Shi Lin Vs Zhao Yunge

Joining Zhao Yunge into the battle, of course create chaos for Lu Xan and Lu Tan, they would find it even more difficult to defeat Cao Muba and Yae Leiya.

"spray" Zhao Yunge's horse started spraying towards everyone, everyone had to dodge.

Otherwise they will be roasted to charcoal by the horse.

The firepower of the Flame Guardian horse was extremely strong, it could easily incinerate people and send everyone out of the Field.

"no way, what happened ?" they all fled, the attack of the Flame Guardian horse.

"Stay in your positions, what are you doing" Cao Muba, Yae Leifu said to everyone, if they leave, then they will be crushed and lost.

"You guys stop, otherwise I will kill you" Lu Xan said to the soldiers who were trying to run away, he didn't let them run away, he would kill those who ran away and didn't dare to fight.

"The battle is still going on, don't you dare run away," said Lu Tan.