Chapter 472- Deleted

Oscar had dealt with a number of setbacks from the moment he came to this world.

The strange actions of Kyle, the existence of the unknown enemy who he encountered during the war to take over the Kingdom, the stubbornness of Risa, and many more obstacles which prevented him from reaching his goal.

Yet every time, he had overcome these setbacks for two reasons.

First, Oscar was the hero.

So long as he kept things under his control, his influence was limitless. He could do almost anything he wanted, and people would still love him as a figure of justice so long as they didn't lose faith in him.

And so long as the fear of the monsters remained, they would never lose faith.

The second was his abilities.

In this world, Oscar was essentially invincible.

There was nobody who could stand up to him with a smirk and directly proclaim their victory.

It was ridiculous.


The unknown enemy who he faced had secretly been plotting, for they must have understood that they could not face Oscar directly.

However the four who stood before him were different.

For the first time since entering this world, Oscar stood before four beings who were truly and utterly confident in their victory over him.

"So what if you have told me some fake names?"

Brushing his hair aside, Oscar shrugged it off.

"I suppose I underestimated you..... and I admit that you've pissed me off... just a tiny bit."

Holding his hand forth, Oscar pinched the air as if to magnify how insignificant the antiheroes were compared to him.

"And I admit that your mind is filled with more filth than even the most rotten criminals in this world and the last."

Holding out her hands in a similar manner, Samantha pinched the air with a smug smile.

"Just a tiny bit."

Causing another vein to burst on the forehead of Oscar, the succubus didn't hold back as she irritated him.

"You will regret your decision to go against me, woman. Heh. I've decided. I will have you bending over for me one day as well, just as I will for that Queen of Evil."

"As if. I'd kill myself before letting that happen."

The two exchanged smiling glares as sparks flew between them.

"And I would revive you over and over until you accepted your fate."


Speaking with a furious tone, Trevor stopped the interaction between the two, glaring at Oscar with a serious rage which could not be put into words.

"I will not have you talk about my woman like that with that tainted mouth of yours."


As Trevor said this, Oscar begun to laugh to himself.

"Oh, forgive me, demon lord. I didn't realize that I, the hero, was the one who was tainted."

Stepping forth, Oscar approached the four in an instant, so that they were all within range of his sphere of control.

"I will show you just who is going to purify who."

Jumping back and out of the sphere's range, the four kept their distance from the man, all of them jumping in different directions.

'We cannot allow him to apply any strange conditions on us.', Trevor thought. 'If that were to happen to all of us, this battle would truly be over.'

'Hmm..... which one should I go after? I suppose the woman after all.'

Rushing at Samantha as he shot through the air, a delighted grin overcame Oscar.

"Did you think I wouldn't know your every move ahead of time?", Samantha asked, turning around as she too shot through the air at tremendous speed.

"Catch me if you can.", she said as she stuck her tongue out before the succubus flew off into the distance.

'Hm..... they wish to change the scenery? I don't see how that would help them in this situation. Especially given that it will force them to split their forces. Or perhaps she is merely running away at realizing my power? Fine then. I'll put up with her provocation.'

"I will return to deal with the rest of you momentarily.", Oscar said as he shot off, following the succubus.

It was then that the two flew through the air, across the landscape.

"Where do you think you're going, woman!?", Oscar shouted from behind.

"Where indeed? Hahaha....."

Holding out her hands, a number of shards formed in the air, all of them bombarding the indeterminant before they shattered into nothingness on entering his range of indeterminacy.

"Well shit. Looks like nothing works on you. I guess I'll try it though. Stop moving, fuckboy."

"As if I would stop! Are you a fool!?"


Knowing now that her mind control had failed and that her barriers disintegrated upon coming in range of the Indeterminant, Samantha understood that she was truly and utterly defenseless before him.

The only thing she was capable of was running.

Samantha was able to hear the thoughts of Oscar, and was able to witness the scenes which played within his mind.

And right now, the scenes which played within the mind of the man were something which was enough to make Samantha throw up.

'You disgusting pig.....'

How was this man ever chosen as the hero?

How was this man the representative of justice, and all that was good?

This man, who had killed the Determined in cold blood.

This man, who prioritized nothing more than his own instinctual desires, using anything and everything to make people fall on their knees before him.

This man, whose very existence was an act of villainy.

'It almost makes us..... look like the good guys.'

Samantha understood well that her actions in this world were ones which she could never take back.

She had done horrible things to so many people, and even now, all over the world, people were dying as a result of a plan which she was taking part in.

Yet in that moment, as she was fleeing this man whose thoughts were those of a horrifying predator, Samantha felt something which disgusted her to her very core.

She felt as if she was doing the right thing.

She felt as if she was not the monster here, but the man who chased behind her.


As she was bombarded with the horrid thoughts of this man, she looked back at him with a look of utter and complete disgust.

"Indeterminant. Know this.", she said as the two flew.

"What is it, succubus? Have you finally come to your senses and realized that you cannot escape me?"

