Chapter 107: 7-game winning streak!

  The Florence fans who came from a long distance are completely crazy. What they see is that the team stubbornly equalized the score twice in the case of two backwards. At that time, they predicted that their team might magically reverse.

  Who knows, it's really happening now!

  This is an ecstasy and satisfaction that cannot be expressed with words. They can only express their emotions with huge cheers, screams, and whistles.

  What makes them proud and content is that their team's tenacity and never give up in this process, this spiritual enjoyment is the highest enjoyment of human beings.

  But the home fans are plunged into boundless pain. Their eyes are dark, and their two lead are actually reversed at the last moment. It is difficult for them to accept the cruel facts in front of them.

  Standing in the command zone, Mikhailovich was completely insane, screaming and running on the sidelines, and the bench behind him almost rushed into the field.

  If it wasn't for Wang Qi to rush to the sidelines to celebrate in time, the substitute bench in Florence would really rush into the court.

  Not far away, the Naples coach Mazzari standing in the command zone stood alone in the cold wind, his figure was so sloppy and helpless, bitter.

  As for the bench behind him, he fell into a dead silence.

  "Is this a lore?"

  Florence TV commentator said loudly: "As long as the purple lily can keep the last four minutes, they can tie the longest winning streak in club history!"

  "It's time to test the defense of Purple Lily!"

  "Purple lily, come on, you must hold these last four minutes!"

  The game soon began, and Naples, unwilling to be killed at home, launched a tide-like attack on Florence in the huge shouts of home fans.

  Mikhailovich immediately responded and let the player's line of defense be recovered. Within 30 meters of the goal, one line after another was formed.

  In the frontcourt, Wang Qi was left alone to fight back, and other players, including Giladino, returned to defend within 30 meters.

  When Naples pushed the football within 30 meters of the goal of Florence, they encountered the most tenacious defense. They had a feeling of entering the swamp-it was difficult to move!

  What is the best way to break dense defense?

  Breakthrough, long shot.

  No one in the Naples team can break through the opponent's entire line of defense, so they can only use long shots to threaten Florence goals.

  But how can long-range goals be so easy to score.

  In the case of two long shots, Naples coach Mazzari can only pin his hopes on Cavani who completed the hat-trick with a header a week ago.

  So Naples changed its tactics, passing high-altitude balls over and over again, delivering shells to the Uruguay forward.

  However, in this game Florence has been guarding against Cavani's header.

  In this case, it is already very good for Uruguay strikers to compete for a header and complete the shot, let alone threaten Florence's goal.

  Time is passing fast, every minute and every second is a torment for players, coaches and fans on both sides.

  At this moment, the players on both sides are almost exhausted. If it was not supported by a strong spirit, they would have fallen down.

  In the fourth minute of stoppage time, Naples got a corner kick and the atmosphere in the stadium was extremely tense.

  Naples TV commentator said: "For Naples, this should be the last attack. Can they use this corner kick to equalize the score?

  Naples goalkeeper DeSantis has also come up, he will also participate in this corner kick!

  Naples this is the last fight to let go! "

  Florence TV commentator said aloud: "The competition on the field has become fierce, and it is also at the end. If Purple Lily can complete the defense of the corner kick,

They can achieve seven in a row! Can tie the longest winning streak in club history! "

  CCTV commentator Li Min said: "The last moment is coming. Can Florence stand up?"

  In the corner, Naples full-back Campanaro took a deep breath and ran towards the football.


  The football flew from the corner flag area and flew towards the door!

  The air in St. Paul's Stadium was frozen, and there was chaos in the penalty area of ​​Florence. Cavani and Florence's two central defenders were like sandwiches.

  The Uruguay striker was tightly sandwiched between two centre-backs in Florence. In order to prevent the Uruguay striker from taking off, both men clung to his jersey.

  Other players are pulling and shoving each other.

  Football began to fall from the air, countless people leaped high!

  "Decided that the last minute of this game is coming!"

  Florence TV commentator said with a trembling voice: "You must fight for the ball ..."

  In the restricted area of ​​Florence, Girardino and Ravizi next to him leaped high. "Gee! ...", Girardino's forehead reached the football, and the football changed direction and flew outside the restricted area!

  "nice shot!"

  CCTV commentator Li Yan shouted, "Florence has done a pretty good corner defense!"

  Florence TV commentator said excitedly: "Girardino! Girardino stepped forward at a critical moment and completed the header defense!"

  The Neapolitan TV commentator stared at the stadium with a dead eye: "Naples still has a chance, Alonica outside the penalty area has caught the football!

  Can he finish the shot? Can you equalize the score! "

  On the court, outside the restricted area of ​​Florence, Alonica had just stopped the football, and Wang Qi flew to complete the block.

  Alonica took a deep breath, and flicked the outside of his right foot to his right front, then raised his right leg!

  He has to finish the shot forcibly!

  "Well! ..."

  Football flew from the back of Naples central defender!


  Immediately after, the football hit Wang Qi, who was blocked by his legs, and then flew towards the middle circle!

  The general situation has gone, Florence has become a city, and the corner defense was stubbornly completed. resolved the front door crisis.

  "Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh! ..."

  After the referee looked at his wrist watch, the whistle of the end of the match sounded, and the battle of focus was finally over!

  Florentine fans who came from a long distance are dying, and their team withstood the test at the last moment, keeping their one-ball lead until the end of the game!

  "The game is over!"

  Florence TV commentator shouted excitedly: "Three to two! Purple lily reverses victory!"

  "Seven consecutive victories! Purple Lily tied the longest winning streak in club history, and they are writing a new history for the club!"

  "Cheers, purple lily fans, cheer for your heroes!"

  "Howl, howl, Purple Lily fans, howl for your heroes!"

  The Naples TV commentator said with regret: "Naples failed to create a miracle to equalize the score at the last moment. Naples was equalized twice in the case of two lead times, and suffered a lore at the last moment, which would cause great morale Impact.

  I hope they quickly forget this game and focus on the next game, the league is still long ... "

  CCTV commentator Li Yan said: "The game is finally over. This is an exciting game. This is a game that has remained suspicious until the end of the game. This is a wonderful game!

  The tenacity shown by Florence is admirable!

  Chinese teenager Wang Qi lived up to expectations. He scored twice in this battle of focus, and also sent out an assist. He is the biggest contributor to the reversal of the Purple Lily!

  Goals in seven games, ten goals in seven games!

  For a moment, superstars are rising in Serie A! "