Nov 11, 2019

First and foremost, I apologize for this chapter being released a few minutes late. I had actually created today's chapter, and at 10:50PM it was accidentally deleted. So now I have to rewrite it.

Also, if any of you ever notice typos in a chapter, please let me know in the comments of that chapter. I am more than willing to correct mistakes.

So I woke up this morning around 9:30 AM, and I got up and did my normal routine. For breakfast this morning I ate some leftover spinach roll. I'm aware this isn't conventional, but it tasted good and at the time I was in the mood for it.

I began watching a new series this morning called Overlord. It's an iisekai based show and was recommended to me by my older brother. Needless to say, I accomplished watching the first three episodes between the times 11:00 AM and 12:00 PM. I watched with a cup of coffee in my hand.

Soon after I ate lunch, having some sausage and cheese roll (note this is not the same as the spinach roll I ate for lunch). It was also very good and I complemented it with some grape juice.

At arohnd 1PM, I realised it was nearing the end of my three day weekend. I had today off for Veteran's day, and not once yet had I hungout with friends. I began contacting everyone I could as going three days without any social interaction would be rather sad.

The first friend to answer was someone who, for all intensive purposes, we can call Jeff. Jeff answered and mentioned that we should just go on a bikeride or something.

I agreed, however, a singular issue stood in my way. I went and looked at my bike, and the tires were completely flat.

Not only was this the case, I also couldn't find my mini-umbrella sized handpump I used to pump up my tires. I asked everyone in my family whether they had seen it, but aquired no sufficient response.

I told Jeff plan bikeride was dead, until I realized I could just ripstik instead. I've ripstiked every since I was very young, and although I certainly would not have the speed of a bike, it was still something.

Jeff agreed and we decided to meetup at around 3:15. His neighborhood was around five miles from mine, so we metup halfway at around the two and a half mile mark.

We then decided to head to the gas station and pick up some drinks. We were both thirsty and there was no reason not to. We payed $1.69 for two 44oz cokes.

However, it was then that a difinitive time limit was set. We needed to arrive back at Jeff's house before his father would at around 7PM. Jeff had recently been recovering from a fever, and it turned out his father didn't want him out and about.

So we began our five mile trek, first stopping at my neighborhood to drop off my ripstik. Jeff's bike was acting funky and riding was more of a hinderance than a help. We then decided to use a shortcut through a friend's neighborhood that would cut roughly a mile off our total distance.

We continued to walk and talk, and for the most part it was fairly straightforward. At around 6PM, the sun began to set however we just kept walking.

Eventually, Jeff began to complain about his stomach hurting. I guess it was for good reason. When we came across a public restroom meant for golfers at the golfcourse in the neighborhood we were walking through, he spent around 15 minutes in there.

While he was in there I decided to pull a prank. I hid behind the small restroom building along with his bike, and set it up to make it seem as it I had just left. When he was finally finished and exited, I could sense his terror.

"Yo!!! Where'd you go?!? Bro what the hell, where did you f***in go?!?"

I laughed on the inside and truly startled him as I appeared as a dark figure coming out from behind the small restroom building. Good times.

We then continued walking to Jeff's house. The only obstacle was the small retention pond we had to walk around and the 10 or so feet of forest to get to his own neighborbood. Normally these arent issues, but it was pitch black out and I couldnt see anything.

We eventually made our way through, however, and by that time we were just ten minutes away from Jeff's house. It was dark outside but we still had nearly a half an hour before seven o'clock. We eventually made it to his house before his father and were safe.

Shortly afterwords I had my mother pick me up. She was coming home from work anyways and I didn't want to walk the five miles back in the pitch dark.

When I arrived home I checked my discord server, which I had been neglecting while on the walk. I found out there was some serious drama going on between some staff and members.

The only issue was that, as server owner, everyone was just sucking up to me and I found it impossible to form an unbiased judgement. I then made a plan.

I made an alt account and joined the server, and I've started an undercover operation on my staff. I have a hidden admin role and can see every chat with this user, yet to everyone else it looks like a normal user. I will hopefully see unbiased staff remarks over the next few days. Honestly, doing this kind of undercover stuff is super fun within discord.

So that was my entire day today. I began writing at around 10:30 PM, and then the first version of today was accidentally deleted. However, I re-wrote for you all and I hope you enjoyed. Peace out.