"Ally has the power to destroy this very universe, and Gary holds the power to erase things from existence- such that even you will not be able to revive them. And if they combine their powers, then everything in this world will no longer exist. And if you win, then we will without hesitation erase this entire universe, leaving you alone within a void of nothing."

With a smile, Samantha smugly thinned her eyes as her tone became filled with arrogance.

"We would rather destroy everything than leave you with anything."

"You certainly seem to hate me, succubus. What ever have I done to you? After all, I've never even met you before. Certainly, I placed you on nightmare mode, but you survived in the end, no?"

"Heh... what have you ever done to me?"

Looking back with a raised eyebrow, Samantha spoke with low tone as if she were about to puke.

"Just look inside your mind, pig. Tell me what you haven't done to me in that disgusting head of yours."

It was then that the four approached a city.

This walled city was split into three sections, cut like a pie with it's walls.

In the center of it's city was a structure which looked like a wooden version of the Eiffel tower.

However flooding this city was what looked to be a pool of tar, rising up almost to the top of the buildings, engulfing the entire landscape within the walls.

Standing on top of this tower was a woman.

She was dressed in all black, with bones and skulls lining the embroidery of her dress.

She wore heels and had the wings of a demon, and her entire existence was one of pure evil.

Her silver hair was a dark shade, and her eyes were red with black sclera.

These eyes were thinned with a smug smile, and fangs poked out of her mouth.

Twisted black horns grew from her head, and the woman had a single hand which was pure and white- free of blemish.

And this demonic woman was gorgeous beyond measure.

Upon looking up to see her, Oscar lost himself for a moment, a demented grin drawing itself across his face as he came to a stop midair.

The succubus flew past her, whispering something into the woman's ear as she continued on.

"I'm touching out. Your turn."

Stopping in his tracks, Oscar landed on one of the walls, looking at the scene around him.

"Ah..... this is Touchette, isn't it? That truly is a shame. The women here were quite beautiful, after all."

The tar had raged across the landscape, killing each and every one of the people in the city and melting the buildings in acidic manner.

"Is that all you care about?", the demonic woman asked from the top of the tower.

Looking up to her, Oscar once more fixed his hair, slicking it back with an elegant posture.

"Well..... as annoying as it is, it can be forgiven. After all..... I collected their names already. Revival is a simple matter."

"No..... that is not the case."

The woman before him spoke with a smile, raising her demonic hand as a ball of tarlike energy formed.

Pointing her finger below her, she aimed for the leg of the tower, creating an explosion at the bottom.

Jumping up, the tower begun to collapse, falling to the ground with a loud crash as it was destroyed in an instant.

Just like that, the tower of unity, the monument which represented the unity between the human nations, had fallen.

Floating in the air, the woman held out her hands, her eyes reddened with veins.

"I have set conditions on them as unrevivable. That goes not only for the people of this city... but for every human in this world."

Thinning her eyes with a taunting smile, the woman begun to laugh.

"Heh..... heh heh heh..... hahaha..."

On hearing these words, the eyes of Oscar went wide.


Holding her demonic hand over half of her face, Oscar looked up at the woman, who was laughing with a demented grin.

"That's right, Indeterminant. All the women in this world... everyone you planned on including within your harem..... has been erased by me. Ah..... but I have yet to introduce myself."

Holding out her hands with a wicked grin, the woman looked at Oscar with delight as she watched his surprised expression turn to irritation and anger.

"I am the Determined... the Queen of Evil. And I am the one who will rob you of everything you ever desired. Ah..... and I suppose I'll let you know. I am the unknown enemy."


Oscar thinned his eyes as the woman before him said this.

Pulling up his own screen, he scrolled over to a certain set of file folders within his acquired data.

[Worth banging] [Not worth it]

Selecting the folder labeled [Worth banging], a number of faces appeared on the screen.

All of them beautiful young women, of all kinds.

People of every nation, race, and culture.

Yet each and every one of them were plastered with red words.


[/revive all [Worth banging] ]

[Unknown error. Unrevivable.]

[State has been Determined]

Oscar's eyes darkened as he scrolled down the list, witnessing that each and every person on this list, which had hundreds of thousands of women, was plastered with the same word.


Looking up, he witnessed the woman before him.

She was grinning.

Her grin was so deep and so evil that it shook even Oscar to his core, and he was filled with anger and irritation far exceeding what even the antiheroes had given him.

"You... bitch."

"Yes..... that's exactly what I am. I'm nothing more than a bitter bitch who has come back from the dead to haunt you. But you have no idea who I am. Let me jog your memory. Do you remember the little girl you ran over in your previous life?"

Oscar was filled with anger, however as the woman asked this question, he froze.

He thought.

And then he shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't remember such a thing.", he said.

As he said this, the eyes of the demon before him went wide.

"But I will give you a chance. Come to my side and undo what you've done. I will let you act as my number 1 concubine, demon."

Thinning her eyes with complete disdain, the demonic woman before him begun to shake with anger.

