people if necessary, allowing for thousands to battle against one another for the viewing pleasure of whoever was seated.

As this stadium built itself up, Huberos could only push his glasses up with a grin.

"So you hold the ability to build. How interesting. It is unfortunate, however. For the one who comes on top in this forsaken world.... is always the one who is better at destroying."

Stepping forth with arrogance, Huberos looked around the empty seats with curiosity.

"Ah, do not worry about such a thing.", Trevor replied. "That is also among our.... expertise."

And with the snap of his fingers, the arena was filled.

Only the front few rows were filled, but in that moment thousands of people teleported within the seats of the arena.

People of all kinds.

Lizardmen, fishmen, ratmen, insectoids, slime people, goblins, snakemen, and even humans.

"You intend to turn this battle into.... a match? Into a game?"

As Huberos looked around at all the spectators, he thinned his eyes.

"What is this? Surely you do not intend on using any of these inferior beings as your warriors. If you are already aware of my ability, then there is no need to hide anything from you. I was able to take the weakness within these plantmen and make it into their strength. But surely you hold no such ability. Why then have you brought all these people here? Don't tell me you weren't joking when you said-"

"Oh, I wasn't joking. Why would I joke about something like that?"

Samantha cut the demon off before he finished as she looked down smugly.

"Now then.... I suppose we should negotiate on some rules? Or do you prefer that we simply battle without any conditions? Either way is fine with me, but I'll let you know one thing."

It was at that moment that the voice of the succubus resounded within the minds of every plant person, devil, and dragonic demon within the arena.

[You'll lose either way]


'They are arrogant..... arrogant arrogant arrogant..... yet...'

Huberos grinded his teeth against one another as he looked up to the four who sat before him.

One girl- the spiritual girl- had already been taken care of using Apathia's ability.

On the other hand, Apathia could not be relied upon further.

She had used her own ability. Expecting her to actually fight was beyond reasonable. While she was quite capable in terms of fighting ability- the strongest among all the hosts, as a matter of fact- if one took her personality into account then it was highly unlikely.

'Yet... they hold reason to be arrogant. They hold many powers..... powers which are equivalent to those of a host..... therefore I must use my mind. I cannot merely fight them assuming that I will beat them due to who I am. They have a network of intelligence, and due to this they understand the inner workings of my own ability. As a result, they have avoided being caught within it. Therefore I.....'

Huberos bit his lip as his hand twitched.

'I..... must admit that they have gotten the better than me.'

[Finally realized it?]


It was as Huberos heard this voice that he came to a realization which he should have already come to, yet had not as a result of his own built up irritation.

The woman was responding to him without speaking.

Furthermore, she was not responding to his own statements.

She was responding to his thoughts.

'She..... she can hear me thinking?'


'Shit! Shit shit shit.... what do I do? How do I outthink someone who can hear my mind!? Get out of here!!'

Grabbing his head in a panic, to the others it appeared as if Huberos had gone mad with confusion.

[That's the trick. You're not supposed to beat us. Of course..... you're free to try.]

The succubus then used her clawed hand to pull her own eyelid down, sticking out her tongue in mocking manner.

Closing his eyes and suppressing his own irritation, Huberos turned back to the plantwoman who stood behind him.

"Do you have any ideas?"

"Ideas? I.... suppose I do have a few. Why don't we accept their condition of setting rules for now?"

Turning back to the antiheroes, Huberos nodded in agreement.

"Fine then. Since this is supposed to be a war, I am somewhat confused as to why you have gone to set all this up, but seeing as you have gone through all the effort, who am I to refuse? Let us have a competition with set rules. However, is there any guarantee that you will follow the rules and accept the results? Furthermore, do you have a guarantee that those on my side will follow the rules?"

"A guarantee on both sides? So you wish to establish a set of unbreakable rules then? This could be interesting.", Trevor stated while thinking.

With a nod, the elven figure smiled as he came to a conclusion.

"Very well. There is a certain player who has not yet arrived who will act as..... the judge? However, I suppose that is quite biased towards ourselves. She can ensure that nobody on your side will break any rules, however that surely isn't comforting to you. Therefore..... I will ask you this, Host of Pride."

Eyeing Huberos, Trevor stood up with a grin as a gust of wind overcame the man.

His gelled hair stayed in it's place though his tie and coat tails fluttered about as he stood.

"You hold the ability to enforce pacts, no?"

