Chapter 99: Everything is for the Chinese market!

  2010 has passed and many major events have happened in world football. For the first time in the history of Spain, they have won the World Cup and become the eighth team to win the World Cup. Inter Milan achieves the unprecedented five-time champion in club history. Serie A is back to the people. In sight; Messi unexpectedly won the Golden Globe ...

  Compared with these, the splash that Wang Qi stirred up in Serie A is still very small, but he is still young and has a lot of room for growth.

  The Golden Globe has nothing to do with Florence. Whoever wins the award has no effect on them, and they are actively preparing for it.

  They have to equal the longest winning streak in the club's history-seven in a row!

  They are just one match away to tie the record.

  But their opponent in this round is Naples, which is ranked second, and it is away combat!

  In the last round, Naples defeated Juventus with a home advantage of 3-0 and broke the upset. At this time, morale was high.

  In the last four games, Naples has an excellent record of three wins and one loss!

  Looking at the results of the two teams in Serie A in the past three years, Naples has achieved three wins, one draw and two losses, which is slightly superior.

  However, from the home record, Naples has the upper hand, achieving two wins and one loss.

  From the point of view, Naples is three points higher and five points ahead of Florence; from the morale point of view, the two teams are comparable, and their recent records are in the top of Serie A.

  The Roman Sport newspaper believes that the two teams have a great chance of tying: "A draw best reflects the current situation of the two teams. Although Florence has been in a state of upsurge recently, Naples' record is also eye-catching, and Naples also occupies the home court.

  The problem that Naples needs to solve in defense is first to curb the speed of the young king. If the speed of the king cannot be curbed, the final result will be difficult to say.

  In addition, judging from the recent games, in addition to directly threatening the opponent's goal, Wang also has a strong sense of assist.

  So in addition to compressing Wang 's breakthrough shooting space, Naples also needs to pay attention to Wang 's passing. Although he and Girardino have only partnered for two games, they have already reacted chemically and made four goals each other. !!

  Secondly, be patient when attacking. In addition to the loss of the defense line in the last round of the game, in the previous seven games, they have not conceded much.

  From the previous game, Florence's defense is also problematic, especially the position between the central defender and the full-back. As long as Naples can make a fuss at this position, it is not difficult to break the goal of Florence. "

  The Turin Sport newspaper believes that Naples should win: "No team in history can win the next season, and the winning streak will eventually be ended, and Naples is the finisher of the winning streak in Florence.

  Florence's six-game winning streak is inseparable from Wang's performance, but we can also see that in addition to the first two games, Wang has only one goal in each of the remaining four games.

  What does this mean?

  It shows that other teams have slowly found a way to contain him. Naples should learn from the experience of these teams.

  In addition, Naples should also pay attention to Girardino. He completed three goals in two comebacks and two games and is in good condition.

  With the morale of home victory over Juventus, there is no problem in Napoli's victory over Florence at home! "

  However, the Milanese Sports Journal believes that Florence will win: "It is not accidental that Florence can win six games in a row. From the strength point of view, they broke out from the Champions League group stage last season, which fully illustrates the problem.

  The teenager Wang from China has scored an astonishing nine goals in these six games, and scored field by field!

  It's very scary!

  This shows that the defenders of Serie A have not found a way to contain him!

  Coupled with the return of Gilardino,

Florence's attack power can be ranked in the top three in Serie A!

  Although Naples beat Juventus at home in the last round, what does this tell?

  You know that the starting point for Florence's six-game winning streak is a 2-1 victory over Juventus, and that's an away game.

  Naples' defense is difficult to contain the combination of King and Girardino's striker, so Florence is very likely to win. "

  Serie A has once again adjusted its broadcast schedule, and will broadcast to China the battle between Naples and Florence.

  Even to take care of Chinese fans, they adjusted the game to 2 pm local Italian time, this time is exactly 8 pm Beijing time, a prime time.

  Of course, their official statement is: "The weather is cold at night. This is a focus battle. In order to better play the players on both sides, adjust the game time to the afternoon."

  What is the reason for this?

  So those teams that are scheduled to play in the evening need not consider their level of performance?

  Regarding the adjustment of the broadcast times, everyone does not have much opinion on this point. After all, this game is a duel between the top five teams, and it is indeed a focus battle.

  Naples coach Mazzari was very dissatisfied with this decision. said in an interview with the media: "I don't know why the game time will be adjusted, which has greatly affected our preparations.

  Obviously, the official reasons are not sufficient, and we have already protested to the Serie A Committee. "

  Mikhailovich did not comment on the timing adjustment. He said in an interview: "Either the evening game or the afternoon game has not affected us much.

  Our only idea now is how to win at St. Paul Stadium and tie the club's longest winning streak! "

  The Turin Sports News was also very dissatisfied with this arrangement. They commented: "We adjusted our broadcast for the Chinese market, but we acknowledged it, but it was very wrong to adjust the game time to cater to Chinese fans!

  When are we going to consider the viewing time of fans from other countries?

  If you follow this logic, when Ronnie was in Serie A, did Serie A play in the morning? "

  CCTV immediately responded and sent reporters to Italy to broadcast the game live.

  At the same time, a reporter from CCTV interviewed Wang Qi by phone. Wang Qi said in an interview: "We have been looking forward to this game for a long time, and we hope to leave our mark on the history of the club.

  As for my state, I have encountered many difficulties now, but who has not encountered difficulties in growing up?

  These difficulties are my motivation to move forward, and I can handle them well.

  Regarding whether I can score goals for the seventh consecutive game, I certainly hope that I can score because I am a striker and what I do on the field is to score goals.

  However, I am ready to be guarded by the opponent, and I will work hard for the goal! "