Chapter 91: 4 to 0, 5 Streak!

  Ricardo Montorivo's goal gave Mihaijovic standing in the command zone a reassurance. Before the game restarted, he made a gesture to strengthen his team's defense.

  Sure enough, after the game restarted, desperate Bologna launched a more fierce attack!

  Florence forms a wall of human flesh within 30 meters from the goal. Bologna is like a sword-bearing warrior, riding into the siege again and again, and returning without success.

  In the thirty-fifth minute of the second half, Mikhailovich made personnel adjustments and replaced the reduced fitness center Adrian Mutu with Girardino, who returned from injury.

  This is Girardino's return to play a month later.

  Shortly after playing, Girardino completed a steal in the backcourt, and the Florence fans from a long distance gave him a cheer.

  Can the combination of Wang Qi and Giladino strike a spark?

  During the time of Girardino's injury, Wang Qi unexpectedly became the savior of Florence, helping the team achieve four consecutive victories.

  Many Florence fans are looking forward to partnering with Wang Qi after Gilardino returns from his injury.

  Girardino has an unusually rich experience in Serie A matches, and Wang Qi is motivated. Such a combination really makes people look forward to.

  But everything requires actual combat to test this combination.

  In the 38th minute of the second half, Florence launched an attack from the left, and full-back Gamberini transferred the football to the foot of Wang Qi, which was a little on the middle.

  Wang Qi didn't hesitate, kicking the ball over the ball and passing the football to Gamberini.

  Gamberini quickly took the first two steps to control the football, and then started at high speed!

  Wang Qi quickly responded in the middle.


  Gambellini was about ten meters from the bottom line, a sudden stop to shake off the defense on the right, and then kicked the ball to pass the football to Wang Qi at the corner of the penalty area.

  Wang Qi clung to Diego Perez on the right and stretched out his right foot to control the football.

  Bologna center defender Moras immediately came up to pinch, blocking Wang Qi's route into the restricted area.

  Wang Qi had to pass the football back to Donadale, and then quickly approached the ball.

  Donalddale didn't hesitate to pass straight!

  Wang Qi quickly took a step forward and widened the distance from Diego Perez.

  At the same time, he gently pulled the football to the right with his left foot and completed a turn!


  Waiting for Diego Perez to be blocked, Wang Qi crossed the ball and the football went straight to Girardino in the middle of the penalty area!

  This is Wang Qi's first pass to Girardino in the official game!

  Florence fans in the stands brightened their eyes, here it is!

  In the penalty area of ​​Bologna, Gilardino, who was sideways, quickly made a judgment and determined that he could not complete the shot at all, so he directly knocked back.

  Football once again flew towards Wang Qi.


  Wang Qi didn't stop the ball and stuck his foot straight!

  The football flew past Portanova's left leg behind Giladino and headed towards the goal!

  The Dalara Stadium became extremely nervous!

  Girardino had never thought that Wang Qi would plug directly. When he discovered that Wang Qi had the intention to plug, he turned quickly.

  At the moment of Wang Qi's passing, he was already parallel with Portanova!

  No offside.

  The next moment, Girardino surpassed Potanova and headed for football!

  "Do not!..."

  Home fans wailed in pain.


  Girardino, who has not officially played for a month, has a calm kick when facing Bologna goalkeeper Viviano!

  The football flew towards the bottom left corner of the goal!

  He shot an opposite angle!

  Bologna goalkeeper Viviano predicts the wrong direction,

I can only kneel on the turf and watch the football fly into the goal against the inside of the post!

  The goal has been scored!

  Three to zero!

  The away game in Florence locked the victory!

  Goalkeeper Giladino turned excitedly and pointed at Wang Qi, then the two hugged tightly.

  He hasn't scored in two months, as a Serie A striker, this is very rare.

  "nice shot!"


  Eight thousand Florence fans from afar came to cheer, cheer, whistle, scream!

  The combination of Giladino and King burst out with amazing energy!

  Their wish has come true!

  This is a complex, wonderful team goal!

  Wang Qi played both the role of the core of the organization and the role of transporting artillery shells in this goal.

  "Florence can do the same ?!"

  The reporters on the sidelines were stunned. Shouldn't such cooperation be in Serie A?

  "The king is terrible!"

  Some reporters sighed.

  The Turin Sports Daily reporter's face was mixed, and he had always had a bad opinion of the Chinese.

  Bologna coach Malesani, who was standing in the command zone, was extremely gloomy. At this time, a voice floated behind him: "I heard that Wang came to our club to train in the first half of this year ..."

  what? !! !! !!

  What happened?

  Malesani spit hard on the turf, which damn guy was the examiner?

  He gave up such a young talent!

  He decided to ask who was the examiner at the time after the game.


  The game resumed soon, and many disappointed Bologna fans chose to leave early.

  There is no hope for this game, and their team will fight for relegation in the next time.

  Bologna seems to have lost its fighting spirit. With the repeated mistakes, the high-spirited Florence anti-customer mainly launched a wave of attacks!

  In the forty-first minute of the second half, Ricardo Montorivo crossed the ball in front of the penalty area.

  Wang Qi led the football forward to the left with the inside of his left foot, and then raised his left foot to shoot!

  Football goes out of the way!


  Wang Qi quickly suppressed the idea of ​​enabling system capabilities. Now the team has a big lead and it is not necessary.

  Moreover, his left foot shooting technique is average, and even if he does it again, he may not have the chance to break the goal.

  Three minutes later, Florence completed a steal in the midfield. Donadell made a long pass directly and the football went straight to Wang Qi on the left.

  Wang Qifei took the first two steps and stopped the football steadily.

  Bologna full-back Potanova came up, Wang Qi made a strong right foot buckle, and then accelerated, leaving him behind!




  Florence fans started shouting Wang Qi's name, hoping he could complete the goal.

  In this game, Wang Qi completed two assists, one indirect assist. If another goal is scored, it will be perfect.

  In addition, the fans of Florence also hope that Wang Qi can continue to maintain the record of field goals.

  Wang Qi killed the opponent's restricted area in the shout of the fans in Florence!

  Bologna center defender Moras pounces!

  Wang Qi suddenly slowed down, and slightly buckled the inside of his left foot.

  "Well! ..."

  Cut into the restricted area, Wang Qi raised his right foot and shot hard!

  The football blasted towards the right side of the goal like a cannonball!

  Bologna goalkeeper Viviano instinctively extended his left hand, the football hit his finger and continued to move forward, then flew over the goal line and got into the net!

  The goal has been scored!

  Four to zero!