Chapter 73: You will surprise the world sooner or later!

  "The Chinese players have not achieved success in Serie A, but this does not mean anything."

  Wang Qi took a deep breath: "I will change all this and change the world's understanding of Chinese players!"

  The reporters were quiet, and the Turin Sports reporter had a slightly open mouth. Obviously this was not what he wanted.

  His purpose is to provoke contradictions, but it gives Wang Qi a chance to speak out.

  At this moment, Wang Qi remembered that he had been turned away from the door again and again, and looked at his companions who were worse than his own.

  "I will let those who have given up on me regret it and let the facts prove that their original approach is wrong!"

  The professional first show came off the bench. In the eyes of tens of thousands of people in the Allianz Arena, Wang Qi used six minutes to help the purple lily reverse the victory and shocked the Italian football.

  Immediately after the purple lily returned to the home court, Wang Qi started to play a hat trick.

  In the two games scored five goals, Wang Qi has attracted the attention of Italian fans, and his fame is getting bigger and bigger.

  Naturally his history has also been dug up by the Italian media.

  At this moment, the reporters present knew of what he meant, and their faces were complicated.

  The Turin Sports News reporter took a deep breath and thought: Wang, you are not qualified to say these words at the moment, I will see how you can let those clubs regret it!

  That night, Wang Qi seriously wrote the following words on the notes: "Tonight, scored a goal and helped the team win the game. This is a success.

  However, in the face of the other party's double-team and containment, there are still few solutions. In the future training, we must first strengthen the breakthrough ability, and secondly, strengthen the ability to pass the ball!

  The ball was a good one, and there was a pass to Sefirovic..."

  After summing up the game, he paused and then began to write: "When I was interviewed by the media after the game, I made a rhetoric, then, for my own rhetoric, I will work harder in the future!"


  On the second day, Florence's biggest media, "Florence Pravda", made headlines on the front page and reported on the match between Florence and Udinese.

  They used the title like this: "The lore! The Chinese kid shot and passed, helping Zi Lie to kill Udinese in the away game and take a three-game winning streak!"

  The Milan Sports News used this title when reporting this game: three consecutive goals, Wang has become the hottest star in Serie A!

  The title of the Rome Sports News is: lore! Purple Lily rises strongly and wins three consecutive victories!

  The title of the Turin Sports News is: the evening is not guaranteed, Udinese is the last moment to be killed by Florence!

  Obviously, for three consecutive games, Wang Qi won the support of the fans, and they have posted on the fans forum:

  "The Chinese kid is the hope of the rise of the purple lily!"

  "Get six goals in three games! Thank God for sending such a great young man to Viola!"

  "Scoring three consecutive games, in Serie A and the world, who can do it at this age?"

  "Although I didn't like the Chinese people before, but Wang changed my views on the Chinese, I decided to be polite to the Chinese in the future."

  Such a love for a Chinese player, which makes other club fans unhappy, some people in the Florence Fan Forum issued such a question: "Wang is just a Chinese player, you actually fell, where is your pride?"

  What the fans did not expect was that his doubts immediately set off a big discussion among the fans of Florence.

  "Wang is indeed a Chinese player, but he is now a purple lily player. As long as he can help Zi Li continue to win, I will choose to support him!"

  "I think we should separate China from the king. China is China and Wang is the king."

  "First of all, I affirm,

I am not a racist, so I choose to support the king! "

  "I did fall into the king's burst, reminding me of the Argentine, but my pride is still there, because the king is cultivated by Italian football, this does not conflict with my pride!"

  "Is the pride of purple lily to achieve good results, so I will choose to forget the king's nationality!"

  It can be seen from the comments of the fans of Florence that many people still have a sense of Chinese exclusion, and some people choose to separate Wang Qi from China.

  Some people are based on Wang Qi's training in Italy from an early age. He believes that he is trained by Italian football and has nothing to do with China. It is necessary to downplay Wang Qi as a Chinese.


  At the Florence training base, two hours of training ended, the players went out of the training ground, and the reporters outside the fence chose the interviewees they wanted to interview.

  In the training ground, Wang Qi stayed and he was asking Mikhainovich.

  "Coach, I thought about it last night. I think the best way to get rid of each other's double-team and containment is to improve the ability to break through and improve the passing ability. I don't know if my thoughts are right?"

  Mikhainovic looked at Wang Qi with a look of appreciation and nodded slightly in his heart.

  "Your thoughts are very correct. must be improved in both ways to solve this thorny problem."

  The Serbs analyzed to him: "Without a sharp breakthrough, the other party does not have to contain you. When someone defends you, others choose to cut off your passing route to curb you."

  So only if you have a sharp breakthrough can threaten the other side, the more sharp your breakthrough, the more defensive power you attract, then give other teammates a chance.

  At this time, if you have a pass, the threat is even greater, and the distraction of the opposing defensive player will be distracted. They will prevent you from passing the ball in addition to preventing the break.

  One heart and two use, they are very likely to do a good job, neither can prevent your breakthrough well, nor can you prevent you from passing a good ball.

  In addition, if you only break through and are not willing to pass the ball, the defense only needs to defend you to break through. As far as your current ability is concerned, it is difficult to break through the encirclement of the other side, at least the success rate is very low. "

  Wang Qi nodded. He didn't think that the Serbs were thorough last night. After his analysis, Wang Qi strengthened his direction.

  "The most outstanding advantage you have now is shooting, your shooting quality is very high!"

  Mikhainovic patted Wang Qi's shoulder and said: "Wang, with your current shooting skills, you will surprise the world sooner or later."

  He realized that he seemed to be wrong and said with a smile: "I forgot, you have surprised the world now."

  Wang Qi did not agree with this view, and shook his head and said: "Coach, I am at least a little famous in Italy, and there is still a distance from the world."

  The Serbian has a big brow and a smile: "You will be surprised by the world sooner or later!"