Chapter 483- Age

"His physical strength is high, yet his intelligence is low. If this were 7 years ago, I would have assigned this man to become a member of the military..... yet there is no longer the need for such a thing. We will assign him as a physical laborer."

"Is that truly acceptable? Are you certain that you are not simply prioritizing production above all?"

Sitting across from one another at a meeting table were two figures, papers and documents spread out before them in chaotic manner.

"Production is a critical factor when making the decision of a man's career. We must place the people of this nation in positions where they will produce results for the good of the nation... no?"

"And the other factor which we must consider is the mental health of said person. I suppose there was a point where it boggled my mind as to why her excellency didn't simply control the minds of the people to force them into an infinite cycle of labor, but I think I've come to understand her desires."

The first of these two figures was a woman who gave off a vibrant appearance, with pure white skin and extravagant makeup and clothing.

"I suppose that much is true..... however is that not the very reason which we were both placed on this committee?"

The second was a man made from molten rock, wearing a tophat and a monocle with a similarly extravagant outfit.

Nodding to the man, the woman spoke with pride.

"It is my duty to ensure that the people of this nation are given positions which they will enjoy, and your duty to ensure that they are given positions which will enhance the economy."

"Indeed.... and that is why I find myself often disagreeing with you, for the benefit of the economy is usually at the sacrifice of the happiness of the individual..... it is impossible for a person to ever completely enjoy their line of work, therefore something must be found which at least gives partial enjoyment...."

These two figures were Lustia and Avarco, currently the head slaves of the human resources department of the Dictatorship, directly underneath the management of Samantha.

The minister of satisfaction and the minister of economics.

"This man in particular takes enjoyment in art. He is a lover of painting and sculpting, and has often pursued these hobbies in his free time."

"Is that so? Then what if we place him as a carpenter or a smith for detailed pieces? Surely that would coincide with his hobbies."

"I see.... yes, that would be acceptable."

Coming to an agreement, the two nodded as they begun to fill out their paperwork.

7 years had passed, but to the two present, this felt like no more than a single year.

As the oldest members of the Dictatorship, Avarco and Lustia were living lives which were scaled far differently than many others.

"In such a short time, the entire world changed so rapidly. It is quite surprising indeed."

"That much is obvious. With her eminence in control of everything and nobody to go against her, this entire world was literally within the palm of her hands."

"Of course."

With a chuckle, Avarco nodded in agreement as he continued to fill out his paperwork.

"But how does it feel to someone like yourself? As a person who will live indefinitely..... do you foresee this world as lasting forever?"

As Avarco asked this question, Lustia stopped writing, freezing in place.

"Forever.... eh?"

Closing her eyes with a mature smile, the woman lightly sighed.

"I do not know. However I will say this. I cannot imagine her eminence being killed or defeated by anyone."

"That is true enough. Yet.... mmm..... should I ask? I will ask. Forgive my intrusion, but I desire to know. Unless someone kills you, you will never die of age. Do you believe that there will ever come a point where you choose to die?"

"It is rude to ask a woman her age, you know."

"I asked nothing of your current age."

"I suppose so."

The two seemed to lightly banter, though there was no enmity between them.

"If this were before I met their excellencies, then perhaps I would be very offended. How sensitive I was back then..... haha..... but I do not know the answer to that question myself. Will I ever get tired of living? This brings up another question. Will her eminence ever die of age? And the same for their excellencies. If they will eventually die.... then what would become of this world?"

As Lustia asked this question, Avarco's eyes went wide, and he looked to the ground in thought.

"That is..... I am not sure myself. Of course, their excellencies are beings which have long lifespans, and there is even one who is a spirit, therefore she will live indefinitely unless killed.... and her excellency Ashley is powerful to the point where none aside from her eminence could even think to face her.... therefore, would the other three eventually die? That would leave her alone to rule, unless her eminence were to do something to extend their lifespans indefinitely. Though, knowing her eminence.... I wouldn't be surprised if such a thing were possible for her."

"That brings up the question of the lifespan of her eminence. Yet she is someone who surpasses existence in this world, so I cannot imagine age being a restriction on her."

"I would have to agree there. There have certainly been no visual changes in her appearance, but if it is considered that she is a demon..... though I am not exactly sure whether that is correct..... but if that is the case, then within this span of time there should have been little to no changes either way."

The two were once more left in silence to contemplate on these deep matters.

"I suppose in the case that her eminence and their excellencies were to die..... then perhaps I would see no further point in living within this world. At that point, I may choose to end my life.", Lustia stated.

"I see."

