houses and inns are full, can only make camp outside the city

"It seems we have to choose a suitable place to rest tonight" said Fu Lanling.

"We will look for a house, I hope there is still a house left" Ye Chen said to Cheng Mengyan and Fu Lanling.

"Agreed" Fu Lanling agreed, they had to find a good enough place for tonight.

With that they started to look for a house or lodging.

"Sorry, everything is full, lately there are a lot of businessmen or foreigners from out of town, it makes the whole place full" the owner of the house said to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen had already asked the owners of houses or inns in several places.

The results are still the same; there are no empty places or empty rooms because too many people from outside the city are coming.

Even people who couldn't find a place to live were forced to live in their horse-drawn carriages to survive.

"Why are there so many people coming to this place?" Ye Chen asked.