Nov 15, 2019

Shortly after waking up and getting ready I realized that I wasn't in the mood for any "breakfast" food in the pantry. We were out of milk so cereal wasn't an option and the bread basket was empty. I decided to make a cheese quesadilla. Sure, it wasn't ordinary breakfast food but it tasted good and surely filled me up for the morning.

I took two flour tortillas out from the fridge as well as the shredded cheddar cheese. I sprinkled cheddar cheese on top of one tortilla and placed the other tortilla on top of the cheese. I put this combo into the microwave for one minute and my breakfast was done.

I scrunched this down and then continued on through my morningly setup. This morning I had quite a bit of extra time so I even managed to fit in an episode of Overlord (now season 2).

After riding the bus to school, I walked into physics. Today I had a mini lab (where I worked in a group of three). We were given meter sticks and had to find the amount of horsepower exerted when climbing the stairs.

First my group measured the vertical distance up the stairs, which in our case was 2.53 meters. I did this by measuring the height of a singular step and multiplying by 14 (there were 14 steps).

Then, one of my group members climbed the steps and I timed him as he walked up. We did five trials to make sure our time was somewhat consistent.

Using time and distance, as well as knowing my group member's general mass, we could calculate power in watts and convert to horsepower.

First we used the work = force (dotproduct ) distance formula. In this case, the dotproduct part just means to multiply. To find force, I derived the equations F(applied) - F(gravity) = mass*acceleration.

Because my group member would be moving at a constant speed, acceleration would be zero. Therefore the applied force would be equal to the gravitation force, or mass multipled by gravity.

Plug in the force and distance to the equation and we have work. Then use the formula Power = (change in work / change in time) to find the power in watts. Finally, convert from watts to horsepower via dimensional analysis and you're good to go. My friend was walking up the stairs with about 0.4 horsepower.

After physics I went to digital design. I practiced more Gmetrix testing in digital design. I took a test that I had no training nor review with previously, and I scored a 68%. This would be a failing grade on a certification. Essentially, this test was overly difficult compared to the real certification (I'm already certified with well above what I needed) and I believe it should only be used as a benchmark.

In AP Statistics we took a collegeboard checkpoint today. It was 15 questions and I got 14 of them correct. I went back and looked at the one I got incorrect, and honestly, had I just slowed down, I would have gotten an easy 15/15. Oh well though, as long as I learn from my mistakes I'm okay to move on.

For lunch today I just got a cheeseburger with ketchup. On the side I complemented it with some carrots and ranch, a chocolate milk, and an orange. I really enjoy the school's oranges; however, my only complaint would be that their stringy nature causes parts to get stuck in my teeth all the time. I definately recommend bringing toothpicks.

In pre-calculous we learned about Heron's formula. Luckily, it's a super easy concept where literally all you're doing is plugging into a formula. This stuff should be common sense to be honest.

In APUSH we had a quiz today on chapters 1p and 11. The good news is that it wasn't super hard and we had some review before the quiz. The bad news is that I had read neither chapter. I know I got atleast one incorrect and there are possibly more out of the 12 questions. I really hope I didn't get any more incorrect as anything lower would put me at a B for the assignment.

Finally, in english we did what my teacher refers to as "station rotation". Essentially, there are multiple "stations" where we have to walk around and answer questions. Luckily, this was a completition grade and as long as we showed up and did it we were good.

Finally I went home on the bus and after getting home I started on my homework. This weekend I had a physics worksheet, the post-lab on the mini lab, some textbook pages for pre-calculous, and a small english project and worksheet. I got all my work done aside the two english assignments as I decided doing everything friday night would be too much. I'll do the english tomorrow.

For dinner my mother made homemade fettuccine alfredo. It was very creamy and tasted excellent. It was also complimented with salad on the side. I like to put straight up white distilled vinegar on my salad (NOT vinegarette). Most people look at this and say it's disgusting but I honestly think it tastes rsther good, similar to putting soy sauce on rice.

I then retired for the night. I watched the weekly Dr. Stone episode and afterwords - at around 10PM - began writing today's chapter. With that being said, I'll probably watch some more Overlord tonight and then go to sleep. Peace out.