Darkness Cultivation Seal

Mu Xueying and Mei Yueli immediately showed the strength they possessed.

Mu Xueying's body began to be enveloped in crystals similar to ice, while Mei Yueli's body was covered in red flames.

Mu Xueying surroundings were snow and cold, and Mei Yueli hot , and the temperature difference between the two was extremely extreme.

On the one side the temperature is so low that it can freeze whatever is around it, while on the one side the temperature is so high that it can melt whatever is nearby.

Fire and Ice are elements that intersect with each other, if they are brought together, they will attack each other.

"Let's go." Mu Xueying invited Mei Yueli to step forward and attack Hun Cao.

"OK." Mei Yueli nodded at Mu Xueying, herself and Mu Xueying advancing towards Hun Chao.

"Darkness Chain" From Hun Chao's body began to appear dozens of chains of darkness that had an extremely terrifying aura.