"As irritating as it is to admit it, you seem to understand my abilities well. To the last detail, I would say. I do hold such power."

"Excellent. Then, as the representative of the antiheroes I hereby declare that the four of us will follow the rules which are set forth within the following set of negotiations, whatever they may be."

[Conditional Humility]

With a grin, Huberos used his own skill on Trevor.

"You are now locked into such a thing. Should you break the rules..... depending upon the magnitude of offense, you will be greatly penalized. However, I am curious about this judge. How can you be so sure that I myself will not break any conditions set?", Huberos questioned.

"Ah, that? Well it's quite simple, really."

Taking a seat, Trevor looked up to the skies.

"We happen to know a woman who can reset reality as she pleases."

It was at that moment that a flash of light exploded within the sky.

It was blinding, yet it only lasted an instant- enough time for everyone to shield their eyes only to look up in confusion as to what had happened.

And it was then that she was present.

In the sky, a woman flew above all.

Her dress was that of a demonic overlord, and her face that of a gorgeous angel.

Her beautiful silver hair carefully fell from her head, swerving about the girl.

The angelic wings which sprouted from her back flapped, keeping her afloat in midair, and she looked down on those below her with a peaceful smile.

[Good morning, everyone.]

Speaking with kindness in her voice, every single person within that arena- including Huberos- understood well their position.

'I..... no.... no no no..... this... the antiheroes are one thing..... but this woman?'

Holding his head in anguish, Huberos came across a realization which went against everything he was.

'She..... she cannot exist... how..... how can such a..... how...'

Fumbling with his thoughts, Huberos looked up to the woman once more, taking in that smile as his breaths became greater.

'How can someone..... be this high above me?'


Huberos had spent his entire life trying to prove to himself that he was better than others.

However, he was thrown to the ground.

Spit on, mocked, humiliated, he was shown firsthand that he was inferior.

And yet, there was one saving grace in his life.

His position as a Host.

Through this position, he truly did become number 1 in everything.

Or at least, he believed himself to be so.

And yet right now, Huberos looked up at a being which transcended the very realm which he lived in.

The antiheroes were one thing.

He could admit that they were powerful. He witnessed the immense magical power contained within the spirit and the complex abilities which the others carried, including the mind reading power of the succubus and the insane creation abilities of the demon.

Yet Huberos still felt as if he could do something against the antiheroes if he used his mind and negotiated properly with them.

However, the moment he laid eyes on the angel who flew above him, Huberos was filled with a total sense of inferiority.

She was far, far beyond him.

"That... is the Determined?"

Recalling the words of Vex, Huberos shivered.

'I..... lost.'

He recalled the pure terror in the trembling voice of Vex, a man who had been distraught and forced to reevaluate his very existence upon meeting this woman.

Yet Huberos never thought even for a second, that the woman could be someone of this caliber.

'He lost to her?'

'He LOST to her?'

Huberos found himself frowning as he witnessed this being.

'How did he even face her in the first place?'


'Ah..... I know why.'

'Vex was an idiot.'

'He was a classless fool who couldn't understand when someone was above him.'

'He couldn't sense the difference between himself and others. It was because he was not in touch with his own pride. Not the way I am.'

The woman descended from her flight, taking a seat at the central seat on the vehicle which the antiheroes rode on.

Pushing aside the curtains, she crossed one leg over another, speaking without even looking at the one she spoke to.


"We were about to set conditions for a battle.", Trevor responded.

"I see. Should I take part?"

"You will act as the referee. If they break the conditions, break their minds. That is all."

"Leave it to me."

The voice of the woman had changed as soon as she sat down, and her kind smile turned to a corrupted grin.

[Then..... why don't I start by bringing out the prizes?]

Gormand stepped forth as soon as he heard this.

"Hey, I'm not sure what's going on here..... but why would there be prizes to something like this? Even if this is an arena battle with rules, this is supposed to be a war, right? Why are you talking about prizes? Although, if you want to reward me I would like some nice home cooking."

The demonic angel laughed at this question, followed by a nod.

[Ah, I wasn't talking about those types of prizes. Think about it. Why are you warring with us in the first place? Why have you gathered this army? Why have we set all this up? Why are we fighting in the first place? I'll tell you why.], the sweet voice stated.

It was then that the corrupted voice slithered through the eardrums of all.

[It's because there is something that each side wants. Right?]

The voice sent goosebumps down each and every person who heard it, yet Gormand nodded.

"I guess so. But as far as what I want....."

