evil sect attacks

"something is not right" Jia Li felt that something was not right here.

It seems something is happening in this place.

Jia Li couldn't just stay here, she had to find out what was going on.

Xuan Mei also thought the same thing as Jia Li thought, she went to find out what happened.

"report what happened to me" Shin Yanho asked for a report, he wanted to know what happened right now.

They immediately left to find out what happened, they would be right back to give a report to Shin Yanho.

Some time later, they got an answer they got an answer about what happened.

"report, we can't go inside, there is a very strong field that is blocking us from entering, the room for people being treated is also not accessible, everything is blocked by an incredibly strong force" they reported.

"This is impossible, what happened, we have to quickly find out what is going on" Shin Yanho gave orders to all Sect elders in this place.