Ye Chen Vs Zhao Yunge (2)

It directly aimed at Ye Chen's body, Ye Chen's body was directly targeted by Zhao Yunge's powerful spear.

"what a fool" Ye Chen did a stupid thing, he didn't dodge the attack that was coming towards him at all.

The attack came and hit Ye Chen's body, Ye Chen's body was hit by Zhao Yunge's spear.

The weapon hit Ye Chen, but it didn't penetrate Ye Chen's body.

"tooth" Zhao Yunge fell from the horse, he felt that he had just hit something hard.

"damn, what is that" Zhao Yunge was taken aback, he was shocked by what just happened, he couldn't believe that Ye Chen was like a hard and solid wall.

People gaped, their jaws dropping as they saw Zhao Yunge fall down.

Everyone's prediction was wrong, Ye Chen endured it with his body and even made Zhao Yunge fall to the ground.

"That's impossible." Shin Yanho lost his composure, he couldn't believe what had just happened.