Saint Light Zither & Chi Yin Hand Fan (2)

No wonder the old man's stall is quiet, the prices are at stakes by this old man too high.

If the price of this stone cut was hundreds of times the usual price, then how much the Chi Yin Hand Fan and Saint Light Zither would charge, maybe the price would be insane.

It should be noted that 30 Purple Profound Crystals is an immense number, even a powerful Duke who is in this Kunlun Holy Land does not have more than a hundred Purple Profound Crystals in their family.

Just imagine a great power like Duke alone does not have a large number of Purple Profound Crystals, how could this old man sell something like this at such an exorbitant price.

People definitely wouldn't want to buy a junk stone like this for 30 Purple Profound Crystals.

Even if the price was 1 Purple Profound Crystal, people would definitely still bid for this.