William blankly look at the book in his hand, in the book's cover were illustrations of a tiger and a youth on a boat, Most of earth's people would be able to recognize this book, because this was the Man Booker Prize-winning novel Life of Pi, A #1 international bestseller published in more than 50 territories. It has sold more than 12 million copies worldwide and spent more than a year on the Bestseller Lists of the New York Times and The Globe and Mail, among many other best-selling lists.It was adapted to the screen and directed by Ang Lee, garnering four Oscars (the most for the event) including Best Director and won the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Score.
Thinking of archivements of this book William's whole body began to seath with excitement, if he were able to publish this kind of book what kind of sensation he would be able to stir up in this world. money, fame, honor everything. He would be able to gain everything.
But eventually William manage to calm his mood, this was a very unwise thought, Publishing this level of book on get go is very unwise, now in everyone's Eyes he was only fresh graduate with no prior literary archivements. So it will be very suspicious if he were to publish this.
So he returned the book back to it's bookshelf and began to do experiments in the library. After sometime he managed to grasp the rules of this library.
He wrote on his notebook,
1. He could go in and out of library by thinking of library icon on his mind.
2. Only his mind can go into the library. So he must keep his body safe while traveling into the library. (. William manage to get this rule by installing a camera before go in to the library)
3. There is no time difference between library and reality.
4. He could search library by saying book or song's name. He could also search by saying keywords to get corresponding results.
These are the rules he managed to get so far.
Standing in the balcony William wants to scream with his lungs and say "I'm here and i will conquer".
So he did it, he felt lot better, although he hear here and there some guys cursing at him for his madness He felt better, he knew with this blessings he will be on the summit of this world. Although he now was a nobody but in time he will be extraordinary.
" So since every road leads me to become a writer i will go and since where i will will eventually amoe to an end"
After this declaration of his something unexpected happened. The assistant interface (author note - later i will refer to the writer assistant interface as assistant interface) poped up without warning, William immediately managed see the difference in the interface, usually grey lottery icon now shinnes with colors , William immediately clicked on it. After clicking the icon a new window poped up and a line and a button named " start lottery " wre on it.
Line said,
[New Archivement - Heart of a writer]
William without a delay clicked on start lottery button, after clicking the button start lottery but changed the name to stop ,after some time passed he clicked stop.
[Congratulations for getting the reward imaginary cat]
[ Name - Imaginary cat]
[Type - pet ]
[Description - A animal with the ability to shape into any any cat type animal]
[System remark - every writer should have a companion to spend his leasure time with]
[P.s. - Please choose the imaginary cat's default form.]