Chapter 426- The Archduke of Entropy

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Samantha looked over to the egg shaped rift which had sealed Trevor with wide eyes.

Whispering these words, anxiety was clear in her voice.

"What happened to all that planning? All that shit you talked about? You said you understood his abilities and that we would have to watch what we say, and you just go and say something like that?"

Samantha raised a clawed hand, forming a fist.

Swinging through the air, she tried to punch the object, however something strange happened.

Her hand sifted right through it.

"This is..... part of a different dimension?"

Breathing in, the girl combed her claws through her hair, letting out an irritated sigh.

'I see. So you need me to save you, eh? What happened to all that talk about doing everything yourself? Fine then. Just shut the hell up and watch.'

Stepping forward, the succubus now had a merciless glare in her eyes.

'I'll rot the brains of every one of these insects.'


"Ah.... I'm sorry. I dropped you out of surprise. Are you alright?"

Garett gently picked Ashley up again, speaking softly as he did so, yet right now he looked towards his enemies with a strange smile.

They had surrounded him on all sides, and were currently charging at the three who remained.

Yet it was then that a single phrase exited the mouth of the succubus, and at that moment everything came to a stop.


Holding up her hand, the succubus lowered her eyelids with pure annoyance, as if she were looking at garbage.

"Incapacitate yourselves."

And at that moment, all the plantmen and dragonic demons surrounding them raised their own weapons to slice off their own limbs.

However, before they could do so, another voice was heard.

[Consumption of electrons]

And then, the people who had raised their swords to slice off their limbs stopped.

The people then looked around with confusion, unsure as to what had happened.

Gormand stood forth out of the crowds, approaching Samantha with serious expression.

"I see that you use charm magic, succubus. You influence the minds of others, implanting them with an absolute loyalty to your every word by shutting off their internal thought processes, leaving only the emotions produced out of love and obedience for you. It is similar to Lustia's abilities.... yet yours is much more efficient and potent."

With a grin, the dragonic demon rushed forth to attack.

"However, all it takes to counter such an ability is to momentarily shut off all brain function."

Swinging at Samantha, Gormand drew a line in the air with his claws, which she swiftly dodged as if she were dancing.

"Oh? I never thought I would meet an insect who could escape my charm. It seems that you are a perfect counter to me in every way then?"

Holding her hands in the air, Samantha formed a number of shards which flew at the dragonkin as he continued to slash at her. Both dodged one another's attacks perfectly, allowing no room for error.

As Gormand continuously swung at Samantha, Garett rushed forth to protect his comrade, meeting his foe straight on.

At this point Garett held out his club with both arms, blocking the attack while Ashley remained on his back. The weapon interlocked with the claws of his opponent for a moment before both parties were thrown back with immense force.

As he was thrown back in that moment of confusion, his mind was filled with a single thought.

Trevor had been sealed off.

Somewhere, somehow, a mistake had been made.

Something outside of predictions had occurred.

Whatever had happened, Garett had to take the helm and figure out a solution without Trevor.

And first and foremost, that meant to win this fight.

However, in the chaos, it evaded the mind of Garett that this was a mere competition.

The fact that Trevor had been sealed weighed on his mind, and he forgot where he was.

'I have to beat them to a pulp..... and force them to let him free.'

It was because he forgot where he was, that he let the following words slip from his mouth.

"I've seen enough. You won't seal anyone else."


And at that moment, a black ribbon emerged from the air, wrapping itself around both Samantha and Ashley.

Two more egglike structures formed.

Ashley merely looked on lifelessly as she was wrapped and sealed, not making a single peep before she disappeared from sight.

As for Samantha.....

"Ah. You went and said something unnecessary. I wonder if I'll be able to meet with the others in here? Ah, Gary. Do me a favor."

As the ribbon wrapped itself around Samantha, she spoke in overconfident tone, defiant until the last moment.

"Don't fuck this up."

As he heard these words, Garett's eyes went wide.

His comrades had disappeared before his eyes.

The comrades which he had gone through so much with, who had not faced such adversity since they first arrived in this world.


As he looked at the three eggs around him, something went off in Garett's mind.

'Ah. I see.'

Dropping his club, Garett stood forward with a look of insanity.

'It was my fault that they came here in the first place. And now it's my fault that they're all gone from this world.'


What occurred next defied the expectations of everyone present.

Before Huberos or Gormand could even blink, the crimson demon before them was gone.


Huberos looked back and forth, attempting to pinpoint his enemy, yet it was then that he heard a number of sounds which showed him exactly where he was at the time.

The sound of flowing liquid, and the thud of a body dropping.

And then, screams.




So many screams that Huberos couldn't even bother to count them.

They were the screams of all present.

Turning around, Huberos looked to see a scene of terror.

Blood covered the arena.

Each and every one of the dragonic demons had been reduced to a limbless torso.

They writhed on the ground helplessly, shouting in torment.

"It hurts!!!"

"My arms and legs!!!"


With the twitch of his eye, Huberos looked around to find the source of their suffering but he could not.

He was gone.