Nodding with a stern expression, Avarco continued his work.

"Well then, I suppose such matters are of little concern in the immediate future. For now, let us continue living as we would."


A demonic man walked through the streets of a gothic citadel, the landscape covered in darkness.

He seemed to be pacing back and forth, turning around before taking a few steps and then turning around once again.

'Absolutely no good..... completely unacceptable..... for myself to be taking a day off like this..... hahaha..... what am I thinking? Her eminence certainly is gracious, allowing such things without raising argument.'

This man had indigo skin which was wrapped in demonic veins, and his hair spiraled around his head like a twister.

'Yet her eminence did say that it is necessary for workers to destress before completing a long series of tasks. If I were to hear myself thinking such things at the time when I ruled over the people as a Lord, then perhaps I would rebuke my own laziness..... however I suppose I am no longer a lord. Even so, I have responsibility over this city and it's people....'

"You sure look like you're in awful deep thought."

As he paced, Huberos suddenly heard this whisper in his ear.

Turning to the side, his face was met with another mere inches from it.

A smiling girl, her skin green and made from plant material, was smugly grinning as she stared into the soul of the demon.

"Nothing of the sort. I was merely considering-"

"Yes, yes. I know. You're always so diligently working. I get it. But her eminence said it herself. Sometimes you need to take a load off your mind. Because I'm sure you always have a lot on it."

The plant girl spoke with complete confidence, interrupting the demon before he was even finished speaking.

Slightly flustered at having been so easily read, a crooked expression came across the face of the demon.

"Are you absolutely certain you are unable to read minds? How is it that you so consistently manage to understand my thoughts?"

"Because you're so. Easy. To. Read."

Tapping his forehead, then his nose, then his lips, the girl lightly chuckled as she messed with the demon.

This girl had long leaves for hair which had not quite reached the length of vines, and her outfit seemed to be something sewn directly from leaves, weaved in and out of one another.

"That is..... I would like to argue that that is false. Yet I don't believe you would elicit any proper reaction to such an assertation."

"Because it's true."

At this statement, the girl wrapped herself around the arm of the man, leaning her head on his shoulder as her hair fell around him.

"But that's fine. You're fine just the way you are. I hope you always stay this way."

"Yes..... well, I personally hope that you change."

"So cruel. It is because of that attitude that you had to resort on mind control to get those maids to like you."

"And why exactly then would you wish to stay with such a cruel demon as myself then?"


Opening her eyes with a sinister smile, the girl looked up to the demon as she thinned her eyes.

"Why else? Because I was born as an invasive species which was meant to dominate everything around me."

"Are you implying then that you have dominated me?"

With the slight twitch of his eye, the demon looked down at the plantgirl with a glare.

"The real question is, if I hadn't, would you allow me to do something like this?"

"Yes, you truly are an invasive species."

With confidence, the demon let out a sigh as he looked up to the streets before him and begun to walk arm in arm with the girl.

"However.... I suppose it is exactly because you invaded my home and disrupted my mind that I was able to see some things which I may have never seen. So? Where would you like to go to eat?"

"Hmm..... I suppose I could go for some meat today."

"Your answer is unspecific. I never understood why Vex seemed to complain so much about women until I met you."

"Bring me somewhere that has some good meat dishes. I won't tell you any more than that."

"Yet now I understand perfectly his complaints. Even though we were linked as hosts of sin, I suppose this is a form of suffering which I did not recognize."

Walking off into the distance, the demon and the plantgirl headed out for the night.

This demon was Huberos, and at his side was Tera.

These two had been placed in charge of Regalis, and had ruled it underneath the antiheroes and the Determined for years now.

The former Host of Pride and the woman who managed to shatter every last bit of that pride.

For her impudence knew no bounds.

Yet it was exactly because she understood her place which she was able to do such a thing.

Like a weed, she had planted her roots into his heart, interweaving them within the demon in such a way where removing them would cause himself grave injury.

And so, their parasitic relationship continued.

"Should I ask why you desire to eat meat today?"

"Mmm.... no particular reason. I suppose just because I've had enough plant material recently. It's not good to be too cannibalistic."

"Implying that it is acceptable to be cannibalistic in moderation."

"Don't say that. I'm a weed, therefore any plants I eat aren't exactly the same as me. Nobody eats weeds, after all."

"I suppose so."

With a laugh, the demon looked up, arriving at what appeared to be a demonic bar and grill.

"Well then.... shall we?"

"Of course."

Interlocking his clawed hand with the dainty hand of the plantwoman, the two entered the establishment.

'Perhaps having too much pride.... is something which has held me back.'