Gormand stepped forward with resolve.

"I'd like to take a crack at the people who killed the other Hosts."

"Is that your only goal? Were you not going to attempt to become a demon lord?", the voice asked.

At this, the dragonic demon shook his head no.

"I couldn't care less about that. Yeah, alright. It doesn't really sit well with me that you guys are going around the world and claiming that you're gonna be the new demon lords. But you know what? Not my problem."

"He speaks for himself. I would say that I am quite deserving of such a title.", Huberos stated as he pushed up his glasses. "Therefore how about this, Determined. If we win, I become the one and only demon lord- instead of you."

How many times had Huberos said something which was out of line in his life?

How many times had he said something that was not his place to say?

Right now was yet another time.

Yet Huberos knew.

He knew that this was his one and only chance.

If he were to face this woman directly, he would lose.

With certainty.

'Therefore.... I will defeat her now under such a condition.'

As he asked this, he witnessed something strange.

The pure white skin of the angel became a pitch black.

A tarlike substance overtook the body of the girl and her wings grew dark and withered.

Horns and fangs sprouted from her face and she looked at Huberos with her gazing red eyes.

"You really are the Host of Pride. Fine then. Go ahead. I'll agree to that. However, don't you think that's pretty..... high handed of you to ask?"

The girl closed her eyes, opening them once.

It was at that moment that the girl disappeared and was now standing behind Huberos, Gormand, Apathia, and Tera.

"So let me add a condition on the flipside. If you lose today..... then you become my eternal slaves. Just as all the others."

The four turned around quickly, however as soon as they did so they heard a voice in front of them.

"Ah! You weren't supposed to let that slip!!"

"Whoops. Sorry not sorry."

"Now they'll catch on that they're still alive!!"

"Now that you said that they really will."

"Ah!! Shit!"

Two voices seemed to be arguing with one another- one corrupt and sinister, the other sweet and concerned.

As they looked up to see this woman arguing with herself, Huberos and the others could only think one thing.

'This woman... has gone nuts.'

However, as soon as they thought this, the two voices combined and spoke within the minds of the four.

[We prefer the term insane.]


"I'll agree to your condition. After all..... I won't lose."

With arrogance, Huberos responded to the condition of the Determined while one eye twitched.

He was disturbed at her character, yet he now knew something with certainty.

This was his golden opportunity.

He couldn't forsake it over fear of loss.

He was the Host of Pride.

How could he even think of himself losing?

More importantly- if he lost, he would have died anyways, should he have not accepted this condition.

Loss was not an option.

And this was his greatest chance at victory.

Therefore, he agreed.

'I can defeat people in intelligence.... in athleticism..... in any form of competition. I am the best.... and if I am not, I will become the best. However..... there is one thing which I do not want to face. Ever.'

With a grin, Huberos looked to Trevor as he stood up proudly, then back to the bipolar expression of the woman.


"Shall we discuss the conditions then for the competition, now that we have guarantee that they will be adhered to on both sides?"

"Of course.", Trevor responded.

"I will begin by asking once more. Will anyone from the stadium or any reinforcements be joining your side? And will our forces be allowed to participate in full?", Huberos questioned.

"None spectating will join us, nor will any others be arriving. This is it. Us.... three, I suppose, given that our spirit is in no condition to fight. Gary, carry her on your back, will you? We will need you to do that for the sake of freedom of movement.", Trevor then ordered.

"Got it."

Garett then took the effort to pick Ashley up, resting her on his back.

She had not a single light of life in her green eyes, and she merely looked forward into nothingness.

Her very will to do anything had been sapped from her.

"Ah, you'll reset her to how she was before if we win, right?", Garett asked.

To this the magenta dragon opened one eye and nodded a single time, ever so slightly.

"Got it. That's a condition then. What else? So it's 3 vs 603, and the winners get the title of demon lords. The losers become enslaved to the winners? That good with ya'll?"

"Acceptable.", Huberos responded.

With a nod, Garett looked back to his comrades for confirmation.

"Indeed.", Trevor stated.

Stepping up, Trevor and Samantha then dropped down into the arena and the vehicle which Claire was in began to make it's way back, allowing her to view the battle from the sidelines.

Garett, Samantha, and Trevor now stood before 500 dragonic demons as well as 100 plantmen plus a single devil.

Garett stood forward as he fiddled with the charm on his neck that matched the spirit who clung to his back.

"Then, I suppose it's about time we discuss the competition itself."