Mo Yokan loses in one move

"Who do you say the trash clan is" Mo Yokan said to Ye Chen.

Mo Yokan looked very angry and upset when he listened to what Ye Chen said, he was so angry when he listened to what Ye Chen said.

There hasn't been anyone who dared to say such a thing to Mo Yokan, Ye Chen is the first person who dared to say such a thing.

"I said it's a trash clan, I heard you guys lost the war and ended up in this place, so you're real trash that doesn't even dare to fight" Ye Chen said to Mo Yokan.

Ye Chen finally provoked Mo Yokan, Ye Chen couldn't bear not to provoke the person, it was fun to provoke a young master who didn't know himself like Mo Yokan.

"Damn, you dare, just watch, I'll make you feel it" Mo Yokan said to Ye Chen, he would make Ye Chen feel it.

"Make what?" Ye Chen asked what Mo Yokan was going to do.

"Make you die" Mo Yokan said to Ye Chen, he would definitely make Ye Chen break and die.