"So you sealed the three of them?"

It was at that moment that Huberos felt his own head fly off his neck.

However, in the next moment, his head had been replaced.

Now, the crimson demon was in front of Huberos, and the black ribbon tied up his limbs, forcing him into the egg shaped seal which formed around him.

"Ah. Looks like I broke the pact we made when I killed you. Looks like this your win."

It was then that the demon laughed wickedly.

"However I wonder how our judge will deal with things now that the pact has been broken? After all.... she was not bound by it in the first place. Keh heh....."

At that moment, Huberos was filled with holes.

Blood gushed from his body, and Huberos fell to his knees, touching his own chest with his hand as he begun to spit blood.

"Blergh!! W-what!?"


'It was my fault that they came here in the first place. And it's my fault that they're all gone from this world.'

[Conditions have been fulfilled]

[Level up]

[Player Garett] (Lvl MAX)

Strength: MAX]

[Dexterity: NEGATIVE MAX]

[Perception: NEGATIVE MAX]

[Charisma: NEGATIVE MAX]

[Intelligence: MAX]

[Negative Maximizing Skill: (Dexterity) [Uncontrollable] (Active) Increases your speed immensely. Extremely difficult to control.]

[Negative Maximizing Skill: (Charisma) [Broken Promises] When you fail to keep your word, retribution will go out to all involved including yourself]

[Negative Maximizing Skill: Perception: [Sensory Overload] (Active Skill) You process information faster than you can decide, therefore your body will decide on it's own. Combination with [Uncontrollable] is highly advised against.]

[All skills have reached maximum absolute value for player Garett]

[Title Acquired: Archduke of Entropy]

[Alternative title: Origin of Chaos]

As Garett watched this status screen flow past his mind, having witnessed his comrades sealed before his very eyes, he smiled with madness.

"Ha..... hahaha....."

Looking up with eyes red with veins, Garett snapped his fingers.


[Sensory Overload]

And then, he disappeared.


"Ah..... it looks like we lost. Sorry guys."

The voice of Garett echoed in the abyss, carrying to the other three who were present in this state of nothingness.

"Lost? I would say no such thing. After all.... this was the plan from the start."


The other three voices shouted out in confusion as Trevor continued to speak with confidence.

"I hid this from you all because telling you would make such a plan fail. After all.... it was only after seeing the rest of us disappear that you were able to unlock your new set of abilities and title, no? Ah, Ashley, how are you feeling? I believe we can use one another's names within this dimension, therefore there should be no issue."

"Feeling? Kinda weird. It's like I was in a veggie state or something before. But now I'm back to regular, and I'm in this strange place? Ah, and thanks a lot for dropping me, Garett. I really appreciate the love."

"Once again, I'm sorry about that. I was so shocked that Trevor got sealed.... but wait! What the hell do you mean this was all your plan!? How do we get out of here!?"

"Trevor, what the actual fuck. Why would you incorporate this into your plan? Are you trying to make me have a heart attack?"

Samantha berated Trevor, who merely chuckled.

"Nothing of the sort, my dear. As I said, it was for the sake of Garett. Furthermore, now you all see how detrimental the ability of that Host of Pride can be if we allow him to use it. Even so..... I suppose things do look a bit grim from here on out. After all..... there was a single gamble which I took."


"A single gamble?"

"What do you mean?"

The three questioned Trevor with confused tone, unable to figure out what he was referring to.

"The Determined is outside as the referee. No foul play has occurred on the part of our opponents regarding our sealing, therefore I cannot see her rebuking them for this alone. However.... what if that demon was to refuse to unseal us from this state?"

"Refuse to unseal us..... well, then he would be breaking the contract we made, right?", Garett stated.

"But what kind of idiot would do that? After all, the Determined would never let him-"

Samantha stopped in her statement before thinking back to her interactions with Claire and Clarice.

"Or would she....."

"That is my gamble.", Trevor stated.

As he said this, the four became quiet.

The void which they were in was as silent as if they did not exist at all.

"Will the Determined make an attempt to save us? After all, she is the Queen of Demons. Does she truly hold a need for us? Of course not. She would be able to function as the ruler of these nations perfectly fine without the four of us, and with her other self directing her..... she very well could become an untouchable villainess. However, you could say that this is a test I am performing."

If Trevor had a physical body, he would likely have pushed his glasses up at this point.

"While she would be able to rule without us, she would be giving up valuable assets. I do not believe in anything as foolish as comradery. She will save us because she cares for us? Hahaha! As if. No, I am relying on something much more concrete."

Trevor begun to laugh to himself, at which the laughs of the other voices soon joined in.

"I wish to know if she truly is acting in her own best interest. Only then will I understand that she is a business partner worthy of my cooperation."


Huberos fell to his knees, holes filling his body.

Blood flowed from him, and he looked around in terror.

"Oi, Huberos!! What the hell happened!?!?"

"Lord Huberos!"

Huberos looked around to see a number of people rushing towards him.

Gormand held Apathia in his arm, and even she had lifted her head, looking towards him with a frown of concern.

