treating Mei Yueli's wounds that were getting worse (1)

Mei Yueli is really very strange, why do women become creatures that are so difficult to understand, this makes Ye Chen feel dizzy.

"Why are you still here, hurry and leave right now" Mei Yueli ordered Ye Chen to immediately leave this place.

" Fine. . . " Ye Chen had no choice, he immediately left this room.

After all, Ye Chen's original intention was to meet Xia Qingyu, so now Ye Chen will go see Xia Qingyu.

Ye Chen left this room, himself went in the same way as when he entered this room, Ye Chen used the window as an exit.

Mei Yueli turned around to see if Ye Chen had really left this room, after confirming that Ye Chen left this room, Mei Yueli felt very relieved.

"Sigh. . ., what happened just now, why I don't feel scared when I touch Ye Chen? " Mei Yueli began to wonder why she didn't feel afraid when she came into contact with Ye Chen.

This was the first time Mei Yueli felt fearless around a boy.