first time working

"You can see it on the board over there" the female receptionist told Ye Chen where it was to see the monthly rankings.

Ye Chen looked at a large board that was in a corner, on the board there were several names that had accumulated the most amount of contribution points accumulated during this month.

All the names on this list are dominated by women, so it can be concluded that all of them are women.

Ye Chen began to look at every name on the board, in the first list there was Huang Rong with a score of 872, while in second place was Wen Liu with 864 and in third place was Qing Shu with a total of 860 points, it can be seen that the competition between the three is quite tight. , the contribution they get is almost the same.

"Thank you I understand" Ye Chen understood, he now knew who the person who got the most contributions this month was.

"Good, then are you ready to do your first assignment?" The female receptionist said to Ye Chen.