Chapter 54: Connected 3 people!

  "Forty seconds! The fastest goal of the season!..."

  "Chinese kid is ready to shock the world!"

  "This ability to capture fighters... comparable to Zaghi!"

  "Florence has come to the treasure! It is said that the king went to many clubs for trial training, and they all refused. Now they will definitely regret the intestines!"

  "Can Chinese people train such young players?"

  "No, it is said that he trained in Genoa from an early age and is an outstanding product of Italian football!"

  The reporters on the sidelines were very lively and killed Juventus last week. Although Florence adopted a protection policy for Wang Qi, he did not give reporters a chance to contact him.

  But the Italian journalist is powerful, and a little bit of the excavation of Wang Qi.

  On the stand behind the bench in Florence, there is a special audience today - the youth team coach Carmelo.

  He is coming to Wang Qi tonight.

  In the last game, Wang Qi scored two goals in a short six minutes to help Zi Li magically reverse the old woman. In his opinion, such a player will definitely be reused by Mikhainovic.

  But when he saw Wang Qi appear in the starting lineup, he was really shocked.

  Are Serbians so daring? !

  At the same time, he also worried about Wang Qi. The responsibility of the starting player is bigger than that of the substitute player. Can Wang Qizhen live?

  To know that this is only Wang Qi's second Serie A match, and it is his first home game.

  However, Wang Qi's performance completely exceeded his expectations, and he scored a goal with a kick at the beginning of the game!

  "Kid, you are so shocking to me!"

  Carmelo said to himself when he applauded: "How much is there in your body? Is it a spark that I have not found? How much energy do you have in your body?"


  "Goal scorer, number seven, king, from China!"

  The ceremonies on the scene shouted loudly: "Please ask us to shout out his name - Wang!"




  The Franche Stadium sounded the name of Wang Qi. Wang Tianyu in the stands was even more embarrassed. This moment appeared in his dreams and it has now become a reality.

  Wang Qi returned to the stands to return gifts.

  Cagliari players are still immersed in the frustration of losing the ball, Astori's face is ugly, and he deliberately provoked a handshake with Wang Qi before the game. As a result, Wang Qi only used his forty seconds to beat him. face.

  And before Wang Qi made up, he was defending.

  "Come back!"

  Astori took a deep breath and his eyes flashed fiercely.

  The game quickly re-started, and Cagliari, who was behind the score, launched a fierce attack. The morale of Florence was tenacious in the huge shouts of the home fans.

  Fierce competition is unfolding in every corner of the stadium!

  The rankings of the two teams are similar, which also shows that the strength of the two teams is not much different, Cagliari is not psychologically disadvantaged.

  In the eighth minute of the first half, Cagliari finally opened the gap from the left. After the left, Agostini made an assist and made a pass from the bottom line seven or eight meters.

  A striker Alessandro Matri, who is ambushing in the penalty area, beats Florentine central defender Komoto, a slam dunk!

  Boruk jumped up, his right hand up, and the football flew out of the bottom line!

  Two minutes later, Cagliari midfielder Daniel Conti had a long-range shot outside the penalty area, but his long-range shot missed the goal.

  In the next time, you will come and go, but there are not many opportunities to threaten the opponent's goal.

  In the 17th minute of the first half, Wang Qi moved to the left to take the pass from Rajatzic.




  There was a huge shout in the stands, and the home fans hoped to see Wang Qi's speed.

  After the game restarted, Cagliari obviously strengthened his defense against Wang Qi and did not give him a chance to speed up.

  If Wang Qi is holding the ball in the back, they will never let him turn. If Wang Qi is holding the ball in front, they will immediately carry out the double-team, and even the means of fouling will be used.

  In this case, Wang Qi could not play his own speed advantage.

  Now Wang Qi has only one defensive player in front of him. The home fans think this is a good opportunity for Wang Qi to show his speed.

  Wang Qi took a deep breath, and now the two sides are in a stalemate, and other methods must be used to disrupt the other's defense.

  Breakthrough is one of the best ways.

  So he decided to meet the fans' wishes.

  Wang Qi took the football to the Ariodo in front of him!

  "Don't go back! Pounce on!"

  Seeing Ariodo and fighting back, the central defender Astor, who stood behind him, shouted.

  Since there is protection behind him, Ariodo will not retreat, seize the opportunity to swoop up!

  Wang Qi's right foot was lightly buckled, and the football was buckled to his left side, avoiding Ario's rush, and then pushing the inside of the left foot quickly.

  The next moment, Wang Qi and the football together to get rid of Ario's rush!

  "nice shot!"

  There was a cheering sound on the stands.

  Come well!

  Cagliari central defender Astori thought that when he proved his ability, he would return Wang Qi's humiliation to Wang Qi.

  Astori's center of gravity dropped slightly and moved quickly!

  Wang Qi, who has already gotten up, didn't put Astori in his eyes. He was like a wild horse that was dislocated, carrying the wind and killing the past with a high momentum!

  There is a hurdle in front, I am crossing the past!

  The front is a mountain, I crossed the past!

  When the two people are two meters apart, Wang Qi's center of gravity suddenly turns to the right, and the right foot and the instep gently change the direction of the football!

  Without fake action, Wang Qi is full of confidence in his speed!

  Astori had a panic in his eyes, but he quickly suppressed the heart that he was jumping, and his left foot took a big step to the left.

  In order to increase his defensive success rate, he even extended his left hand to grab Wang Qi's jersey!

  Between the electric and the flint, Wang Qi and football get rid of Astori!

  Behind him is Astori's left-handed hand!

  His left hand did not catch Wang Qi's jersey because Wang Qi was too fast.

  Astor's heart began to sink...




  After two people, long-distance attack, is it the scene that appeared a week ago?

  The fans in Florence are boiling.

  damn it!

  Cagliari's other central defender, Mitchell Canini, moved quickly toward Wang Qi, and he wanted to intercept Wang Qi.

  Even if he can't intercept it, he will at least delay the progress of Wang Qi and provide his teammates with the opportunity to make up for defense.

  "What to send!"

  Mitchell Canini went to defend Wang Qi and shouted in the frustrated Astori: "Break!"

  Astori was sober and immediately moved to the restricted area.

  Even after the opponent's two-guard defensive general, Wang Qi's momentum has reached its peak. Facing Mitchell Canini's defense, I saw his center of gravity gently swaying, and the outside of the right foot was gently dialed. Open angle!

  "Good ball! Shoot!"

  There are fans in the stands who can't help but scream out loud.

  This is a beautiful and successful continuous breakthrough, fully demonstrating the speed of Wang Qi's super fast, the opponent's three defensive players have no chance to contact him.

  The world's martial arts are not broken, the same is true on the football field!


  Wang Qi Yang's right foot is a strong volley, the football suddenly accelerates, like a cannonball to the right side of the goal!

  The Francine Stadium was silent for a moment, like the silence before the storm.