Chapter 66: Who is Wang Qi?

  CCTV reporter Liu Yong explained why the cameraman did not come.

  This is because the club is in a very rushed relationship, and the Italian parliament is carrying out important issues, which is the focus of the report.

  This interview will be accompanied by a video of the game to report, Wang Qi expressed understanding.

  In the next interview, Liu Yong asked the questions that were prepared one by one, and Wang Qi answered all his questions carefully.

  The interview was short and ended in half an hour.

  "Wang Qi, after returning to Rome, I will report to the superiors and strive to conduct a more comprehensive interview with you in the near future."

  After ending the interview, Liu Yong held Wang Qi's hand and said with a smile: "Of course, the next interview will not necessarily be me. As long as you continue to perform well in Serie A, Taiwan will send a football special reporter to you. Interview."

  The meaning of this statement is very clear. If you want to get the attention of CCTV, even if you send a special football reporter from Italy to Italy, Wang Qi can only continue to perform well in Serie A to get this treatment.

  "Thank you!"

  Wang Qi is not too concerned about his fame, perhaps he still does not understand what the famous name will bring him.

  "I will continue to pay attention to you."

  Liu Yong patted him gently on Wang Qi's shoulder.


  The next day at 12 noon in Beijing time, the Central Five Sports News.

  "We reported the results of the fifteen rounds of Serie A yesterday. Florence won the two-game winning streak with a five-game victory over Cagliari at home, and the ranking improved to eighth place!

  Before the two-game winning streak, Florence also faced the danger of falling into the relegation zone.

  Who made it not only that Florence did not fall into the relegation zone, but also greatly affected the European War?

  He is Wang Qi!

  This is an 18-year-old player from China!

  He became a member of the Florentine youth team in August this year. After just over three months, he entered the first team and immediately participated in the fourteenth round of the Serie A match.

  In the professional debut, Wang Qi came off the bench in the 87th minute of the game. After three minutes of playing, he helped Florence to tie the game and scored a goal six minutes later to help Florence reverse the game at Juventus!

  The game for Juventus is the Italian national Buffon!

  In the professional debut, Wang Qi shocked the whole of Italy..."

  In the voice of the host, the TV shows the clips of the game between Florence and Juventus.

  In this way, Wang Qi officially entered the Chinese football field through CCTV.

  "Who is Wang Qi?"

  Instantly become a network noun.

  Countless fans want to search Wang Qi's information from the Internet, but they have found very little information, even without CCTV reports.

  It took only three months to get from the youth team to the team!

  In the professional debut, I pierced the door of Buffon twice!

  Get the starter in the second game and complete the hat trick!

  Scored five goals in two games!

  Shouldn't this be Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo?

  Moreover, when the two just debuted, they were not so fierce...

  When did China appear so amazing young players?

  Why did the domestic media know nothing about this player before?

  Even the omnipotent mother can not find the information!

  The fans are full of problems, but no one can answer them, which makes them very uncomfortable.

  Damn, what are the Chinese media doing?

  In foreign competitions, in addition to reporting the results, it is to report the stars of other countries. Our country's own players shine in Serie A, but there is no report before.

  This is dereliction of duty!

  Dereliction of duty is a crime!


  "Chen Juan,

You have a good son! "

  After Wang Qi's mother entered the company, her colleagues frequently gave her a thumbs up, and some people eagerly talked with her.

  A competitor who is not very eye-catching even asked her with a smile. Wang Qi has a girlfriend. She has a prostitute who is a sophomore this year. She is studying finance at a 985 university in Beijing. If Wang Qi does not have a girlfriend, she can give He introduced the introduction.

  "The life of European girls is too chaotic, and Chinese girls are good."

  Chen Juan does not understand why the other party is so enthusiastic, is the son now famous?

  He is not playing in the youth team.

  "Kiki is still small, and he has time to fall in love. Where do you know the competition of professional players, he is trying to get into the reserve team early."

  Chen Juan coldly rejected the goodwill of the competitors.

  "Preparation team?"

  The competitor looked at her with surprise: "Now the whole company knows that Wang Qi is already playing Serie A, and has already played two games. He has performed very well in these two games and helped the team to win!"

  "Don't you know this? Wang Qi is now the hope of Chinese football?"

  "CCTV has already reported, don't you know?"


  Chen Juan has a beautiful eye, she simply does not believe her ears.

  If the competitors are telling the truth, why is this big thing, Qiqi did not call me?

  Am I still his mother?

  "Know! Of course I know!"

  Under the watchful eyes of the competitors, Chen Juan felt very embarrassed. She hurried away, immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed Wang Qi's phone.

  "Hey, mom, good morning!"

  The familiar voice of the son came from the phone.

  "I still know that I am still your mother..."

  Chen Juan was very angry. She was a very face-to-face person. The scene she had just made her feel very embarrassed, so she sprinkled her breath on her son.

  "What's wrong? I don't seem to offend you, my dear mother."


  Still loading!

  Chen Juan asked angrily: "I asked you, have you already entered a team?"

  "Well, I entered the team 12 days ago."

  "Well, I will ask you again, have you played two Serie A matches?"

  "Well, it is like this, dear mom."

  "I am still not the most loved mom?"

  "Of course, always!"

  "When I last went to Italy, did you encourage you to enter the team early and let me see you on TV?"

  "Well, this is the case."

  "Then you are on TV now, and you are on CCTV. Why don't you tell me? And, in this case, why didn't you tell me when you entered such a big team? It hurts me... everyone in the company I know, but only I don't know!"

  "... Mom, oh... this is to give you a surprise, now you are not surprised?"

  "There is a surprise, no, no!"

  "Mom, don't be angry... can't I admit it wrong?"

  "How do you admit your mistake? You know, my mom was really very embarrassed. Everyone knows that my son Chen Juan has become a hope for Chinese football, but I don't know anything!"

  "Mom, if you come to see me next time, you can choose cosmetics, clothes are free to choose... but don't choose too expensive, your son, my salary is not as high as you are now."

  "What? I heard that professional players are paid more than a million. How can your salary be less than me?"

  "The contract is still a contract for young players, so..."

  "What is Wang Tianyu doing? Let him solve it right away!"