scare the earth dragon

Ye Chen invited Chu Quexi and Chu Yinxu, he saw that the two of them were very angry and it was better to leave this matter to them.


Chu Quexi and Chu Yinxu came down, they used four element attacks and started attacking the white lightning wolf.


"Boom. . ." a huge explosion occurred and the white lightning wolf vanished, it was destroyed quickly.


"They are both scary when they get angry, it's best not to make them angry" Ye Chen looked at Chu Quexi and Chu Yinxu.


These two women were so terrible when they were angry and Ye Chen seemed to have to restrain himself a little so as not to make them angry.


The white lightning wolf had such bad luck, it had to lose at the hands of Chu Quexi and Chu Yinxu.


"It looks like you finished well" said Ye Chen.


There was no need for Ye Chen to intervene, Chu Quexi and Chu Yinxu had already resolved this their way.