enemy lost control and went crazy

"Where are you going to run?" seeing his enemy run away, Ye Chen immediately went and caught up with Tai Eng.

Ye Chen chased after Tai Eng who was at the bottom, he chased him down to the ground.

"Hahaha, what a fool, how could you be so easily tricked by me" Tai Eng laughed, he laughed when he saw Ye Chen who was so careless.

Ye Chen was so reckless to follow himself down, it was a very, very reckless thing to do.

"What did he just say?" Ye Chen didn't really understand what Tai Eng just said.

"Super Earth Wave Shot" Tai Eng  hit the ground with both of his hands.

When Tai Eng did that the ground around Ye Chen turned mushy, it rippled like a sea water.

this makes the buildings around this place wobble and crumble, this makes a very, very large damage.

Seeing the ground below him starting to become unstable, Ye Chen decided to fly, he avoided what was happening.