Sound transmission from Mu Lanyin

Ye Chen: "hey I'm already good enough to you, why are you still acting like this to me, can't you appreciate the kindness of someone like me?" ".

"You're not a good person at all, you shameless man." Mu Nianci coldly sniffed at Ye Chen, Mu Nianci was still angry with Ye Chen who dared to stain her body.

"If I was a shameless man like you said, I definitely wouldn't have helped you earlier." Ye Chen told Mu Nianci that he was a good person.

"I don't care, you are a shameless man who dared to tarnish me." Mu Nianci still did not care about the kindness that Ye Chen had given me.

To Mu Nianci Ye Chen was a shameless man who had tarnished the chastity she possessed.

"If indeed you say that I have stained you then how about if I take responsibility for what I have done and marry you, isn't that fair enough for you?" Because Mu Nianci always said that Ye Chen had stained her body, so it's better if Ye Chen is responsible for what he has done. ":)