healed Xu Mui's broken leg

Xu Mui's ward was in the deepest part and difficult to access, the ward Xu Mui was in was terrible.

The bed is very worn out, what's more here is very lacking in air ventilation, this is not at all worth living in.

This place is not only Xu Mui alone, there are dozens of people who are being treated here, this is what makes this place very crowded.

Ye Chen didn't expect that a large hospital like this would have such an unfit room.

"Mother" Li Qingzu immediately ran over to Xu Mui's side.

"Qingzu, what are you doing here, shouldn't you be working part time?" Xu Mui just woke up, she still felt pain in her legs.

Li Qingzu hugged Xu Mui "Mother I have asked aunt Chen for a few days off, so I am not working and can take care of you" Li Qingzu told her mother that she had asked Chen Qui for leave.