Chapter 51: Unexpectedly getting a chance to start!

  On the 4th of December, the fifteenth round of Serie A began.

  The weather in Florence was fine, but the temperature dropped by two degrees, three degrees Celsius.

  The cold weather makes people more willing to hide in a warm home, but the fans are not willing to stay at home, they have to go to the scene to cheer for their team.

  Only the screams of the blood can make the players overcome the cold and defeat the opponent.

  At 7 o'clock in the evening, the lights of the lights in Florence, the neon lights illuminate the streets, the fans called friends to wear thick down jackets, surrounded by scarves bearing the Florence logo, to the Franche Stadium.

  The Franco Stadium, which can accommodate more than 40,000 people, is brightly lit, and both players warm up on the turf to prepare for the upcoming game.

  Wang Qi wore long sleeves and walked with the teammates around the football field with his teammates. A faint white smoke emerged from their mouths and nose.

  "Look! Kiki, they are warming up!"

  Wang Tianyu pointed to Wang Qi on the court. After missing Wang Qi's career debut, he could not miss Wang Qi's first home game.

  For Wang Qi to be able to debut tonight, Wang Tianyu is very confident. After all, his son saved the team in only six minutes.

  What's more, Florence is now caught in the front line.

  "In the last game, Wang Qi completed two goals in six minutes. Today he should have a hat trick."

  "Although the hat trick is very difficult, I still believe that Qiqi can score goals tonight. After all, we have these uncles cheering him tonight!"

  "You, don't put too much pressure on your children..."

  "I am afraid of anything, anyway, he can't hear us."

  Wang Tianyu's colleagues squatted and looked at Wang Qi on the court.

  How long has Serie A not seen Chinese players?

  It seems that...only Ma Mingyu once appeared in the Serie A stadium...

  Do not! Although Ma Mingyu played in Perugia, he never played Serie A!

  "Wang Qi turned out to be the first Chinese player to set foot on the Serie A game!"

  A colleague was amazed.

  Everyone's eyes were hot, Wang Tianyu slightly opened his mouth, my son wrote a history of Chinese football? ! ! !

  "Pharaoh, Kiki is your son. Can you guess if Kiki can score a goal tonight? Can you enter a few?"

  Damn, how many?

  Don't you know how strong the defensive strength of Serie A is?

  Wang Tianyu was in a state of sorrow, but he smiled and said: "Enter a few balls..."

  Everyone looked forward to watching him, waiting for his following.

  Who knows that he pointed to the sky.

  Everyone looks at the sky, what do you mean?

  Is it... "Do you know God?"

  "I know!"

  Everyone looks at the youngest of them, what do you know?

  "Three! Look, there are three pigeons flying in the sky!"


  Wang Tianyu looked surprised and looked up at the sky. When he looked closely, he saw three pigeons.

  Powerful, this can be linked!

  Pigeons... put the pigeons... it seems to be embarrassing...

  Others glanced at each other, but they immediately started haha: "Yes! Right! Right! Kiki will score three goals tonight!"

  Wang Tianyu has covered his face, great gods, or when I come next time, put on a hat, so that you can say "with a hat"...


  On the court, Florence began to practice with the ball.

  Straight transmission oblique insertion two over one.

  Donadal spread the football from Babaca to his left side, and Barbaka quickly stepped forward, and his left foot suddenly took a big step to raise his right leg!

  However, at this moment, Babaka's left foot suddenly slipped and fell heavily on the turf.


  "This drop can definitely get Oscars!"

  "Beautiful posture, plus ten!"

  After the last away game against Juventus, the atmosphere in Florence was very good, and everyone often joked.

  But on the turf, Babaca did not get up for a long time, and his right hand painfully touched his left leg.

  It won't be... injured? ! ! !

  Be aware that Babaca's left leg was originally injured.

  Everyone's face sank immediately and went up. Soon, Babaca was helped by the team to the bench.

  Mikhainovic's face was gloomy.

  "I recommend this game to let Barbaka rest."

  After the diagnosis, the team doctor gave the Serbian professional advice.

  Mikhainovic looked at the stadium with a blank expression, and the worst thing happened.

  Tonight is the home game, the Serbian can not follow the four or five formations a week ago, so Babaca appeared in his starting lineup.

  However, the game has not yet begun to lose, but this is not a good sign.

  "Let Mutu go up, now it can only be like this."

  The tactical coach gave his advice: "He and Sefirovic partnered with the striker. This combination played 13 games last season and scored three goals."

  Only three goals in thirteen games...

  Mikhainovic sighed in his heart and said softly: "Let me think again."


  The tactical coach nodded.

  "What do you say... let the king start?"

  Mikhainovic suddenly turned to look at the tactical coach.

  The tactical coach looked surprised.

  You are not saying that you have to think about it, how come you have an idea so soon?

  In addition, I remember that when you interviewed the local media yesterday, he said that he would not let Wang start in the short term because it is not conducive to his growth.

  Are you crazy?

  Wang had only played seven or eight minutes of Serie A. came to a team for only ten days. Did you actually let him start?

  Looking at the surprise on the tactical coach's face, Mikhainovic suddenly excited: "You see, even you have not thought of it, then the other party will certainly not think of it!"

  "Wang's first hair is unexpected! You can hit each other with a surprise!"

  The more the Serbians are said, the more excited they are: "They certainly didn't think I would make the king start! I never think I will be so crazy!"

  The tactical coach opened the reminder: "But..."

  Mikhainovic interrupted him: "Nothing! I decided to let the king start, hurry up to give me the list, I will modify it!"

  Ok, you are the head coach, you have the final say...


  At 7:30, the players returned to the locker room and the stadium became empty.

  In the home team locker room, Mikhainovic began to announce the starting lineup: "Goalkeeper: Boruk; defender: Gamberini, Komoto, Pasqual, Caporese; midfielder: Santana, Dona Dale, Vargas, Rajadzic, striker: Sefirovich, Wang..."

  Hearing his name, Wang Qi was surprised by Zhang Dazui, and he did not think of himself entering the starting lineup.

  Several other strikers were shocked to see Mikhainovic, reusing the young people we recognized, but you reused like this...

  Mutu, the most promising replacement for the beginning of the Babaca, wrinkled.


  Donardel patted Wang Qi, who was sitting next to him in surprise.

  "Thank you!"

  Wang Qi instinctively replied that he immediately returned to reality and whispered: "Are you sure Mr. Mikhainovic did not miss the wrong name?"

  Donadal looked at him with a smile, and the Chinese kid was stunned by luck...