river diving

The two of them ran in the middle of the forest, they both seemed to be playing a game of chase.

Bai Yuli was tired, she still couldn't catch Ye Chen, Ye Chen was too fast for Bai Yuli to catch.

"He's fast, I won't be able to catch him." Bai Yuli realized that she wouldn't be able to catch Ye Chen, Ye Chen was too fast for Bai Yuli to catch.

After trying several times and failing, Bai Yuli finally gave up and did not continue to catch Ye Chen.

"Given up already, you give up too easily" Ye Chen said to Bai Yuli.

Ye Chen appeared in front of Bai Yuli, he told Bai Yuli that he gave up too easily.

Bai Yuli gritted her teeth, she wasn't too happy when she heard what Ye Chen said.

"You're such an annoying man" Bai Yuli said to Ye Chen.

"Hehehehehe" Ye Chen chuckled, he was enjoying the moment when he heard Bai Yuli's words.

"I am just like this, if you want you can catch me." Ye Chen said to Bai Yuli.