Ye Chen with Su Feixu (2)

"no, please not there" Su Feixu couldn't help it, Ye Chen's fingers made her feel so comfortable, the feeling given by Ye Chen made her body tremble with pleasure.


Ye Chen was so skilled, he knew how to treat Su Feixu quite well.


"I will make you feel happy" Ye Chen said to Su Feixu.


Ye Chen would make Su Feixu feel pleasure, because of this, he began to show his abilities.


Ye Chen didn't hold back anymore, when Ye Chen didn't hold back, Su Feixu certainly wouldn't be able to hold on, she reached the peak dozens of times.


Su Feixu no longer had any arrogance, all the arrogance she had completely collapsed.


"Ahhh, too awesome" Su Feixu could no longer hold on, this was too awesome.


Her body was shaking, she was completely excited by what was happening.


"Okay, now is the time, let's do Dual Cultivation," Ye Chen said to Su Feixu.