Chapter 59: Conflict, chaos!

  Two goals lead, Florence is very defensive, Cagliari is not known for attack power, so the scene is very glued.

  Wang Qi is also in trouble. Once he takes the ball, Cagliari uses a close-knit approach to limit his speed. If the close-up is forced to fail, he will immediately adopt the foul tactic.

  In addition, Florence's investment in the offensive is not much, and Wang Qi's support is limited, so his offensive power can not be played out.

  This made Cagliari's coach Diego Lopez breathe a sigh of relief, but his heart was bitter and regretted: If you do this earlier, what are the two goals?

  It's all because of my contempt...

  "Face? Is he using this kind of performance to hit my face?"

  The reporters on the sidelines, the Turin Sports News reporter sneered a few times, the Florentine reporter wanted to refute, but could not speak.

  Wang is still young, and he is inexperienced. If he is a forward like Ronnie, even if he is limited, he will definitely find a solution.

  The scene was lacking, and the fans in the stands played a wave of people. They were in the mood to do so because their team led two goals.

  Even if they are accidentally pulled back by the opponent, they still lead the ball.

  Wang Qi was repeatedly put down by the other side, and the other side's movements were getting bigger and bigger. In the 27th minute of the second half, Astori was in the fight for one elbow and hit Wang Qi's face. Wang Qi screamed and fell on the turf. on.

  However, due to the blocked line of sight, the referee did not make a penalty.

  In order to fight against Wang Qi, Astori bent over and smiled at him: "Hey, kid, don't act, just stand up like a man and continue to fight!"

  Wang Qi, who is holding his face, his eyes become fierce. Even if he encounters this situation in the youth league, the opponent will never be so provocative.



  Wang Qi yelled at himself in his heart: Can't be fooled, the other party just wants you to lose your calm!

  After a deep breath, Wang Qi hided the fierceness in his eyes and stood up calmly.

  what! ...this little guy seems to have not been affected.

  Astori was depressed.

  "When it comes to men, what can you do in addition to these little tricks? Are you like a man?"

  Who is not provocative?

  After Wang Qi stood up, he began to fight back.

  "what did you say?"

  Astor was annoyed and pushed it on Wang Qi's chest.


  Wang Qi took a scream and turned to the turf.

  The screams attracted the attention of the players on the field, and the stadium became confused at the moment. Both players rushed to the incident center.

  Looking at Wang Qi's painful and exaggerated fall on the turf, At the moment, Astori was pale.

  He realized that he was on Wang Qi's. He couldn't figure out why he couldn't control his emotions. He was counted by a young man who was only 18 years old.

  Is it... what did you say before the game?

  Hey! ...

  Thinking of this, he finally understood how he was out of control, but at this moment he thought it was useless.

  "Get up! You mean this mean guy!"

  Astori bent down in anger and yelled at Wang Qi.

  "Damn, go away!"

  A handcuffs pushed him away, the players in Florence have come up, countless hands are pushing, countless angry mouths open, countless saliva is in the air...

  The two sides were eager to prepare for the bench, and the fourth official and the assistant referee quickly stepped forward to block...

  The coaches of both sides spouted each other...

  The fans in the stands shouted: "Red card! Red card! Red card!"

  Wang Tianyu watched his son fall on the turf, angry, and shouted loudly in Chinese on Astori on the court: "I fuck you X,

Fuck your family! "

  Colleagues beside him also became excited and shouted.

  On the court, the scene was in danger of getting out of control. The referee rang a short whistle and rushed to the incident center, separating the excited players from both sides.

  The referee controls the players on both sides and uses the headset to contact the assistant referee. I want to know what happened just now.

  After understanding the situation, the referee quickly came to Astori and was a red card to him!

  Looking at the red card in front of him, Astori knew that he had no chance to make up for this game. He turned his head and looked at Wang Qi, who was still lying on the turf. He said, "Boy, you wait, we There is also a chance to meet!"

  Donardel, standing next to Wang Qi, sneered: "We are always there!"

  Astori's glance at Donadal, then walked down the field, and the fans in the stands shouted at him and consoled the female members of his family.

  Astor was about to stretch out the middle finger to fight back, and was immediately stopped by the club staff next to him.

  "Oh no!"

  Cagliari coach Diego Lopez has a painful head, behind two goals, and the number is inferior. This game...

  Mikhainovic took a long breath and was steady!

  On the sidelines of the reporters group, the Turin Sports News reporter shook his head and whispered: "Idiot! Even on the Chinese kid! For so many years, Serie A is white!"

  On the court, Rajadzic, who saw the whole process clearly, pulled Wang Qi up and said softly in his ear: "Kid, do a good job!"

  Wang Qi whispered in response: "It is he who first provoked me, I can't be indifferent..."

  Rajadjic smiled and patted him on his shoulder and said nothing.

  As Wang Qi stood up again, the game started again.

  Florence started to control the ball, and now they are dominant in numbers, there is no need to make the offense so simple.

  Cagliari reduced the pressure in the middle and frontcourt and retired at his own half.

  "Is it necessary to consider replacing the king?"

  The assistant advised Mikhainov that this was for the purpose of protecting Wang Qi.

  Mikhainovic thought for a moment and nodded to him: "Let Ndiaye be ready to play! In addition, let him tell the players to further slow down the pace, must control the ball!"

  The assistant immediately went to find Ndiaye, who was warming up, to explain to him what to pay attention to and to convey the tactical intention of the head coach.

  On the court, Florence promoted the layers, Vargas divided the football to the right, assisted the right side of the right after Caborese took the ball, suddenly passed a foot!

  The restricted area in Cagliari became confused, and the players from both sides jumped together!


  Under the pull of each other, no one has reached the football, and the football hit the Kagliari central defender Mitchell Canini.

  The football hit the turf after playing on Mitchell Canini.

  Just then, a purple figure in front of the football quickly took the left leg and raised the right leg!

  "Do not!"

  Mitchell Carini gave a mourning in his heart and despair in his eyes.

  At this moment, no one has blocked this purple figure to complete the shot, because the player closest to the football, his feet just fell on the turf, can not do the blocking action.