Ye Chen Vs Cao Longhe (2)

"What is this?" Cao Longhe looked around, he didn't know what Ye Chen was trying to do.

Cao Longhe tried to get out, too bad, it was like a prison that couldn't be broken through.

"Damn it, let me out" Cao Longhe said to Ye Chen, he told Ye Chen to let himself out.

"You fool, why do I have to get you out, you're already trapped, it's time to finish you off" Ye Chen said to Cao Longhe.

"Damn it. . ." Cao Longhe slashed at the fire sword prison, he kept trying to destroy the prison.

Ye Chen had made several layers of fire swords, so there was no chance to get out, even if Cao Longhe put out full power, there was no guarantee for him to get out.

 "hell Prison" Ye Chen's burned Cao Longhe who was inside.

A hot flame with such a high temperature enveloped the body of Cao Longhe.

It was obvious that Cao Longhe wouldn't be able to leave the place and would be burnt to nothing.