You Alchemist ?

When these women approached, they discovered that the figure they saw was indeed Song Ziyu, they all had no idea why Song Ziyu would sleep in a place like this.

"what happened to her" the women started to wonder what happened to Song Ziyu.

"I don't know, but she doesn't seem to have any injuries or anything, let's try to wake her up." One of the women went to wake Song Ziyu up.

"Ziyu wake up" This woman tried to wake up the unconscious Song Ziyu, she shook Song Ziyu's body vigorously.

Song Ziyu started to wake up when she felt someone shaking her body, Song Ziyu started to open her eyes and see who had woken her up.

When Song Ziyu opened her eyes, she found that in front of her were several friends who were quite familiar with her.

" What are you doing here ?" Song Ziyu immediately asked what these women were doing in a place like this.