Tera and the two maids rushed to his side, catching Huberos in their arms and holding him up.

Huberos felt his own lifeblood exiting him, and he felt the cold grasp of death entering his body.


Only around half of the people surrounding Huberos had their limbs sliced off in the attack performed by Garett, for he had attacked indiscriminately before coming to Huberos and breaking the pact. The people who stood beside Huberos were not included among those who were attacked.

"Oi!!! Snap out of it!!! Just patch those wounds up with somethin!"

Gormand shouted as he racked his brain to find a solution, but as he did so he realized something.

He only had the ability to consume.

He had no ability to restore.

'I can't.... heal him.'

Apathia was no different. She held no healing abilities, nor did anyone around.

"It looks like..... I was..... able to come up as number one after all? No..... there is still..... blergh!!!"

Falling to the ground, Huberos could barely make out any words.

"Don't speak!!", Tera shouted as she grabbed him from the back. "Doctor! Is.... is there anyone who has healing abilities here!? Nobody!?!?!?"

Looking first to the dragonic demons and then to her own people, Tera shouted out with teary eyes.

Yet there was nobody.

The girl then stood up and looked around to the crowds surrounding them.

"ANYBODY!? Could anyone heal him!?"

However, the people of the crowd were filled with shock.


'The antiheroes....'

'They're gone.....'

'Sealed..... just like that.....'

'Were the Hosts of Sin always this powerful? I..... I knew that they were the strongest demons..... but to think that they could defy fate and defeat their excellencies.....'

The people within the crowds could do nothing more than watch with jaws dropped and eyes widened.

Their masters had lost.

'Surely.... this is just one of their plans, no?'

'Surely.... they are not gone?'

'Your eminence? Surely you will..... do something? Right?'

As these thoughts of dread reached the minds of the people, the angelic figure now stood before Huberos with crossed arms.

"I have the power to heal all those who are injured. It would seem that one person on my side didn't hold to his agreement and as such he was sealed? I suppose I can't complain about that then. But let me ask you all one question."

As Tera and the others looked to Claire, they were overcome with terror.

She did not hold the slightest look of sympathy within her eyes.

It was as if she didn't care at all.

Not about the sealing of her own comrades, nor about the death of those around her.

"For what reason should I help you?"


Just as Garett had been sealed, Claire sat watching with Coran and his family beside her.

"Ah! It looks like Gary got sealed as well..... they all lost? That..... doesn't seem right.", Claire stated.

"Meh. Who cares? You can get em back at any time.", Clarice responded.

"True enough. Ah, look at all the people around us though. They all look shocked. Coran, are you surprised as well?"

"Of course, it is a surprise that their excellencies would fall to the tricks of that Host, however I have no doubt that this too was a part of their plan, whatever that may be.", Coran said as he closed his top two eyes peacefully.

"Is that so? I guess if you've got that much trust in them that I should probably do something about it. I didn't think they'd rely on me in this way."

Stepping up to walk off, Claire smiled ever so lightly.

"But..... perhaps this is for the best."


"You know, it's actually kinda nice in here. I guess that's because I'm the origin of darkness? It's really.... like this is all just an extension of me I guess?"

Ashley's voice echoed through the void for the other three to hear.

"Interesting. So that is where we are. In a true dimension of pure darkness."

"Ah, by the way. There was something that my intuition is telling me but I don't really know what it means. I have this feeling that because we all have reached the max level and obtained our titles that we've been freed of the chains that constrained us."

"The chains that constrained us?"

Trevor questioned Ashley's wording, however she responded with a crackling voice.

"Hell if I know what that means. I just have a feeling. Garett, you got any idea?"

Silence overcame the four for a moment, however it was then that Garett spoke up.

"The chains that bound us..... could it be.... ah! That's it for sure."

"What did you find out?", Trevor questioned.

If he had a body Garett would have smiled, yet he did not.

"When you three were sealed and I went nuts with my new skills, I failed to even realize something so fundamental. The fact that I was able to go beyond the 3 meter radius which usually binds us."

"Oh.... can we finally leave each other then!?", Samantha asked with excitement. "Er.... I mean not that I hated it or anything, but you know.... it's..... I mean, I'd prefer privacy or something?"

"It could've just been that you three were in a different dimension, and as such I was already out of range, however I don't think that's the case based on what Ashley said. I have a feeling that this is a result of the fact that we've all unlocked our titles now."

"If that was true, then that's a benefit which I did not predict. Excellent."

After Trevor's response, the four then became silent for a moment.

"But uh.... I mean, we don't have to like.... stay apart or anything from one another, right?", Samantha asked.

"There is no need. After working together with you three for such an extended period of time, my efficiency would likely decrease if we were to change our methods all of a sudden.", Trevor replied.

"Whatever you want. Long as I can keep doing what I've been doing. Hehe..."

"Then it's settled isn't it?", Garett stated. "If we make it out of this void alive, we continue with our plans, and we take over the rest of the world. And if we end up trapped in this place forever.... well, at least it isn't too lonely here."