rid the academy of the Vengeance Fate Sect's seeds

Jharon Kang's body began to blister, his body began to turn to ashes when exposed to the power of light.

"No way, this can't be happening" Jharon Kang couldn't believe that he would lose to Ye Chen, how could he who was the most feared person in God Realm lose to Ye Chen.

Moments later Jharon Kang's body shattered and disappeared, he was completely wiped out by Ye Chen.

"That person with a body full of curses is finally gone" Ye Chen was finished, finally Jharon Kang disappeared from this world, that kind of person was the most troublesome person ever, he was the one who caused other people trouble.

Ye Chen's task was done, now it was only left to finish the rest.



Lei Qiaolin was currently facing Lung Xiantang, she was currently facing Lung Xiantang head on.

"So you decided to go against me, what a shame, when we could make a good partnership" Lung Xiantang said to Lei Qiaolin.