Ye Chen came and fight Ma Bakyu and Xin Jine

Densedust enveloped Scorpion King Hell, so they didn't know what was really going on in this place, whether Scorpion King Hell was okay or not, this became a question for everyone.

When the dust cleared, everyone finally saw what had happened, they all seemed to see that the Scorpion King Hell fell and was being occupied by someone.

"Who is it?" Yue Ya wanted to know who the person who saved them was, she really wanted to know the person who had saved them from Ma Bakyu and Xin Jine.

"You two are very annoying people, I feel sick to see you two" someone descended from Scorpion King Hell's body.

" who are you?" Ma Bakyu asked the person who had just appeared right in front of them.

"Do I need to introduce myself to you, it seems that there is no advantage for me to do that" this person said to Ma Bakyu.