"I... see.... so you don't even remember me... hahaha.... and yet you expect me to become your concubine?"

Holding her hand to her forehead, the woman begun to laugh with madness.

"Hahaha...HAHAHA!!!! Fuck you."

"I see. Then, I have no choice but to convince you. Ah, but I would like to thank you for this."

Scrolling over to the other folder labeled [Not worth it], Oscar smiled as a number of faces appeared before him on his screen.

The screen filled with the faces of men and ugly women, and all of these people too were labeled with the same words.


"You've done me a great favor. I will convince you to come onto my side, and then I will revive only the ones who are worth reviving. As for everyone on this list..... I suppose I'll just eliminate them. Ah..... you've given me such a perfect excuse. 'I only held enough power to revive half of the population, and as such I couldn't revive all of those people.' That is all I have to say in order to make everyone think that I tried my best. After all, I am the hero. People trust my words."

"Eliminate them? What are you talking about? They're already dead. I killed them.", the woman stated with demented tone.

"No no, I do not refer to such a thing. I will delete them from existence. Watch."

[/delete all within folder [Not worth it] ]

[Notice: Many entities have been deleted.]

In that instant, Claire witnessed it.

As the origin of suffering, she was in tune with the minds of every person in this world, therefore she instinctively knew.

Every single person in this world on that list had not only been killed, but erased from existence.

This included the men who were being transported to the Dictatorship as the two spoke.

'They... won't receive their punishments?'

'The people I killed... I cannot..... revive them anymore?'

"Undo that."

Looking at Oscar with fury, the demonic part of Claire subsided, and her angelic form overtook half of her body.

One of her wings became angelic. The horn on her right side became half of a halo, and her skin became pure white.

Her eye became silver with a white sclera, and she looked at Oscar with pure concern.

Looking with sadness onto the man, the angelic side of the woman begged him in a distraught tone.

"Please..... undo that.", she asked.

"Oh? What..... what is this? You... you have such a form? Hahaha... how adorable... to think that you could switch from one to the other like that..... it is... beautiful. I desire you even more now. Then..... let me offer you a deal. Give me your name."

The woman looked onto the man.

One half of her was filled with complete disdain and disgust.

The other was filled with fear and torment.

The people who she had killed could no longer be revived.

The suffering which she had caused for them was eternal.

Claire was the one who had done all these things, and as punishment she had taken this suffering upon herself.

Yet right now, at this moment, faced with these facts, the righteous side of Claire could not handle her own sin.

"As if I would do that, shithead. I already know about your ability.", Clarice stated with disgust.

"Then..... you wish for me to forego undoing my command? I hold the ability to do so. Ah... how interesting..... to think that you were split in such a manner... hahaha... it is your weakness, is it not? Well? What do you say?"

Addressing the angelic side of Claire, Oscar stood forward, holding out his hand with a kind smile.

"Will you accept my offer? Give me your name and I will undo the command. And then, with your name, I will have control over you as well. And with that control... I will be able to force you to do whatever I wish. You will become my slave, and in exchange I will free those people from their doom."

"Are you an idiot? I hate you more than anything. I would never give you my name over something so stupid. I was the one who killed all those people. Do you think even for a second that I would care about the people around me?"

With a snide laugh, Clarice cut off the statement of Oscar.

"Now then..... I think it's time that we fight-"


As the right side of Claire let this word out of her mouth, her left side looked over to her in utter shock and awe.

"What..... the hell are you doing?"

"My name... is Claire."


Shouting with madness, Clarice looked to her other side with terror, shouting at her.

"Sorry... but after all, I can't do it. I can't be responsible for permanently killing everyone in this world. I know you wanted to get your revenge... but if it's at the cost of all those lives....."

A tear fell from the eye of the angelic figure as her mouth trembled with emotion.

"I... can't do it."

Holding her angelic hand to her face, the girl begun to cry.

"I'm sorry. I can't do it. All those people..... I made them suffer enough. I don't want to deny them that happy ending as well just for the sake of... revenge."


"Thank you, Claire. How heroic. How pathetic it is though that your other side does not realize the nature behind your actions. Now then... here."


[Command undone: Deletion of entities. Restoring.]

[Entities have been restored.]

"Do you see? I've restored them. Now hold up your part of the bargain."


[Cancel condition: Unrevivable]

With these commands, the two came to this agreement.

[/revive all [Worth banging] ]

[All entities have been successfully revived.]

"Excellent. Now then... as much as I would love to have you become a member of my harem, unfortunately, I cannot risk your existence. Especially with that other side of you potentially going against our agreement. Therefore..... Claire..... such a beautiful name..... I am going to have to eliminate you here and now."

With this statement, Clarice's eyes widened, however Claire merely smiled, thinning her eyes.

With a wicked grin, the angel gave off an expression of demented pleasure.

'Exactly as I thought. After all... you really are nothing more than irredeemable scum. Heh...hahahah.....hahaha.....'

[/delete Claire]