party power Tong Yihu, Dong Zuo, Hong Chan, Han Fel

She was able to take it without damaging the tree.

That meant that she managed to get what she was looking for.

"It's not difficult" Qing Xue felt that this was not difficult, she could do it quickly.

Just like what Ye Chen did.

Qing Xue turned her head to the side and found a monster that had a big star on its forehead.

A huge snake monster with a length of 100 meters with a body diameter of 5 meters.

A venomous snake that had a star on the forehead.

"There seems to be a monster wearing a big star over there, I wonder how much we can get to defeat that thing?" Qing Xue asked Ye Chen.

"huh, what are you saying?" Ye Chen asked Qing Xue.

"Look over there" Qing Xue said to Ye Chen, telling Ye Chen to look in the direction that she pointed.

Ye Chen looked towards the direction Qing Xue was pointing.

When he looked in that direction, he finally realized that there was a big snake approaching.