Su Feixu came to deliver gifts

Ye Chen was left alone, Ye Chen could see that the city was in chaos and everyone was trying to fix it.


"It looks like the damage is quite serious" Chu Yuechan said to Ye Chen.


Chu Yuechan could see that the damage was quite serious.


"You are right, it looks like the damage is quite serious, I didn't expect the damage to be that serious" Ye Chen had tried his best to prevent Kim Ouyi from causing greater damage, it was a shame that there was still damage caused as a result of the battle.


"Don't blame yourself, fortunately, there were no casualties, so everything is fine" Chu Yuechan said to Ye Chen.


There were no casualties in this matter, which means Ye Chen had succeeded in protecting everyone.


"I think you are right" Ye Chen said to Chu Yuechan.


"Master, it looks like you have a guest," Chu Yuechan said to Ye Chen.

 Chu Yuechan told Ye Chen that he had a guest.