Chapter 25: We must always believe that there is a miracle in this world!

  The roommates put the party Wang Qizhen aside and began to discuss intensively who could pull up to help Wang Qi.

  Wang Qiben wanted to join in the fun, but was driven away by everyone. Paponi's words are most representative: "Wang, the most important thing you should do now is to take a rest. As for other things, let us deal with it!"

  Wang Qi, who is doing nothing, has to lie on the bed and pick up the pen to write today's training experience.

  For Wang Qi's roommate, if Wang Qi can be directly entered into a team by Mikhainovic, it is definitely a miracle, and they have to participate in the process of creating this miracle.


  At three o'clock the next day, at the Florence training base, the players began to gather training, and Mikhainovic did not show up.

  "Is the coach not awake?"

  "It's said that the coach is having a headache for the striker's problems these days, and I've heard that the club is going to introduce the striker when the winter transfer window opens..."

  "Who want to introduce?"

  "This is not very clear."

  The topic immediately shifted from the speculation that Mikhainovic did not appear to the introduction of the players.

  At 3:20, the team started training under the guidance of the teaching assistant. During the jogging, a teacher who was familiar with the assistants asked the assistants at the side: "How did the coach not appear today?"

  The assistant replied: "Mr. Mikhainovic went to see the youth team's game and will not come today."

  The assistant's answer suddenly caused the players to discuss:

  "Youth team competition? What does this mean?"

  "What's good about the youth team's game..."

  "Is it going to pick the players? But... even if you pick the players, you should go to the reserve team to pick them up. It doesn't make sense!"

  "Yeah, this is very unreasonable, but... if it is not to pick the players, he puts us down to see the youth team's game?"

  Everyone had a hot discussion for a long time and had no idea, so they had to continue to ask for help from the assistant.

  "It is said that the youth team has a striker who scored 21 goals in 15 youth leagues, so Mikhainovic decided to go see the player."

  The TA gave the answer.

  There were surprises and surprises on the faces of everyone.

  "What? Scored 21 goals in 15 games? Is this true?"

  "Every averaging more than one goal! I haven't heard of the youth team having such a talented player. It doesn't make sense..."

  "It should be the player we just signed!"

  "The youth league is limited in level. He can't prove anything with so many goals. I think Mikhainovic put the wrong direction."

  "You can't say that, you also played the Youth League. How many goals can the top scorer of the Youth League play in a season? I remember that Gilardino had scored 23 goals and was already known as 'Hope. star'!"

  "Gilardino did not directly advance into the first team from the youth team. He is also a reserve team. After the reserve team exercised for a season, they entered the team."

  "Who said that Mikhainovic wants to transfer this young man directly to a team?"

  "Since it is not directly transferred to a team, why should Mikhainovic go to see it in person?"

  When it comes to this, everyone has discovered an amazing fact.

  The team is now in a dilemma and needs to be replenished. Mikhainovic is going to watch the youth team's game, and this player is a forward...

  Central defender Cesare Natalie said with wide eyes: "According to what you said, this little guy is really likely to rise directly into a team!"

  Midfielder Marco. Donadal nodded and said: "Only this possibility is logical."

  Cesare Natalie shook his head and said: "I remember that in the history of Florence, there has not been a history of entering the team directly from the youth team! This is impossible!"

  Marco Dronadale insisted on his own point: "Although there is no such thing in the history of Florence,

But this is not the case in the world of football. For example, Ronnie, he did not wait in the reserve team, or directly from the youth team into a team. "

  Forward Juan Vargas retorted: "There is only one Ronnie in the world. Can this little guy compare with Ronnie? What a joke!

  Several other people nodded, and Marco Donardal saw that the crowd did not support his point of view. He turned to look at the assistant and asked: "Mr. Daniel, do you think we have made sense?"

  The assistant replied: "According to the news I got, this afternoon's game, if the little guy can conquer Mr. Mikhainovic, then the little guy can create the history of the club and enter the team directly from the youth team!"

  The answer to this unknown result, the two sides of the argument did not win or lose, but Marco Donardal insisted on his own point of view, he looked at Cesare Natalie and said: "Cesare, do you want to make a bet? I think this little guy can go straight into a team!"

  Is it a joke, is history so easy to break?

  But for the sake of stability, Cesare Natalie asked the assistant: "Mr. Daniel, is that little guy an Italian player?"

  The assistant shook his head: "No, it is said to be a Chinese player."

  When Cesar Natalie heard that Wang Qi was a Chinese player, he smiled happily and looked at Marco. Donadal asked: "Do you still have to gamble?"

  Marco Dronadale took a deep breath and said with a hard scalp: "Bet! Of course, you have to gamble, can't lose to you!"

  Cesare Natalie said with a smile: "If you lose, please go to Michelin to have a big meal. How do you see it? I lost, please eat twice! No, three times!"

  He looks very bold, Juan Vargas is more arrogant: "The little guy can enter a team, I please eat five times!"

  Other players shouted: "I please twice!"

  "I invite ten times!"

  "I invite twenty times!"

  "I invite everyone to eat for a year!"

  Marco Dronadale looked up and teased his teammates and bit his teeth and said, "Okay! I have all the bets I have remembered!"

  "We must always believe that there is a miracle in this world, maybe there will be a miracle this time, and then you will wait to cry!"

  After the teammates laughed, patted him on the shoulder: "Marco, let us look forward to the birth of this miracle!"

  Marco. Donadal spit on the turf: "You are a group of worldly to the extreme guys, I firmly believe that miracles will be born!"

  Everyone smiled even happier.


  Three kilometers away, the match between the Florentine youth team and the Milan youth team is about to begin. After finishing the warm-up, the two sides returned to the bench to listen to the final tactical arrangement of head coach Carmelo.

  Obviously, Carmelo did a good job for today's game, studied Milan's tactical style and player characteristics, and targeted tactical arrangements.

  Of course, Carmelo also knows the importance of this game to Wang Qi, so he made some adjustments when arranging the starting lineup. There are three starting points among Wang Qi's roommates!

  Brivio and Petrica, who had had conflicts with Wang Qi, sat on the bench.