cured Yin Xizu's problem

Ye Chen didn't listen to what they said, he went towards Yin Xizu's place.

"What that person does, he will be destroyed" they all didn't understand what Ye Chen was doing.

What Ye Chen did was very dangerous, he could be destroyed easily if he did something like that.

Yin Xizu's strength was so great and unstable, she could easily crush Ye Chen.

"calm yourself" Ye Chen said to Yin Xizu.

Ye Chen used his power to make Yin Xizu calmer.

The way to make Yin Xizu calmer is to use greater force to suppress Yin Xizu.

By using this super strength, Ye Chen could easily suppress Yin Xizu.

"Ehhh . . ." They were all surprised when they saw what Ye Chen did, they didn't expect that Ye Chen could easily do this.

With that Yin Xizu could finally calm down.

"Thank you very much." Yin Xizu was finally able to suppress her strength again.