Chapter 82: Maicon Red Card!

  In front of the Inter Milan, Wang Qi, who was at the front, raised his left foot and shot directly!

  Standing on the right front of Wang Qi, Lanocchia stretched out his right foot, he wanted to block!

  The next moment, the football changed direction at the tip of Lanocchia's toes and flew out of the bottom line next to the post!


  There was a huge regret at the Franche Stadium, followed by thunderous applause.

  Wang Qi gave a thumbs up to Gambellini, he did not use "backward time" to re-shot, the main reason is Maicon.

  A game can only be used three times "backward in time", he has used it once, the remaining two times to stay at the last moment.

  Even these two opportunities may be used in Maicon's fierce tackle.

  Standing in the command zone, Benitez yelled at Maicon, and it was clear that the Spaniard was not satisfied with his defense this time.

  Maicon frowned, and his heart was more upset.

  Before that, Wang Qi had not been brought down, which had made him very shameless.

  At this moment Brazilians have only anger in their hearts, and they urgently need to find a place to vent.

  The game restarted, Gamberini sent the football directly into the penalty area, Behrami jumped up, he wanted a header to score!

  At the same time, Maicon beside him also stood up, and his left elbow hit him fiercely.


  Behrami screamed and fell towards the turf.

  At the same time, Maicon also screamed, covering his face and falling to the turf ...


  Sefirovich, who witnessed the whole process, roared towards the referee.

  "Well! ..."

  The referee whistled and ran towards the assistant referee. He didn't see what happened just now, but the assistant referee reminded him of a foul in the penalty area in the headset.

  The players from both sides gathered around and put pressure on the referee. The Florence player thought that Maicon had fouled, but the Inter player believed that Behrami had fouled.

  The head referee kicked the players from both sides before coming to the assistant referee. After confirmation, he made a penalty: Behrami fouled!

  "Shh! ..."

  There was a huge hiss in the stands, and the home fans were very dissatisfied with the penalty.

  The Florence TV commentator shook his head and said, "We can see from the slow motion that Maicon was fouled, and his left elbow hit Behrami's face. Maicon, who was not attacked, also covered his face in pain. His performance tricked the referee! "

  Mikhailovich was also very dissatisfied with the penalty. Although his appeal could not change anything, he went to the assistant referee to appeal.

  On the court, Sefirovich hugged his head in pain, and then scolded the assistant referee: "Damn, which of your eyes saw Behrami foul?"

  The referee did not hesitate to face him a yellow card.

  Behrami was finally lifted out of the stretcher, and his brow fractured ...

  Maicon was pulled up by his teammates, and the Brazilian did not forget to say silently to Wang Qi: "Boy, the next one is you!"

  Wang Qi raised his middle finger secretly towards him!

  Maicon's fire ignited, and he snarled towards Wang Qi and rushed forward ...

  The scene suddenly became chaotic, and the players on both sides were entangled.

  Damn, this is the Franche Stadium, this is our place!

  Where can the home fans endure, countless scoldings slammed into Maicon, they began to condolences to the female members of Maicon's family ...

  The referee rushed to the center of the incident, and in front of Maicon was a yellow card.

  "Why did you give me a yellow card? He gave me a middle finger!"

  Maicon, snatched by Sneijder, growled at the referee.

  The referee turned and gave Wang Qi a yellow card!

  Wang Qi shrugged without making an argument. In his opinion, men should dare to act. Since he violated the rules,

The referee should give the card.

  The chaos was stopped by the referee with two yellow cards and the game resumed.

  After the game restarted, the movements of the two sides became more and more, and some people screamed and fell on the turf ...

  The scene is in danger of getting out of control.

  Benitez's face standing in the command area became increasingly ugly. If this continues, maybe someone will be on the injury list, the World Cup will begin soon ...

  In the 33rd minute of the second half, Florence launched an offensive attack from the left, and Wang Qi struck off the midfield after getting rid of Changyou Youdu on the side!

  "I come!"

  Maicon yelled and rushed towards Wang Qi, and Zanetti stopped.

  The so-called enemies meet are extremely jealous. Wang Qi wants to use a breakthrough to humiliate the Brazilians!

  Wang Qi changed directions from side to side, Mai Kong's center of gravity descended, and flew away again!

  As the distance between the two was too close, Wang Qi was inevitable. Mai Kong's right foot was shoveled in Wang Qi's right ankle!

  The scene just started in the second half, Wang Qi's right ankle completely deformed!

  "Time goes backwards!"

  Wang Qi roared in his heart, and time returned immediately to three seconds ago.

  At this moment, Wang Qi just dunked the football to his left front, and Maicon's eyes became red, and his center of gravity began to drop ...

  Wang Qi didn't manage football this time, but kicked his left foot quickly and jumped up quickly!

  Can't just let him go!

  Wang Qi quickly made a new decision, not only to avoid Maicon's flying shovel, but also to let Maicon deal.

  So instead of completely holding up his right foot, he went down towards Maicon's right foot!


  The next moment, Mai Kong's right foot touched the sole of Wang Qi, Wang Qi made a scream, and exaggerated towards the turf ...

  "Well! ..."

  The referee sounded a whistle, rushed to the center of the incident, and a red card in front of Maicon!

  Mai Kong lying on the turf was extremely depressed, not because the referee showed him a red card, He has long been ready to play cards.

  He was depressed, judging from the touch of his right foot, Wang Qi had not been hit hard at all!

  In other words, he took the red card for nothing.

  Mikhailovich, standing in the command area, covered his lips with his hands, his hands shaking slightly.

  If someone stood beside him at this time, he could hear his whisper: "Don't get hurt, don't get hurt!"

  "King! Stand up again! I command you to stand up!"

  Florence TV commentator said loudly: "Red card! The referee showed the red card directly to Maicon!"

  The CCTV commentator said: "Under the situation of stealing the ball hopelessly, Mai Kong kicked Wang Qi down with a shovel! This is a foul of extremely bad nature. It is no problem for the referee to show the red card directly!

  Chen Juan, who was far away in Beijing, watched Wang Qi in the TV footage worriedly, her hand clutching the blanket was shaking slightly.

  This is a worrying scene. Chen Juan is afraid of her son being injured.

  At the Franche Stadium, Maicon stood up from the turf and spit a spit in the direction of Wang Qi. Damn Chinese boy, next time I will definitely let you lie in bed!

  Standing in the command zone, Benitez stared blankly at Maicon walking down the field. No one knew his psychology at the moment.

  Soon after, Wang Qi stood up again with the help of his teammates and took a few steps.


  Mikhailovich exhaled heavily, his expression returned to nature.

  Applause from home fans!

  Chen Juan, who was far away in Beijing, was finally relieved, but she was still angry: "Wang Tianyu! Did you see that? It 's such a dangerous thing to play football that you let Qiqi go to play!"

  "I and you are not over!"